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Welcome to King Edwin Primary School

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1 Welcome to King Edwin Primary School
New Parents’ Meeting Tuesday 20th June 2017

2 F2 teachers Mrs Sharp & Coordinator Mrs Stafford
Mrs Grant & Mrs Oxborough

3 lions Mrs Sharp & Mrs Stafford

4 tigers Mrs Grant and Mrs Oxborough

5 What is the Early Years Foundation Stage?
The Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) is the stage of education for children from birth to the end of the Reception year. It is based on the recognition that children learn best through play and active learning.

6 2 Positive Relationships 3 Enabling Environments
The EYFS has 4 themes. These are: 1 A Unique Child 2 Positive Relationships 3 Enabling Environments 4 Learning and Development

7 Within the theme of ‘Learning and Development’ there are seven areas:
Prime Areas- Personal, Social and Emotional Development Physical Development Communication and Language Specific Areas- Literacy Mathematics Understanding the World Expressive Arts and Design

8 Personal, Social and Emotional Development Making Relationships Self-Confidence and Self-Awareness Managing Feelings and Behaviour

9 Communication and Language
Your child will be encouraged to: Listen and sustain attention Understand language Speak clearly

10 Physical Development Your child will take part activities to support their: Moving and handling Health and self-care

11 Mathematics Your child will be taught to: Use numbers
Understand shape, space and measures

12 Literacy Your child will be supported to: Read Write (cursive style)

13 Understanding the World
Your child will be encouraged to: Talk about people and communities Explore the world Use technology

14 Expressive Arts and Design
Your child will be given the opportunity to: Explore and use different media and materials Be imaginative through drama and music 

15 Your child will learn and develop skills in all areas through:
Child-initiated play Focused learning activities, which are adult directed or adult initiated

16 A second consultation evening will take place in the Spring Term.
Monitoring Progress Each of the 7 areas of learning has it’s own set of Early Learning Goals which determine what most children are expected to achieve by the end of Reception Class. You will be invited to discuss your child’s progress & transition to school within the first term. A second consultation evening will take place in the Spring Term. A written report of your child’s academic achievements will be sent home in the Summer Term.

17 Assessment Detailed observations Post its
Comments and work during sessions Professional discussion Evidence from home Next steps


19 Phonics: Letters and Sounds
Developing good listening skills. Auditory discrimination. Developing awareness of rhyme and alliteration. Introduce letter names and phonemes Blending to read simple words e.g. c a t Segmenting/ sounding out to ‘write’ a simple word. Read and write using digraphs e.g. chin, farm. And trigraphs e.g. night

20 Half termly Themes Each half term we have a theme which is based upon children's interests. We have planned to explore the text, “HUG” in September 2017 These themes are shared via a newsletter and can be found on the school website Half termly homework tasks are set which are ideas of how to support learning at home. EXAMPLE

21 Class Visits Walk to the Library Walk to Church
Walks in our local area Visit places of interest that link to our themes

22 Learning Journeys We value any contributions you would like to make to your child’s Learning Journey (EXAMPLE) throughout the year via s, letters, pieces of work and WOW stars.

23 Bookbags Parent Helpers Guided reading book ‘Library’ book
Any letters that are not sent by parent mail Alphabet and letter formation card Pieces of work, party invitations etc Parent Helpers

24 A day in our TIGERS or LIONS ‘dens’
20% adult led 80% child initiated Start task Phonics Teacher input Work groups Storytime Milk time Snack table Indoor/ outdoor play Free choice time LOTS OF SINGING, MESS AND FUN

25 Uniform and PE kits All items of clothing to be labelled.
PE kits will go home at half terms to be washed and checked. No earrings on PE days. Hair tied back Please ensure that your child can recognise his/her PE bag Help your child to practice taking their uniform and PE kit on and off over the Summer Holidays.

26 Muddy Monday Forest School
Half a day forest school session




30 Healthy School Water bottle Free school meals Lunchtime routine
Playtime at lunch Settling in to lunchtimes with teachers

31 Medical If your child has any medical needs or allergies please inform a member of staff and fill in the relevant form.

32 What to expect? Shift in pace each term
Work in files/books for you to look at EXAMPLE Invitation to look at classrooms

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