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CommCare as a Tool to Reduce Loss to Follow Up

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Presentation on theme: "CommCare as a Tool to Reduce Loss to Follow Up"— Presentation transcript:

1 CommCare as a Tool to Reduce Loss to Follow Up
Case Study: CDC Partners in Mozambique Jolani de la Porte Presented by:

2 Background Adherence to HIV and TB regimens is important to improve patient outcomes and prevent the spread of the disease In Mozambique HIV prevalence in adults between years of age is 11.5% In Mozambique in 2014 retention in care is at 67% at 12-months and 52% after 36 months among HIV patients undergoing ART2 1Deeks SG, Gange SJ et al. Trends in multidrug treatment failure and subsequent mortality among antiretroviral therapy-experienced patients with HIV infection in North America. Clin Infect Dis Nov 15; 49(10): 2 Fox MP, Rosen S. Patient retention in antiretroviral therapy programs up to three years on treatment in sub-Saharan Africa, : systematic review. Trop Med Int Health Jun; 15 Suppl 1():1-15.

3 Nationally Consolidated LTFU mHealth Toolkit for HIV/TB

4 LTFU strategy Identified Contacted Referral Made Returned to
Health Facility Completed 6 months

5 Problem Contacted Identified Referral Made Arrived at Health Facility
Completed 6 months follow up

6 Solution: App Workflow
+ Identification Contact Referral Arrival Recuperation

7 Solution: Summary Tools

8 Solution: Drill-down reports
Identified Contacted Referral Made Arrived at Health Facility Completed 6 months follow up

9 Solution: Drill-down Reports
Referrals Made Name Type of Referral Days Open CHW Responsible

10 Solution: Drill down Reports
Name Days Open Defaults ed Reports Mobile Reporting CHWs or Supervisors Web Reports

11 Summary Strengthen LTFU process through:
Improved patient tracking and two way communication between community and clinic levels Timely supervision and follow up on patients who are at risk of dropping out at each step of the LTFU process through actionable reports Improved quality of home visits and adherence counselling Provide better insights into reasons patients are dropping out for more targeted interventions Support scale-up of LTFU strategy through nationally consolidated LTFU toolkit


13 Download Application from CommCare Exchange
Ali, any outcomes/conclusions worth mentioning?

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