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The Black Power Movement

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1 The Black Power Movement
By: Angelica, Olivia, Oscar, Gisselle D1 P1 Group 6

2 Black Power major events
The march on Washington, August 28, 1963, there were more than 250,000 demonstrators, black & white gathered at the nation's capital for jobs & freedom. Civils rights act signed July 2, 1964 Presidents signs the civil rights act Outlaws segregation in all public places,requires employers of all race. Threatens to pull federal funding from any projects that discriminate based on color, race, ethnicity or gender.

3 The History of Black Power
1966- James Meredith was shot for leading on a march against fear Meredith’s march was complete followed by leaders of the major civil rights organization such as Martin Luther King, Floyd Mckissick and Stokely Carmichael Fought for desegregation Expression of political goals such as defense against racial oppression and self-sufficiency economy Wanted to gain economic equality and decrease police brutality

4 Black power strategies
Carmichael gained power bases through formal studies and practical experience in leadership positions which he used as a strategy to influence the nation MLK, Carmichael, and Malcolm utilized five power bases The tactic of protesting with nonviolence was utilized as a tool to break down institutionalized racial segregation, discrimination, and equality.

5 Main Leader of Black Power
Stokely Carmichael was born in Trinidad, June 29, 1941 Attended Howard University and became a Civil Rights activist For the Civil Rights Movement, he participated in Freedom Rides, strikes, and came up with the philosophy of ‘Black Power’ In 1966, he delivered his famous ‘Black Power’ Speech Died November 15th, 1998 from cancer

6 Black Power Successes Rebuilt African Americans’ identities
In 1968 the Black Power party introduced welfare programs (free health clinics for black people) Started ‘Patrol the Pigs’ to decrease police brutality Incorporated black history courses in schools to educate every race Black students’ literacy and numeracy skills improved

7 Make up of group (how was it organized)
Stokely Carmichael made up the group Carmichael made the group because he saw the concept of “Black power” He started populating the term in How was it organized; advocates who believed in racial pride self sufficiency, and equality for all of black people Started off non violent but couldn't get there message thru so it started getting violent.

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