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Who am I? I am a compound found naturally in Earth

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Presentation on theme: "Who am I? I am a compound found naturally in Earth"— Presentation transcript:

1 Who am I? I am a compound found naturally in Earth
I control the Earth’s climate I am necessary for all life I am the universal solvent I am continuously recycled I defy gravity I am not a metal I have no nutrients Who am I?

2 Does all water lead to the ocean?
Think Pair Share Does all water lead to the ocean?

3 Our Society needs a better understanding
of how we get clean water for all human needs. “All water leads to the ocean.” Gill - Finding Nemo

4 Water How much is there? What kinds are there? Where is it found?

5 How Much is There? Approximately three-fourths of the earth is water.

6 What kinds are there? 97% of the water is salt water, and is found in the oceans of the world. 3% is fresh water. 2% is frozen which leaves less than 1% for drinking water.

7 Where is it found? Water comes from several places. Oceans Lakes
Rivers Ponds

8 The Water Cycle

9 Vocabulary here we go!!! What is condensation? What is precipitation?
What is erosion? What is melting? What is transpiration? What is evaporation?

10 Label the parts of the water cycle

11 Water Cycle

12 Water Cycle

13 Groundwater Makes up 23% of Earth’s freshwater. 12% Shallow (we can reach) 11% Deep (out of our reach)

14 Underground Layers When precipitation occurs, water often seeps down into the soil and trickles down in between particles of soil and through cracks and spaces in layers of rock.


16 Permeable layers have pores that allow water to travel through them.
Impermeable layers do not allow water to travel through them.

17 Saturated Zone The area of permeable rock or soil that is totally filled with water.

18 Water Table The top of the saturated zone.
Knowing the depth of the water table tells you how deep you must dig to reach the groundwater.

19 Aquifer When water reaches an impermeable layer, it is trapped and cannot go any further. This becomes drinkable well or spring water

20 Aquifer Any underground layer of rock or sediment that holds water is called an aquifer. People often obtain drinking water from aquifers. Water may stay in an aquifer for thousands of years before it will ever come to the surface!!!

21 Groundwater Pollution
Fertilizers, Toxic chemicals and even salt can get into groundwater as it moves through the soil Restricting use of these pollutants can help clean up water

22 Groundwater Video 

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