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LSST Camera Detector Status

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1 LSST Camera Detector Status

2 Sensor development on the schedule critical path
High QE to 1000nm Thick silicon - 100µm thick and BB AR coating PSF << 0.7” (0.2”) High resistivity substrate (> 5 kohm∙cm) Small pixel size (0.2” = 10 µm) Fast f/1.2 focal ratio Sensor flatness < 5µm p-v Package with piston, tip, tilt adj. to ~1µm Wide FOV ~ 3200 cm2 focal plane > 189 Science-sensor mosaic High throughput > 90% fill factor 4-side buttable package, sub-mm gaps Fast readout (1 s) Segmented sensors - ~3200 total output ports 150 I/O connections per sensor Low read noise < ~ 5 rms electrons R&D Program Funding secured by Keck Foundation to keep development moving. Three phase development - Study phase sensor evaluation begun at BNL Prototype phase: Contracts with two vendors signed

3 Multi-port 4K x 4K = 16M Pixel CCD
Detail of one edge Detail of output port July 7, 2008 SLAC Annual Program Review J. Geary, “LSST Strawman CCD Design”, Dec. 2004

4 Sensor development plan
Technology study understand and model device characteristics engage qualified vendors address the most pressing technical challenges early establish test lab at BNL Prototype multivendor competition fabricate sensor meeting all LSST specifications demonstrate yield and quality control ramp up test capability within LSST collaborating institutions Production manufacture, test, and deliver 200+ science-grade sensors 24-month production period single- or dual-source 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 Modeling and trade studies Technology Study 3 Vendors Prototypes 2 Vendors DOE MIE Funding Sensor procurement starts July 7, 2008

5 BNL and sensor group are providing leadship
for schedule driven sensor development Request for proposals for prototype science CCDs issued Feb. 2008 contract award June/July 2008 5 high-resistivity, thick CCDs from study program have been extensively characterized design models validated behavior of dark current, quantum efficiency, and point spread function vs. thickness, temperature, and electric field flatness and surface morphology antireflection coating CCD controllers for 4 new test labs under construction UC Davis, SLAC, Paris, Purdue allows full-speed testing of segmented sensors Components for CCD/electronics chain testing in assembly -50V X-ray images -10V

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