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Master Planning – the Waterloo Context

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1 Master Planning – the Waterloo Context
Peter Phibbs


3 Steps in a State Significant Precinct Process
1. Minister for Planning determines: that it is a matter of state or regional environmental planning significance the public consultation requirements 2. Department issues State Significant Precinct study requirements 3. A State Significant Precinct study is prepared including proposed planning framework  4. Department co-ordinates Public Exhibition  5. A response to submissions is prepared  6. Department’s recommendation and draft SEPP and maps submitted to Minister  7. Minister for Planning approves planning framework and development applications can now be submitted 

4 What is a master plan? It’s a plan that in general terms shows “what will go where” in terms of land use on a given piece of land; Its is the plan that happens before detailed zoning maps and detailed Local Plans are made for an area

5 An example- the Telopea Master Plan


7 Exercise 1 Have a look at the Telopea Master Plan
It is currently an area with about 640 social housing dwellings What might be current residents see as good things about the master plan? What might the current residents see as less positive about the plan? Where are the tallest buildings?

8 City of Sydney Council and Waterloo
Normally studies about a State Significant Precinct are paid for by the landowner and then considered by the Department of Planning who will write a report for the Minister. This process is different in that the City of Sydney will be involved with the plan


10 What happens in the Master Planning process
There are a series of individual studies undertaken to help develop the overall masterplan See the list of studies If you are interested in an issue you might like to devote your attention to that issue

11 Let’s have a look at Open Space

12 Open Space at Telopea Organising Principles: Open Space:
New, active and improved parks and playgrounds and public spaces will encourage interaction and provide a variety of meeting places. They will be integrated with key community facilities, shops and the light rail stop Telopea Master Plan: page 34

13 Exercise 2: Open Space What do you think are the most important issues when it comes to the use of open space in Waterloo. What do you think are the good and bad things about open space in Waterloo at the moment? What do you think about the Telopea statement about principles? Have a look at their open space plan

14 What happens after the Master Plan is prepared
The final master plan is changed into a planning document that lists the different land use zones with associated height limits etc (see example) The land to be used for private housing will be sold to developers who will then submit development applications for buildings on the land they have purchased.

15 Telopea Zoning Map

16 Questions

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