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The High Middle Ages ( AD)

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1 The High Middle Ages (1200-1400 AD)

2 Mongols In 1206 Genghis Khan united the nomadic herdsmen of Mongolia and began to sweep across the known world In 20 years they had shattered the Muslim states of central Asia and had invaded Russia Only stopped by the armies of Egypt and the weather in the Sea of Japan


4 Between Genghis Khan and his successors the Mongol Empire spanned from Korea to the Black Sea and was divided into 4 Khanates 1296 – death of Genghis Khan’s grandson – indigenous peoples begin to re-assert independence

5 Richard “the Lion Hearted” and John “the Soft Sword”
King Richard I went to lead the Crusade leaving his brother in charge – dies in captivity on the way home King John (brother) proceeds to lose all of France except Calais Magna Carta – 1215AD – signed after brief civil war so nobles would always be consulted by the King (parliament) Remains the basis of Common Law today and the origin of the British Constitutional Monarchy (democracy eventually)

6 China and Islam Ming Dynasty reunites all of China once again in the mid 14th century and it begins to prosper once again Islam rebounded and expanded once again

7 Black Death Mongols trans-Asian empire re-initiated east-west trade
Marco Polo and Ibn Baṭūṭah facilitated this trade

8 Black Death Mongols trans-Asian empire re-initiated east-west trade
Marco Polo and Ibn Baṭūṭah facilitated this trade Ibn Battuta journeyed more than 121,000 km, a figure unsurpassed by any individual explorer until the coming of the Steam Age some 450 years later. Unfortunately this trade also promoted the spread of rat fleas carrying the bubonic plague which spread rapidly Europe lost 1/3 of their population (~25 million) between 1347 and 1349 Combined with “the Little Ice Age” and dynastic conflicts in England, France, Germany, and Italy it lead to societal upheaval




12 Hundred Years War ( ) Between England and France (Scots ally with France) Series of battles in three stages rather than a continuous warfare English use of the Longbow and conscript peasant armies, rather than Knights, decimated the French nobility English win great victories at Crecy, Poitiers, and Agincourt (overwhelming odds) Watch part of Henry V Joan of Arc inspires French recovery after 1429


14 Globalization Lessons:

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