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Introduction to Primary Earth Summit (Secondary Schools)

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1 Introduction to Primary Earth Summit (Secondary Schools)

2 You have an event request!!
16th June New Message < Slide to innovate Your invitation to the Primary Earth Summit. Your solutions to make the future better. Your chance to make a difference to the way we live our lives. This year primary and secondary schools across England, Scotland and Wales will be invited to the Summit. The aim of the summit is to give you guys a direct and active role in shaping your own future. The summit will be held on June 16th in Parliament. The PowerPoint will show clearly: how to get involved, what the summit will consist of, the positive impacts that you will give.

3 Ideas Reality Parliament Why is the Summit so special?
“People who are crazy enough to think they can change the world, are the ones who do” (Apple) Parliament Reality We have bee encouraged to look at the secondary school category on the website. There are resources on there including: videos, images and also links to external resources. It would be great if you could explore these. We need to get an eco-team set up to take part in this project. Your ideas may have the potential to become a reality. This is a very good opportunity for you to practice your leadership skills, communication skills and organisation. All very important aspects in the up and coming years at secondary school. Your ideas may have the potential to become a reality. *Say quote*

4 Plastic Oceans What is your solution? The Main issue
“A mind is like a parachute, it does not work if it is not open” (Anonymous) What is your solution? This year the Primary Earth Summit will focus on plastic waste, as it is one of the largest problems affecting the world today. (Teacher: it would be great if all of you could have a look at the resources and write down some key points to start prompting your unique ideas). *Quote* Ask pupils if they are aware about any plastic pollution issues?

5 Pictures to Ponder Plastic’s can be re-used and recycled into sculptures – look at the rabbit. However, if plastics are not disposed of correctly they have serious effects on the environment. Not only do they affect marine animals, but they also have the potential to harm humans. Can you see the micro-plastic picture (image in the middle)? - This is what can be collected in fish’s stomachs and can be passed down the food chain into ours – dangerous! - Go through a few of the photographs and get the students to talk about them, i.e. Is it right that the otter is playing with the bottle? How do these images make you feel?

6 Secondary School: Product Design and Innovation
The Category Secondary School: Product Design and Innovation To design a type of plastic bottle or packaging that will minimise the use of plastic. Category 4 (Secondary schools) – Product Design and Innovation Objective: to design a type of plastic bottle or packaging that will minimise the use of plastic. All schools: to share the design teams journey through the product development process for pupils to appreciate.

7 17th May London Practice The Training Event
20 schools will be invited to improve their leadership and speaking skills. 17th May London If we are accepted to partake in the Primary Earth Summit then we will be invited to a training event at the leading sustainable school in London. This event will really help you with: preparation, leadership and communication. The three fundamental aspects for a successful presentation. Not only will this help you with the summit, it will help you greatly for your future presentations at school. You will be with industry leaders who are experts in their profession. You will learn everything you need to know for the big day. Practice

8 London Your Voice What will happen on the day? 16th June Parliament
You will have your chance to deliver your solution to plastic waste pollution to industry leaders and MP’s London Once we have attended the training event, we will all work as a team and gather everyone’s thoughts and ideas which they came up with at the training event. Once everyone is confident we will attend the Primary Earth Summit on 16th June and present to industry leaders and members of parliament. Your Voice

9 The Winners The winning team will have
an opportunity to work with Industry product developers to have their ideas assessed for viability. “Thank God men cannot fly, and lay waste in the sky as well as the earth” (Henry David Thoreau, 1861) If your idea is innovative and catches the judges attention you will have the opportunity to present your solution to plastic waste pollution at Parliament. The panel at Parliament will then decide the winners. There will be one winner: Category 4: Students in the winning design team to have an opportunity to work with industry product developers to have there ideas assessed for viability.

10 Make your solution become a reality
Why should you get involved? Meet the experts Make your ideas heard Learn new skills Make your solution become a reality Why should we get involved? To help increase awareness of the plastic waste problem. Receive training from professionals to help with your communication and leadership skills. Present your solutions to politicians and industry leaders at the House of Commons. Grow and strengthen a peer network of youth leaders throughout England, Scotland and Wales who are committed to positive change. Work with leading industry leaders to make your solution become a reality. Speak in parliament

11 What to think about? Density Colour Weight Type of plastic Labels Lids Extra packaging Biodegradability Resources are on the Wastebuster website, under ‘Primary Earth Summit’, explore them all. Have a look on other external websites, there are loads. Marine Conservation Society, Surfers against sewage, Algalita Youth Summit... Here are just a few.

12 Leonardo Dicaprio calling
“We all have to do out part to raise awareness about global warming and the problems we as a people face in promoting a sustainable environmental future for our planet.” (Leonardo DiCaprio) Leonardo Dicaprio calling New call < Slide to answer Yes, schools invited to parliament will also have the chance to go to Brussels to participate in the European Green Week. Get thinking now of an innovative idea. You cannot miss this opportunity!

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