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Reflective Learning on Mooring

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Presentation on theme: "Reflective Learning on Mooring"— Presentation transcript:

1 Reflective Learning on Mooring
Learning from each other

2 Welcome

3 Agenda Welcome and safety brief – 5 minutes Introduction – 5 minutes
What are barriers? – 5 minutes Chronic Unease? – 10 minutes Video part 1 & group discussion – 15 minutes Video part 2 & group discussion – 20 minutes Video part 3 & group discussion and team action – 15 minutes Video part 4 & Personal action commitment – 5 minutes Collect actions & Wrap up

4 Hazard: Flammable material Activity: Doing Hot work
What are barriers? Hazard: Flammable material Safety Policy Barriers Hazard Procedures Example: Activity: Doing Hot work Permit to work Alarms PPE Incident Explain swiss cheese model using an example of Doing Hot work…. Ask: What is the Hazard?... (Flammable material) Ask: What are the barriers that prevent the flammable material turning into an incident?... …Safety policy determines if Hotwork is allowed….sometimes it is not clear (Hole in barrier) …Procedures defines how the work is to be carried out….sometimes it is confusing (Hole in barrier) …Permit to Work ensures all checks are carried out….sometimes not done properly (hole in barrier) …Alarms gives warning of dangerous situation developing….sometimes not maintained properly (hole in barrier) …PPE provides last line of defence….sometimes not used or not appropriate (hole in barrier) …Any others? When all such barriers don’t work properly at the same time…(it is similar to the holes in the barriers lining up), then the hazard passes through and results in an incident…(like a Fire) Holes in barriers FIRE

5 Chronic Unease Video

6 Line of Fire Video

7 Video Link to Video

8 Type Team Action at end of discussion part 3
Team members:

9 Personal Action Commitment
Submit your personal action commitment forms

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