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P2P: what do the participants think? Satisfaction with events

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Presentation on theme: "P2P: what do the participants think? Satisfaction with events"— Presentation transcript:

1 P2P: what do the participants think? Satisfaction with events
Percent of respondents agreeing with the statement* Expert missions Workshops Study visits Participants (%/N) Experts (%/N) Participants (%/N) Host institution (%/N) Event achieved its goals 87% (97) 100% (31) 71% (15) 89% (33) 92% (14) Knowledge has been improved - 53% (86) Satisfaction with quality of experts training/presentations 90% (101) 80% (635)** 97% (36) Satisfaction with logistical arrangements 87% (27) 78% (15) 82% (24) Source: compiled from the DG NEAR Interim Report on the TAIEX-REGIO PEER 2 PEER (15 March 2016) Notes: * partial agreements are not included in the calculation, total number of respondents in the parentheses, percentage calculated from the total number of answers provided **Excellent and good

2 P2P: what do the participants think
P2P: what do the participants think? Expected follow up, results and impact Percent of respondents agreeing with the statement* Expert missions Workshops Study visits Participants (%/N) Experts (%/N) Participants (%/N) Host institution (%/N) Expectations about the use of results of exchange in practice 74% (83) 87% (27) 62% (100) 57% (12) 91% (34) 50% (7) Further TAIEX assistance will be needed 77% (59) 83% (23) 85% (71) 80% (17) 90% (30) 57% (8) Source: compiled from the DG NEAR Interim Report on the TAIEX-REGIO PEER 2 PEER (15 March 2016) Notes: * partial agreements are not included in the calculation, total number of respondents in the parentheses, percentage calculated from the total number of answers provided

3 P2P: Distribution of procedural outcomes for applications of the member states to P2P

4 P2P: monthly intensity of workload (applications and events)

5 P2P: who uses it most and who doesn’t?

6 P2P: who contributes most and who stays on the sidelines?

7 P2P: what do they talk about? (word cloud)

8 Is P2P expensive? 400 k EUR for P2P vs 790 mio EUR for TA (per annum, ERDF only) (1:1975) Cost per event: 10.3 k EUR (workshop) 7.7 k EUR (expert mission) 3.2 k EUR (study visit) (all excl. VAT)

9 Is P2P really that fast? (Difference between target and actual dates of events, in days)
Data available for 24 events of 34 Minimum: -13 (i.e. event two weeks earlier than targeted) Maximum: 86 (almost three months later than target) Number of cases with zero or negative scores (i.e. events on or ahead of the target date): 5 (21%) Number of cases with the difference of one calendar week or less: 9 (37%) Median: 22 (interpretation: 50% of events took place in approximately less than three weeks past the target dates) Average: 27

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