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1. A nickel is placed flat on a table

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2 1. A nickel is placed flat on a table
1. A nickel is placed flat on a table. What is the maximum number of nickels that can be placed around it, flat on the table, with each one tangent to it? (a) (b) 5 (c) 6 (d) (e) 8

3 2. A man saved $2. 50 in buying some lumber on sale
2. A man saved $2.50 in buying some lumber on sale. If he spent $25 for the lumber, which of the following is closest to the percentage he saved? (a) 8% (b) 9% (c) 10% (d) 11% (e) 12%

4 3. In a group of dogs and people, the number of legs was 28 more than twice the number of heads. How many dogs were there? [Assume none of the people or dogs is missing a leg.] (a) 4 (b) 7 (c) 12 (d) 14 (e) 28

5 4. What is the smallest prime number with two sevens in it?
(a) 77 (b) (c) (d) 377 (e) 155

6 5. Two cylindrical candles of the same height but different diameters are lit at the same time. The first is consumed in 4 hours and the second in 3 hours. Assuming that they burn at a constant rate, how long after being lit was the first candle twice the height of the second candle? (a) 1 hr (b) 1 hr 12 min (c) 2 hr (d) 2 hr 12 min (e) 2 hr 24 min

7 6. Let 𝑥= 16+ 16+ 16+… What is the value of x ?
(a) (b) 4 (c) (d) 8 (e)

8 7. How many real solutions does the equation 𝑥 5 +2 𝑥 3 +8 𝑥 2 +16=0 have?
(a) 0 (b) 1 (c) 2 (d) (e) 5

9 8. You walk one mile to school every day
8.You walk one mile to school every day. You leave home at the same time each day, walk at a steady speed of 3 miles per hour, and arrive just as school begins. Today you were distracted by the pleasant weather and walked the first half mile at a speed of only 2 miles per hour. At how many miles per hour must you run the last half mile in order to arrive just as school begins today? (a) 4 (b) 6 (c) 8 (d) (e) 12

10 9. An ice cream cone is three inches tall and its top is a circle with diameter two inches. The cone is filled with ice cream, such that the interior of the cone is entirely full. The cone is topped with a hemisphere of ice cream with diameter two inches. What is the total volume, in cubic inches, of the ice cream in and atop the cone? (a) π (b) 4/3 π (c) 3/2 π (d) 5/3 π (e) 2π

11 10. Every day, the value of a stock rises by exactly two dollars in the morning, and
then falls by exactly one dollar in the afternoon. If the stock’s value at the start of the first day is $100, on what day will the stock’s value first reach $200? (a) 50 (b) 99 (c) (d) (e) 200

12 11.One day in December 2015, three 2-digit prime numbers A, B and C, were given to three members of a High School math team: Ashley, Beth, and Caitlin (respectively). They had this conversation: Ashley: “If you two add your numbers, we get precisely today’s date!” Beth: “If you two add your numbers, we get my birthday this month, which was before today.” Caitlin: “If you two add your numbers, we get my birthday this month, which is after today.” What number did Caitlin get? (a) 11 (b) (c) 17 (d) (e) 23

13 12. The sum of two prime numbers is 85
12. The sum of two prime numbers is 85. What is the product of these two prime numbers? (a) 85 (b) 91 (c) (d) (e) 166

14 13. A group of people, cats, and birds has seventy legs, thirty heads, and twenty tails. How many cats are among this group? (Assume all birds have two legs and a tail.) (a) 0 (b) 5 (c) 10 (d) 15 (e) 20  

15 14. A jeweler has a 20 gram ring that is 60% gold and 40% silver
14. A jeweler has a 20 gram ring that is 60% gold and 40% silver. He wants to melt it down and add enough gold to make it 80% gold. How many grams of gold should be added? (a) 4 grams (b) 8 grams (c) 12 grams (d) 16 grams (e) 20 grams

16 15. On a test the passing students had an average of 83, while the failing students had an average of 55. If the overall class average was 76, what percent of the class passed? (a) 44% (b) 66% (c) 68% (d) 72% (e) 75%

17 16. Jack and Lee walk around a circular track
16. Jack and Lee walk around a circular track. It takes Jack and Lee respectively 6 and 10 minutes to finish each lap. They start at the same time, at the same point on the track, and walk in the same direction around the track. After how many minutes will they be at the same spot again(not necessarily at the starting point) for the first time after they start walking? (a) 15 (b) 16 (c) 30 (d) 32 (e) 60

18 17. You own thirteen pairs of socks, all different, and all of the socks are individually jumbled in
a drawer. One morning you rummage through the drawer and continue to pull out socks until you have a matching pair. How many socks must you pull out to guarantee having a matching pair? (a) 3 (b) (c) (d) (e) 25

19 18. A class has three girls and three boys
18. A class has three girls and three boys. These students line up at random, one after another. What is the probability that no boy is right next to another boy, and no girl is right next to another girl? (a) 1/20 (b) 1/12 (c) 1/10 (d) 3/ (e) 1/2

20 19. A bag contains 11 candy bars: three cost 50 cents each, four cost $1 each and four cost $2 each. How many ways can 3 candy bars be selected from the 11 candy bars so that the total cost is more than $4? (a) 8 (b) (c) (d) (e) 70

21 20. Two spies agreed to meet at a gas station between noon and 1pm, but they have both forgotten the arranged time. Each arrives at a random time between noon and 1pm and stays for 6 minutes unless the other is there before the 6 minutes are up. Assuming all random times are equally likely, what is the probability that they will meet within the hour (noon to 1pm)? (a) (b) (c) (d) (e) 0.25

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