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Tool Time Traffic Accident Photography

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Presentation on theme: "Tool Time Traffic Accident Photography"— Presentation transcript:

1 Tool Time Traffic Accident Photography
Tab 3 Tool Time Traffic Accident Photography

2 Rapid Response…anywhere, anytime

3 Recording & Documenting Evidence
Photography: 35mm, Digital, Point & Shoot, Video, Polaroid Verbal Narrative: Tape Recorder Sketching and Diagramming Forensic Mapping

4 Tools, Equipment and Supplies
>Measuring >Recording >Photography

5 Tools, Equipment and Supplies
Flashlights Safety equipment Foul weather gear Writing instruments Colored pencils Traffic cones Haz-mat basics Plenty of batteries Photo Equipment (camera, video, digital,point+shoot) Plenty of film Flash units Tape recorder Measuring tapes Measuring wheels Clipboards

6 Tools, Equipment & Supplies, cont’d
CFR 49 reference Stop watch Magnifying lens Plastic bags (ziplock) Plastic bags (trash) Pavement markers (spray paint, chalk) Forms and reports Warning lights Warning signs References and contact lists Cell phone Local and state maps Spray cleaners, rags

7 Tools, Equipment and Supplies
Collected before you need it Stored in a known location Safety response personnel know how to use all of the equipment Back-up supplies and equipment Readily accessible

8 Traffic Accident Photography
Recording of Vehicle Damage Assist with Damage Evaluation Record Vehicle Condition, Equipment & Options

9 Traffic Accident Photography
Record the basic information and evidence from traffic crash Documentation of tire mark & roadway evidence Documenting highway layouts & geometry Basic measurements and dimensions

10 Front Left Side Right Side Rear
The “basic 4” photographs of a vehicle include: Front Left Side Right Side Rear

11 Documenting Vehicle Information
Basic vehicle identification Year, make, model, style, color, VIN Trim package and accessories Owner “add-ons” (trailer equipment, cell phone, appearance enhancements) Load description and location

12 Documenting Vehicle Information
Areas of physical damage Areas where there is no damage Extent of contact overlap Type of physical damage Amount of crush or collapse Scratches, abrasions, gouges Angular or perpendicular deformation

13 Documenting Vehicle Information

14 Documenting Vehicle Damage
Take photographs at perpendicular angles to the vehicle

15 Supplemental flash will “fill in” portions of the vehicle that are in the shadow areas.

16 Documenting Vehicle Damage
Take close-ups if needed Take series of photos along each side

17 Photograph entire vehicle at different levels

18 Document all surfaces, structures and components for damage or contact evidence as well as the lack of damage or contact evidence! Focus on surfaces and heights where there is a potential for finding evidence of contact from the other vehicle.

19 Documenting Truck Condition
Photo the Entire Vehicle to document the presence and operation of all safety items!!

20 Documenting Truck Condition

21 Vehicle Damage Add a measuring device into photo to allow a dimension to be evaluated later.

22 Vehicle Damage

23 Illustrate vehicle crush

24 Document Load & Tire Condition

25 Documenting Scene Impact Evidence

26 Perishable Physical Evidence

27 Several Hours After the Crash…..

28 3 Weeks After the Crash…..

29 Perishable Physical Evidence

30 Path of Travel



33 Documenting Debris Pattern
What can debris tell us?

34 Nighttime Photography

35 Nighttime Photos Difficult to obtain the proper exposures

36 Basic Perspective Grid


38 Measurements from Photographs

39 Measurements can be made from photographic prints of scenes & cars.

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