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Label each quote with the condition for Just War Theory it correlates with. STRETCH Are these Jus Ad Bellum or Jus in Bello criteria? Which criteria are.

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Presentation on theme: "Label each quote with the condition for Just War Theory it correlates with. STRETCH Are these Jus Ad Bellum or Jus in Bello criteria? Which criteria are."— Presentation transcript:

1 Label each quote with the condition for Just War Theory it correlates with.
STRETCH Are these Jus Ad Bellum or Jus in Bello criteria? Which criteria are missing?

2 TODAY All will be able to explain the concept of pacifism and identify different types of pacifism (AO1) Most should be able to evaluate the strengths and weaknesses of Just War Theory (AO2) Some could apply the concepts of Pacifism and Just War Theory to the Iraq War (AO1 and A02)

3 Pacifism An alternative to Just War Theory
The belief that war and violence are unjustifiable under any circumstances, and that all disputes should be settled by peaceful means. The refusal to participate in war or military service because of such a belief. La – pictures tell us? Ha – definition? What is it called when you don’t participate? Definition:

4 Explain why some people believe war is wrong (25 marks)
Each group will become experts on one type of pacifism. You will ALL be responsible for feeding back to a panel of other experts. Resources available are: Oliphant photocopies, hand outs, your text books, your brain. Show booklet handout, bible quotes and oliphant 152 onwards 20 minutes until feedback with panels!

5 Groups Religious Pacifism: Contingent: Preferential: Absolute:

6 Explain why some people believe war is wrong (25 marks)
WRITE A DETAILED PLAN TO THIS ANSWER. ARE YOU ALL able to explain the concept of pacifism and identify different types of pacifism (AO1)? Question randomly about plans and challenge others with what is missing/ could be added. In your opinion is pacifism selfish? Risky? Realistic? Which type do you prefer and why? Is jwt better?

7 Applying Just War Theory
Was the Iraq war a Just War? Why would a religious, preferential, contingent and absolute pacifist disagree with the Iraq War? GO THROUGH ANSWERS ON SHEET AT END TO CHECK KNOWLEDGE: CHALLENGE BY ASKING FOR OPINIONS OR CRITICISMS. THIS WILL SHOW KNOWLEDGE OF EVERYTHING COVERED. EXAM TIP ‘More able candidates were able to refer to real life case studies, which greatly improved their answers’ (Examiners report 2011) THE EXAMINER LIKES CASE STUDIES AND THEY ARE USEFUL IN BOTH AO1 AND AO2!

8 FROM MEMORY I believe JWT/ Pacifism is the most useful approach to war because… I think the weakest form of pacifism is… I think the biggest strength of JWT is…

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