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Poetry Mr. Lancto World Lit.

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1 Poetry Mr. Lancto World Lit

2 Why Do We Study Poetry? Poetry is everywhere: Scripture, Music, Books, Cards, Clothing, etc. By not being as clear cut as regular writing, it forces us think more about what we are reading. Creative way to express emotion, feeling, a story, or remember an event To show how themes, lessons, experiences, etc. are universal and timeless. Interruptive skills and thinking “outside of the box”

3 Techniques Poets Use Repetition- When we hear something over and over again, we remember it! Figurative Language- Metaphors, personification, and other devices create images in our head and allows us to find meaning in our own way. Allusions- References to pop culture or things we are familiar with in order to create a connection Rhyming- To place a certain emphasis or meaning on a word or idea. It also increases the readability

4 Marry the Night-Lady Gaga
Read through the poem/song 1) What do you think her purpose in writing the song was? 2) What techniques can see in the song? 3) What personal connections or meaning do you find in the song?

5 Songwriters as Poets Lady Gaga- Marry the Night
Ellen Show- Video- Gaga’s words about the song: “It’s about committing yourself whole-heartedly to the thing that you are most passionate about…that moment when I decided I was gonna tear it up…that moment when I knew there was no fire and no rain that could get in my way.” (Interview with Katie Couric) “Marrying the darkness, marrying what’s difficult about your life” “Bear your struggles very close to your heart”

6 Other Popular Singer/Songwriters as Poets
Kenny Chesney- You and Tequila “We all have that somebody in our life that we know is not good for us but we keep going back.” Eminem- On the science of breaking down words Adele- Uses personal experiences of the ups and downs in relationships Rolling in the Deep- “It’s an “F” you song…Like I’m gonna be fine with out you” Someone Like you- “This is me kind of on my knees…I can imagine being about 40 and looking for him again…he is completely happy and I’m still on my own.”

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