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Chapter 9 Jeopardy Jeopardy!.

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1 Chapter 9 Jeopardy Jeopardy!


3 Unit Jeopardy Levels of Gov’t Bill to a Law Vocab Mixed Bag 100 100
Tribal Sovereighnty Mixed Bag 100 100 100 100 100 200 200 200 200 200 300 300 300 300 300 400 400 400 400 400 500 500 500 500 500 FINAL

4 What do you call a written proposal for a law?
Vocab 100 What do you call a written proposal for a law? A bill

5 Vocab 200 What is a legislator? A lawmaker

6 What is the purpose of Checks and Balances in government?
Vocab 300 What is the purpose of Checks and Balances in government? It’s a concept that is used or applied to government to make sure no one branch of government becomes to powerful

7 Explain Tribal Sovereignty
Vocab 400 Explain Tribal Sovereignty According to treaties, tribes have the right to govern themselves just as long as they follow the U.S. Constitution or federal law

8 What is the Bill of Rights?
Vocab 500 What is the Bill of Rights? The first 10 amendments to the U.S. constitution that guarantees basic rights and freedoms

9 What is one duty of the Executive Branch of government?
Levels of Gov’t 100 What is one duty of the Executive Branch of government? Creates new laws Reviews the new law to make sure the new law is constitutional Signs laws into effect; enforces laws c.

10 Levels of Gov’t 200 In Washington State’s court system, which one of the courts below has the highest authority? The Court of Limited Jurisdiction The State Supreme Court The County Superior Court The State Court of Appeals b.

11 Who is the head of the state’s executive branch?
Levels of Gov’t 300 Who is the head of the state’s executive branch? The Chief Justice A jury The citizens The governor d.

12 What is one duty of the Legislative Branch?
Levels of Gov’t 400 What is one duty of the Legislative Branch? Make laws Sign laws into effect and enforce them Reviews the new law to make sure the new law is constitutional a

13 What is one duty of the Judicial Branch?
Levels of Gov’t 500 What is one duty of the Judicial Branch? Reviews the new laws to make sure the new law is constitutional Makes laws Signs the law into effect/enforces laws a.

14 Bill to a Law100 Review and Rules Committees
Name the two possible committees a bill can be reviewed by. Review and Rules Committees

15 During the process of how a bill becomes a law, committees
Bill to a Law 200 During the process of how a bill becomes a law, committees Vote on the bill and decide to sign it into law Review, amend, and rewrite the bill and finally decide whether it will be allowed to go before the Senate and the House of Representatives Override the veto of the Governor and pass the bill Exclude citizens and never amend the original bill idea b.

16 Bill to Law 300 c Define Veto lawmaker To pass a law To reject
A fancy car c

17 The Senate and the House of Representatives
Bill to a Law 400 Name the two houses of the Legislative branch that vote on a bill and have the right to override a Governor’s veto by a 2/3 vote The Senate and the House of Representatives

18 Bill to a Law 500 If a state bill is vetoed by the governor, how can that veto be overridden? It is sent back to the capital to see if anyone has changed his or her mind It is sent back to the committee to be rewritten in words that people will agree with It is sent back to the legislature to see if 2/3 of the senators and representatives vote for it Nothing can be done c

19 Self-government/to govern oneself
Tribal Sovereignty100 Define Sovereignty To reject lawmakers change Self-government/to govern oneself d

20 What supreme law must tribes follow?
Tribal Sovereignty 200 What supreme law must tribes follow? The U.S. Constitution

21 DAILY DOUBLE – Surprise
Who is Luke and Leia Skywalkers birth mother? Queen Amidala Darth Momma Senator Padme Amidala Princess Padme Amidala c

22 Compare the tribal and state branches of government.
Tribal Sovereignty 400 Compare the tribal and state branches of government. Similarity: each have executive/legislative/judicial branches, they use check and balances Differences: tribal sovereignty – make own laws and separate from state

23 Tribal Sovereignty 500 Importance and Impact of the Indian Self-Determination and Education Assistance Act of 1975 Law passed that gave additional powers to Indian tribes and more sovereignty. Also government promised to improve quality of education on reservations which led to the final end to tribal boarding schools and the establishment of tribal schools that taught tribal culture.

24 Name the executive of the state
Mixed Bag 100 Name the executive of the state Governor

25 Who is Ms. Herl’s favorite student and why?
Mixed Bag 200 Who is Ms. Herl’s favorite student and why? Answers will vary

26 Mixed Bag 300 What is an amendment? A change

27 What sport does Paul play in Tangerine?
Mixed Bag 400 What sport does Paul play in Tangerine? Soccer

28 Mixed Bag 500 In what ways are the state and national/federal constitutions/governments the same? Each have executive, legislative and judicial branches, constitutions have preambles, they represent citizen rights, they have amendments, they enforce checks and balances.

29 Right to Privacy only appears in the ___________constitution
FINAL JEOPARDY! Right to Privacy only appears in the ___________constitution

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