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Calling all Eco Lovers! From the Eco Committee! This is Clarence!

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Presentation on theme: "Calling all Eco Lovers! From the Eco Committee! This is Clarence!"— Presentation transcript:

1 Calling all Eco Lovers! From the Eco Committee! This is Clarence!

2 WE NEED YOU! We are looking for p4-p6s to join our amazing eco committee. All you have to do is write a letter that stands out! Once you have finished your letter please give it to your teacher to hand into office.

3 Your Letter Will Need… These are some of the things you should add to your letter… Why do you think you would be a good eco member? Do you have any experience of Eco activities? What would you like to achieve as an Eco committee member? Make it stand out over all the others! It will also need your name and class at the end of your letter. Yyyyyggedgyufgsuibgesfyu7giufnh478r y uhfui7vgt uo!

4 What We Will be Doing… Digging up the garden, so that later we can plant loads of fruits, vegetables and wild flowers! Working with the kitchen staff to make your meals healthier and more eco-friendly! Reducing our litter inside AND outside our school. Reduce waste in lunch boxes. And really getting stuck into the mud!

5 Here are some of the things we are going to grow…
Parsley, Thyme, Coriander, Basil, Bay leaves, Chillies, Sweet/normal potatoes, Carrots, Pumpkins, Parsnips, Garlic, Turnip, White/Red onions, Spring onions, Cabbage, Cucumber, Courgettes, Beans, Peas in a pod, Lettuce, Tomatoes, Strawberries and Raspberries! That's 24 things we all grow together!

6 Deadline for letters 28th October!

7 GOOD LUCK! I hope we have given you enough tips for your letter! We can’t wait to read your letters!


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