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The Rise of Islam ( CE) Pre-Islamic Arabia

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Presentation on theme: "The Rise of Islam ( CE) Pre-Islamic Arabia"— Presentation transcript:

1 The Rise of Islam (610-1268 CE) Pre-Islamic Arabia
Political Organization Religion Mecca Key Terms Ka‘ba

2 The Rise of Islam (cont’d)
Muhammad Early Life Call to Prophecy Flight from Mecca to Medina As Leader of the Islamic Community Key Terms shahada Hadith

3 The Rise of Islam (cont’d)
The Rashidun Caliphate Abu Bakr ( ) ‘Umar ( ) ‘Uthman ( ) ‘Ali ( ) Key Terms Rashidun Caliphate ‘Umar jihad ‘Ali First Fitna

4 The Rise of Islam (cont’d)
Shi‘a and Sunni Key Terms Shia imam Sunni Sharia Green: region under the control of ‘Ali Red: region under the control of Mu‘awiyah Blue: region under the control of Amr

5 The Rise of Islam (cont’d)
The Ummayad Caliphate ( ) Mu‘awiyah I ( ) ‘Abbasid Revolt Key Terms Mu‘awiyah I Ummayad Caliphate Battle of the Zab


7 The Rise of Islam (cont’d)
The ‘Abbasid Caliphate ( )

8 Key Terms Abbassid Caliphate Mamluks

9 The European Dark Ages (c. 500-1000 CE)
General Concepts Middle Ages divided into 3 periods: Early: (Dark Ages) High: Late: Life in the Dark Ages Religion Learning and Schooling

10 The Dark Ages (cont’d) Kingdom of the Franks Clovis (481-511)
Carolingian Empire ( ) Charlemagne ( ) Carolingian “Renaissance” End of the Carolingian Period Key Terms Clovis Charlemagne




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