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District Professional Development Collaboratively Learning About Our New Curriculum April 20, 2012.

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Presentation on theme: "District Professional Development Collaboratively Learning About Our New Curriculum April 20, 2012."— Presentation transcript:

1 District Professional Development Collaboratively Learning About Our New Curriculum
April 20, 2012

2 Where does the future come from?
“The future doesn’t take form irrationally, even though it feels that way. The future comes from where we are now. It materializes from the actions, values, and beliefs we’re practicing now. Were creating the future everyday, by what we choose to do. If we want a different future, we have to take responsibility for what we are doing in the present…We have sufficient human capacities—to think and reflect together, to care about one another, to act courageously, to reclaim the future.” --- Margaret J. Wheatley

3 Today’s Agenda 8:00-8:15 Welcome and introductions of any new people 8:15-8:20 Review norms 8:20-8:25 Share objectives, outcomes and products for the day 8:25-9:00 Communicate Common Understandings 9:00-11:15 Backwards Design: Preparing for :15-11:30 Personal Reflection and Feedback to Planning Team

4 Welcome and Introductions of New People
What’s one area of the new CED that you’re most excited to learn about for yourself? What rumors have you heard about what’s coming? What are your greatest hopes for the students you’ll teach with the new CED?

5 Review Norms: Can we agree to these?
Putting Inquiry at the Center Pausing Paraphrasing Probing Placing Ideas on the Table Paying Attention to Self and Others Presuming Positive Intentions

6 Objectives Renew relationships with others in your similar role group
Practice working as a Professional Learning Community (PLC) Clarify common understandings of curriculum terms, timeline and expectations Use the new CED to --create or explore curriculum maps --share ideas from the current CED that apply to the new one --determine how materials used for the current CED may apply to the new one Set the stage for transitioning to the new CED in Provide a productive morning of district staff development

7 Common Understandings: Talk to Your Neighbor
How are our new standards different from previous ones?

8 Colorado’s Standards: Keys to Transformation
Designed with the End in Mind Require Application of Knowledge Fewer Expectations with Greater Depth Focus on “All students, All standards”

9 New BVSD/Colorado Academic Standards
Old 2009 BVSD Curriculum Essentials Documents Prepared Graduate Competencies Program level Enduring Understandings Standard High School Expectations Grade Level Expectations Essential Learnings Evidence Outcomes Knowledge, Skills, Topics, Processes, Concepts Inquiry Questions Unit level Essential Questions

10 Neighbor talk: How do we make sure every student learns the standards?

11 Alignment of Curriculum
Marzano (2001) Written Intended Curriculum Intended Curriculum Taught Implemented Curriculum Implemented Curriculum Learned Achieved Curriculum Achieved Curriculum gap Aligned = GVC Not Aligned 11

12 Neighbor talk: How do we ensure our English learners learn the content and skills in the standards?

13 Colorado English Language Proficiency Standards
The CELPS provide a continuum of language development and a bridge to the concepts and skills within the Colorado Academic Standards for English learners.

14 Colorado English Language Proficiency (CELP) Standards
Social & Instructional Language Language of Language Arts Language of Mathematics Language of Science Language of Social Studies There are five CELP standards and arranged into five grade level clusters. The five English language development standards are: Standard 1: ELLs communicate for SOCIAL AND INSTRUCTIONAL purposes within the school setting. Standard 2: ELLs communicate information, ideas, and concepts necessary for academic success in the content area of LANGUAGE ARTS. Standard 3: ELLs communicate information, ideas, and concepts necessary for academic success in the content area of MATHEMATICS. Standard 4: ELLs communicate information, ideas, and concepts necessary for academic success in the content area of SCIENCE. Standard 5: ELLs communicate information, ideas, and concepts necessary for academic success in the content area of SOCIAL STUDIES. . The five Grade Level Clusters are : PK-K, Grades 1−2, Grades 3−5, Grades 6−8, Grades 9−12 Academic language allows students to access, meaningfully engage with, and achieve concepts and skills in a content area. It serves as a bridge between the Colorado Academic Standards (CAS) and the Colorado English Language Proficiency (CELP) Standards. While the CAS primary purpose is to develop mastery of concepts and skills, the CELP standards primary purpose is to develop proficiency in English language. What is new to the CELP is that the standards expand upon social and instructional language to explicitly include academic language standards in the content of language arts, mathematics, science, and social studies. These standards provide English learners a continuum of language development and a framework for determining English language proficiency. They should also be used to provide access to concepts and skills in all content areas through language differentiation. Academic Language

15 Neighbor talk: How do we ensure our students with special needs learn the content and skills in the curriculum?

16 Some of our students with significant cognitive disabilities will need “Extended Evidence Outcomes” through “Alternate Achievement Standards”

17 The majority of students with IEPs will be supported in Tier I classes through --Differentiated instruction --Accommodations --Co-planning and co-teaching of their teachers …and through interventions in Tier II and/or Tier III

18 Reflection from SB 191 Summit

19 TIMELINE Jan-May 2012 – present details of curriculum documents in all content areas to the Board of Education April 20, 2012 – create/review curriculum maps Summer 2012 – school and district leaders create 3-year curriculum implementation plan School Year – use district and school PD time to collaboratively plan units, lessons and assessments to implement the CED

20 Awareness & Dissemination
Transitioning to the Colorado Academic and English Language Proficiency Standards Awareness & Dissemination Building Readiness to the New Standards SY Transition Moving to the New Standards SY SY Implementation Putting Standards Into Practice SY Transformation Continuously Refining Teaching and Learning

21 What does “Transition Year” mean?
Teacher-level Expectations Use the new CEDs for all planning Use the CELPS Framework to plan differentiation for English Learners Every teacher will be expected to have a curriculum map aligned to the new CEDs Teachers should provide learning experiences for students related to every Grade Level Expectation Concept and Skills Statement but not necessarily for every Evidence Outcome in the CEDs System-level Expectations Create structures for collaboration between masters of content and masters of access Provide strategies to use CEDs to design assessments and plan units and lesson plans Strengthen transforming instruction to support the vision of the new standards

22 Backwards Design Let’s begin with the end in mind…what we want the students to know by the end of the year. Now we’ll review a Curriculum Map we have or a template that we can use to begin designing our own map.

23 Curriculum Mapping With a partner or in a triad, think about what you normally cover in a year and when you cover it Next think about how covering the new GLEs would be different with the new CED Now review the Curriculum Map or template you have. Make suggested changes to the Curriculum Map or begin creating a map with the template and the new CED Share your suggestions with the large group, asking a recorder to write them down for the planning group to use later.

24 Resource Questions to Consider Turn to your neighbor and discuss…
What can I use of my prior materials and units that will support the learning in the Curriculum Map? Who has resources within the school or the district that I need to teach the new CED?

25 Sharing your ideas about what support you need
First, turn to two people and in a triad discuss for five minutes what support you need to be able to feel comfortable teaching with the new CEDs next year. Second, complete the bottom portion of the Scantron sheet about professional development. The results will be compiled and shared by the end of school this year.

26 Personal Reflection and Feedback for Today’s Planning Team
Think about and then share with a neighbor… Please complete the top portion of the Scantron sheet. 3 things you learned about the new CED today 2 things you’re excited to continue to work on before next year 1 person you want to contact as you plan for next year

27 Curricula and Teaching Matter
“A systematic change to some aspect of the curricula does seem to have a reasonable and substantial effect on student learning…The teacher then must know when learning is correct or incorrect; learn when to experiment and learn from the experience; learn to monitor, seek and give feedback; and know to try alternative learning strategies when others do not work. What is most important is that teaching is visible to the student, and that the learning is visible to the teacher.” John Hattie, Visible Learning

28 Thanks for your time and commitment.
We appreciate you!

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