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Plate Tectonics Sub-Unit Key Question: How are the features seen at different types of plate boundary produced? Key Words: Convergent (Destructive) Divergent.

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Presentation on theme: "Plate Tectonics Sub-Unit Key Question: How are the features seen at different types of plate boundary produced? Key Words: Convergent (Destructive) Divergent."— Presentation transcript:

1 Plate Tectonics Sub-Unit Key Question: How are the features seen at different types of plate boundary produced? Key Words: Convergent (Destructive) Divergent (Constructive) Conservative (Passive)

2 Plate Tectonics Plate Boundaries A Recap…..

3 Plate Boundaries

4 Constructive e.g. Iceland
DIVERGENT BOUNDARIES Constructive e.g. Iceland Key Question: How are the features seen at divergent margins produced animation

5 Making a model of a MOR:

6 Making a model of a TRANSFORM FAULT

7 Features/landforms: Processes: Constructive Plate Margins Animation 2
Rift Valley Pillow Lava Basalt Magnetic stripes Shallow Focus earthquakes Transform Faults Shield Volcanoes (Red) Processes: Sea-Floor Spreading Decompression Melting Rifting Faulting Animation 2

O-C Collision e.g. Andes Key Question: How are the features seen at convergent Ocean – Continent margins produced? Animation

9 To Start…. Watch these clips, write down the link between
Last lesson and this lesson? Show the subduction and spreading Detailed discussion subduction AIM HIGH: 1.Where are the oldest rocks and where are the oldest rocks in the ocean and why? 2. What would happen if subduction did not exist? Show types of earthquakes

10 Destructive Plate Margins: Oceanic-Continental
Features/landforms: Trench Benioff Zone Andestite Strato Volcanoes (Grey) Explosive Eruptions Shallow Focus Earthquakes Fold Mountains Subduction Zone Processes: Subduction Partial Melting Friction Crustal Shortening

11 And to end QUESTION CUBE!

12 CONVERGENT BOUNDARIES O-O Collision e.g. The Caribbean
Key Question: How are the features seen at convergent Ocean – Ocean margins produced? Animation

13 Destructive Plate Margins: Oceanic-oceanic
Features/landforms: Ocean Trenches Explosive Activity Grey Volcanoes Andesite High Viscosity Lava Benioff Zone Processes: Subduction Partial Melting Friction Crustal Shortening

14 CONVERGENT BOUNDARIES C-C Collision e.g. Himalayas
Key Question: How are the features seen at convergent continent – continent margins produced? Animation Model Ian copying Canon Slade

15 On mini WB, sketch the main structure seen at Crookdale Crag and add:
STARTER On mini WB, sketch the main structure seen at Crookdale Crag and add: North South The appropriate terms only in the right place: Mainly ductile / brittle deformation Directions of Extension / Compression Strike of fold axis N-S / EW Crustal shortening / Crustal lenghtnening directions Crustal thinning / crustal thickening directions Bedding / No bedding Main fold is an Antiform / Synform Now: Make a copy for your file and explain how it links to todays LO?

16 STARTER Strike of Fold Axis E-W North South Direction of Compression /
Bedding Plane Direction of Compression / Shortening Direction of Compression / shortening Antiform Fault? Now: Make a copy for your file and explain how it links to todays LO? Mainly ductile deformation As folds deform plastically, Some brittle due possible to fault. Crustal Thickening

17 Destructive Plate Margins: Continental-continental collision
Features/landforms: Nappes (folds) Thrust Faults Shallow focus earthquakes No Volcanoes Plateu Processes: Folding Faulting Crustal Shortening Compression

18 Task 1. Read and highlight your notes to include: Plates involved
Processes Features / Landforms 2. Draw an annotated diagram of the plate margin. 3. Explain how the features are formed in your own words.

19 More LIKE and Y ? Teams of 2!!!

20 Car Crash 1 Is a Continent- continent collision more like a …… and why? Moving Walkway

21 Is a Continent- continent collision more like………………
and why?

22 Does the lithosphere deform more like a …… at a C-C collision and why?

23 STARTER Explain what has happened here. What type of margin do you think this is? What is your evidence?

24 CONSERVATIVE BOUNDARIES e.g. The San Andreas Fault
Key Question: How are the features seen at conservative margins produced? Animation

25 Task 1. Read and highlight your notes to include: Plates involved
Processes Features / Landforms 2. Draw an annotated diagram of the plate margin. 3. Explain how the features are formed in your own words.

26 Conservative Plate Margins:
Features/landforms: Fault Scarp Shallow focus earthquakes Transform Faults Processes: Friction Stress Release Relative movement

27 Read fig.1 and suggest the cause of the earthquake (1)
Exam Style Question: Fig 1 Plate U Plate T On paper: Read fig.1 and suggest the cause of the earthquake (1) Complete fig 2 by putting relative movement arrows in the boxes in the correct direction (2) Name plates T and U. (2) Name what type of plate boundary features B, C and D are examples of (3) Explain why earthquakes get deeper along line X to Y (2) What type of rock would you expect at B? (1) What type of rock would you expect erupting at Y? (1) Explain why there are no volcanoes at plate boundary D (1) In the field at boundary D, what evidence would you look for to confirm the type of fault? (1) Fig 2: Plate Boundaries on East Coast, USA

28 HOTSPOTS e.g. Hawaii Hawaii is in the Pacific Ocean what type of Lava
Key Question: How are the features seen at hotspots produced? Hawaii is in the Pacific Ocean what type of Lava Volcano Explosiveness will be produced here? Animation

29 Starter: Watch the animation and use the diagrams to work out the true and false statements
Hotspot Animation


31 Intra-Plate Areas: Hot Spots Features/landforms: Processes: Tasks:
Basaltic lava Fissure & shield volcanoes Island chain Viscosity of lava Rate of movement Hot spot Processes: Sea-floor spreading Mantle plume Partial melting Tasks: To present to an audience (using images) an explanation of how the features and landforms found at intra-plate areas are formed by the processes operating there.

32 Task 1. Read and highlight your notes to include: Plates involved
Processes Features / Landforms 2. Draw an annotated diagram of the plate margin. 3. Explain how the features are formed in your own words.

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