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Chris Metka 2017 Statewide Conference on Heritage ???

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1 Chris Metka 2017 Statewide Conference on Heritage ???
Transportation Alternatives Program (TAP) The Transportation Alternatives Set-Aside of the Surface Transportation Block Grant Program Transportation Enhancements Program (TE) 2017 Statewide Conference on Heritage Chris Metka ??? Transportation Alternatives Set-Aside Coordinator

2 SAFETEA-LU 2005-2012 Transportation Enhancements Scenic Byways
Recreational Trails Safe Routes to School

3 MAP-21 2012–2015 Combines previously separate programs Key Changes
Transportation Enhancements Safe Routes to School Scenic Byways Recreational Trails Key Changes Competitive Selection Large MPOs receive funding Non-Profits no longer eligible Some project types eliminated

4 Projects No Longer Eligible
MAP-21 Projects No Longer Eligible Projects and Activities Scenic Beautification Transportation Museums Bike/Ped Education (except K-8) Some Byways Activities Visitor Center Creation and Operation Project Sponsors Non Profit Organizations DOTs/MPOs

5 The FAST Act December 2015 Additional Sponsor
Preserves funding through 2020 for TE/TAP-type projects Projects now falls under the Surface Transportation Block Grant Program Set-Aside of the Surface Transportation Block Grant Program TA Set-aside (for administrative purposes) Additional Sponsor Non-profit responsible for the administration of local transportation safety programs Most non-profit organizations still remain ineligible

6 TA Set-Aside Funding Maintains funding split
50% statewide 50% distributed by population $26 million per year – divided by population PennDOT ($18 million) Statewide Funding ($13 million) Areas < 200k Population ($5 million) Large MPOs ($8 million)

7 Large MPO Funding

8 Eligible Projects Bicycle and Pedestrian Facilities
Bicycle and Pedestrian Education (K-8) Conversion of Abandoned Railway Corridors to Trails Construction of Turnouts, Overlooks, and Viewing Areas Outdoor Advertising Management Historic Preservation and Rehab of Historic Transportation Facilities Vegetation Management Archaeological Activities Stormwater Management Wildlife Mortality Mitigation

9 Eligible Project Sponsors
Counties Municipalities Schools Transit Agencies Natural Resource or Public Land Agencies Nonprofit entities responsible for the administration of local transportation safety programs Other local or regional governments responsible for transportation or recreational trails

10 2016 Statewide Application Cycle
Received 128 applications 96% of applications for bike/ped/transit/trails 51 Projects 18 were trails One stormwater project No bike/ped education (both funded by MPOs)

11 2018 TA Set-Aside Application Round Tentative Timeline
June 19th - Program Materials Available on Website: July 10th – Application Cycle Opens July 10 - September 22nd – Coordination with Planning Partners and Districts September 22nd – All Applications Due September 29th – Application Materials Available for Review

12 2018 TA Set-Aside Application Round Tentative Timeline
October – December – Application Review MPOs/RPOs Comments/Rankings for Statewide Projects Large MPOs Select Projects Districts – Comments Statewide Selection Committee – Comments/Scores January Project Selection Statewide Selection Committee Reviews scores and comments Recommends projects Up to $55 million

13 Statewide Project Selection Criteria
Reasonableness of cost Statewide or regional significance of project Integration of land use and transportation decision making  Collaboration with stakeholders Safety always and maybe safety only   Readiness for implementation Leverage of other projects or funding Consistency Teachability Success Factor Environmental Justice/Entitlement Communities And PennDOT Connects!

14 TA Set-Aside: Areas of Emphasis
PennDOT Connects Meeting with District required Meeting with Planning Partner required Bonus points added for sponsors that meet with both before applying Big investment $55 million Need good projects! Are there planned project that could benefit from TA Set-Aside funds? Are there good project that just need a sponsor?

15 Webinar for Project Sponsors
Second week of July Details available in Program Guidance July 19th Date Call In Number Visual Access Links Note to Self: Attend this webinar!!!

16 Need further interpretation?
Chris Metka TA Set-Aside Coordinator

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