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US History Do now: Copy down the following: 16. Tennessee TN Nashville 17. Ohio OH Columbus 18. Louisiana LA Baton Rouge 19. Indiana IN Indianapolis 20.

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Presentation on theme: "US History Do now: Copy down the following: 16. Tennessee TN Nashville 17. Ohio OH Columbus 18. Louisiana LA Baton Rouge 19. Indiana IN Indianapolis 20."— Presentation transcript:

1 US History Do now: Copy down the following: 16. Tennessee TN Nashville 17. Ohio OH Columbus 18. Louisiana LA Baton Rouge 19. Indiana IN Indianapolis 20. Mississippi MS Jackson When you finished copying down the states, copy the homework into your assignment pads. Complete the “You’re in Salem” worksheet.

2 The Colonies

3 Colonies Middle Southern New England

4 Colonies Middle Southern New England New York New Jersey Delaware
Pennsylvania Southern Maryland Virginia North Carolina South Carolina Georgia New England Massachusetts Rhode Island Connecticut New Hampshire

5 Colonies Why did people come to the colonies? A chance to own land
Start a new life Religious freedom Some convicts were forced to worked off debts Some came as indentured servants

6 Colonies Indentured Servants
A person who signed an agreement to work for a master for a period of years or until they turned 21. This person was not free until their agreement was fulfilled, but they were supposed to be taken care of during those years.

7 New England Colonies Climate - long cold winters
Terrain – rocky, hilly, and forests Economy – small farms, lumbering, ship building, and trade

8 Middle Colonies Climate - cold winters and warm summers
Terrain – rich soil, valleys, and wooded mountains Economy – farming, lumbering, and ship building

9 Southern Colonies Climate – hot, wet climate
Terrain – rich soil, valleys, and wooded mountains Economy – farming on large plantations, cash crops* like tobacco, rice, and cotton *cash crops – crops raised in large quantities to be sold for profit.

10 9.2 Colonial America: Life on the Farm
90% of people lived on farms. Farm families made everything they needed. Homes were a single room. The Fireplace was for warmth and cooking. Fires burned all the time. Cooking was the most dangerous job. Worked started before sunrise.

11 Colonies Government : most colonies were self governed. They elected assemblies, or groups, to make laws. The king usually appointed a governor to represent the king. Usually, only free white men could vote.

12 Puritans Puritans or Separatists– did not like rank and ceremony. They wanted to simplify and purify the Church of England (Anglican Church). Before coming to Massachusetts on the Mayflower, they moved to Holland.

13 Slave Trade Slave Trade
Merchants became rich, capturing, transporting, and selling people as slaves.

14 Connecticut Charter Oak
King Charles II granted a charter to Connecticut. King James II tried to take back the charter, but it was hidden in an oak tree.

15 Connecticut Quakers (The Society of Friends)
They believed in a simple life style and that everyone was equal. They did not recognize the king, fight in wars, or pay taxes.

16 Economy The way a society organizes the manufacture of things of value. Exchange of goods and services.

17 Rights Magna Carta (Great Charter)
Originally, the people of England did not participate in government. The Magna Carta, signed by King John, limited the King’s power. Established the British Parliament

18 Rights Parliament In 1265, representatives for the people were allowed to make laws for the people. Parliament became the lawmaking body of the government.

19 Glorious Revolution In 1685, King James II, formerly the Duke of York, did not want to share power with Parliament or New York’s assembly. King James II was peacefully removed from the throne. This was known as the Glorious Revolution. Parliament offered the throne to Prince William and Mary if they agreed to the English Bill of Rights.

20 The First Great Awakening
Some people believed “Godliness” was missing in the people. Preachers traveled from town to town, delivering fiery sermons to the people. This awakening gave colonists the feeling of equality, helping pave the way for the American Revolution.

21 Education In New England, towns were required to have public education. The Puritans wanted their people to be able to read the bible. Parents contributed money, vegetables, firewood, and set aside land for the schools. There was only one book, the New England Primer. It was used to teach the alphabet, syllables, and prayers.

22 Cruel and Unusual Punishment





27 Branding

28 Testing for Witchcraft

29 Dunking

30 Pressing

31 Bound Submersion

32 Witch Cake

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