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T /08/2006 Rev B

DGL Supervisor / Manager is to: Ensure all relevant licences are current and kept on file Ensure all relevant inductee paperwork is complete Take driver to truck and instruct on, and carry out, pre-start check Take driver for limited driving test (approx 15 minutes). T /08/2006 Rev B

3 DRIVER INSTRUCTIONS If driving test is satisfactory, driver is to be inducted to: Two-Way Radio Time Sheet Vehicle Fault Report and Repair Book and Interception Report (NHVAS) Camera Any specialised equipment (eg Vehicle Mounted Crane) Refuelling, Oil and Water Points Toll Cards and Fuel Cards (eg. BP, Mobile) Depot site induction eg. access and egress points T /08/2006 Rev B

Emergency phone numbers What to do in an event of a Motor Accident / Personal Injury PPE and Emergency / Safety Equipment for vehicles Driver Responsibilities – eg. daily checks, Driver Run Sheet Other relevant instructions as per site requirements QMS Driver Manual. T /08/2006 Rev B

5 DELIVERY PAPERWORK Delivery Paperwork is an essential part of the Driver’s duties. Drivers are required to ensure that they have completed paperwork correctly and accurately. Delivery dockets must be handed in to the Supervisor. Any additional paperwork associated with the delivery of products/materials must be stapled with the delivery dockets. All docket instructions must be followed. If the instructions are not practical, contact the Supervisor immediately for further information. T /08/2006 Rev B

Common misconceptions: It does not matter if I have forgotten a customer’s delivery information. Yes, it does. Paperwork is a critical function of the driver. Costing charge arise from your comments. I don’t have to worry about the accuracy of the documents. Someone will correct my mistakes in the office. Yes, you do. Accuracy is vital, important items such as overtime could be missed if mistakes are made. I don’t have to worry if have I lost my delivery paperwork, as paperwork can be reprinted. Yes, you do. Delivery paperwork is crucial for proof of delivery. Serious back charges could result from paperwork that has been misplaced or lost. T /08/2006 Rev B

7 CUSTOMER ENGAGEMENT There are a number of things to consider when at the customer’s site. Greeting the customer Driver presentation The customer may not always be right, but never argue with them. T /08/2006 Rev B

8 DELIVERY OF MATERIAL Drivers must use a safe and common sense approach to the delivery of product to a customer. Note: If you are delivering to a site where you think there is a chance damage to property may occur, ask the customer to fill out the Permission to Enter Site / Assist in Manual Loading or Unloading Form (F-470). Ensure that the customer signs for the material/product received. Any shortage of product should be reported to the Supervisor and noted on the delivery paperwork. T /08/2006 Rev B

9 PRODUCT PICKUP Whenever picking up goods / materials, the following are to be checked: Correct quantity Correct product Correct paperwork No damages to product If discrepancies exist, contact the Supervisor. T /08/2006 Rev B

10 END OF DAY PROCEDURE Hand in all paperwork relating to the day’s deliveries, including your daily driver’s run sheet. Hand to the Supervisor completed paperwork relevant to NHVAS. T /08/2006 Rev B

11 DRIVING OF VEHICLE All vehicles are to be driven with the following in mind: Within legal speed limits and state regulations Not operating if under the influence of a drugs or alcohol With fuel efficiency in mind No clutch coasting, riding gears, over-revving Not using weight restricted streets Driving defensively Seat belts must be worn whilst driving All material is properly secured and restrained Road-rage will not be tolerated in any form. Disciplinary action will result from cases where road-rage has been proven. T /08/2006 Rev B

12 QUESTIONS? T /08/2006 Rev B

It is a requirement that an Induction Declaration be signed by both the person inducting and person being inducted. Induction Declaration can be accessed below: Induction Criteria - Fleet Operation Business Unit (F-540) Signed declaration to be kept on file. T /08/2006 Rev B


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