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Published byLawrence Francis Modified over 6 years ago
Colleague Updates and Enhancements: What is available NOW?
Eric E. Lane Subject Matter Expert – FA WEST NC Community College System Karen Britt Statler Subject Matter Expert– FA EAST NC Community College System
Recent/Upcoming Events
Financial Aid Review Team (Dec 2012) Lifetime Pell Eligibility Used Computed Columns (Sept 2012) NCASFAA – Concord, NC (November 11-14, 2012) FSA Conference – Orlando, FL (November 27-30, 2012) Registration Is Open!! ellucian LIVE (April 2013) Philadelphia, PA IIPS Conference 2013 (Oct 2013) 11/21/2018
Project Updates CFI / Colleague Interface Portal Shopping Sheet
NC Grants SOW Complete Verification Requirements updated 13/14 Template Completed Portal State Board Approval Pending (Nov. 2012) 12 Pilot Colleges Group 1 – Wake, Surry, Johnston, Lenoir Group 2 – Randolph, Cleveland, Beaufort, Sandhills Group 3 – Wayne, Craven, Blue Ridge, Tri-County Training 12 chairs in portal implementation overview Individual college user training Shopping Sheet Beta Testing Spring Delivery 11/21/2018
Training Calendar Training Course Start Day Remote Seated
FA – Understanding Your Data/Informer October 17-18, 2012 Y FA – FA101 (Invitation Only) October 22-25, 2012 Y* FA – Annual Set Up (4 weeks) On-going in Feb/March 2013 FA – Rules Writing May 2013 Fa-Communication Management TBD
Job Aids/Release Highlights
FA-Annual Set Up Guides FA-Eligible Program of Study FA-Direct Loan Reconciliation FA-Auto Packager FA-Satisfactory Academic Progress FA-LEU FA-Transfer Monitoring FA-Verification Using Colleague Release Highlights: 2013/2014 FAFSA and INAS/PROFILE Processing 2012 FA Enhancements (Aug 15, 2012) WebAdvisor for FA (Aug 15, 2012) Using Direct Loans (Aug 15, 2012) 2012/2013 Additional COD Processing (May 23, 2012) 11/21/2018
Recent Bug Fixes FA: FATR Adjusting Loan Fees for Loans Disbursed/Reported prior to July 1, FA - Unmet Need is calculated incorrectly Computed Column for LEU FA: TA.QUERY.REG.CREDITS uninitialized variable warning FA~Link rewrite of authorization process FA: WA Change My Loan Amount is clearing packaging information FA: MRLR produces blank report FA: Direct Loans and Pell keep resending to COD FA: FAOP System defaults field label does not display properly FA: IVER gives uninitialized variable warning FA: TMXP process help is incorrect FA: FASI allows entry of FA Decisions without an associated Decision Date FA: FIDF for not accessible using UI43 form search FA: AWPD allows for multiple entry of same term FA: ROFD every third page blank FA: CRCS Front end parameters not reliable – results unpredictable FA: PKCR is updating students CM code even when not packaged FA: Change the way status codes work on FAWP FA: ROFC Update button may increase the awarded amount by $ FA: SA.PELL.TRANS.NBR not removed when Pell award deleted 11/21/2018
Recent Bug Fixes FA: DL disbursement amounts from Colleague and COD for 2011 Date: 10/4/2012 3:32:58 PM Issue: Clients are finding some 2011 disbursements amt is not matching in Colleague vs COD. I.E, loan amt is $ , but the actual disb amt in Colleague is $990 and COD accepted amt is $995 Research: The anticipated Disb date is generally prior to 7/1/12, but the actual disbursement was done after 7/1/12. This is the reason why FATR considers the new 0.0 Interest Rebate % and doesn't transmit the correct amount. However, FA users are manually changing the Init XMIT amt on DLAN to be prior to 7/1/12. This is why there is no reject from COD at award or at disb level, but this causes COD and Colleague amt not to match. Resolution: Since the issue is being after the fact and last fiscal year might be close by now, the best way to resolve this issue is to remove the new fees line with activate date = 7/1/12 for the award in question from LAWD. Run FATR/FATP for the student in question which should transmit the remaining money to student's account. You may want to check DLAN to make sure that the Init XMIT date is still prior to 7/1/12. You can then run CODE to see if the record goes out, if award and disb has A response already imported in Colleague, then record may or may not go out. ALL OF THIS NEED TO BE DONE ON A QUIET SYSTEM. Making sure NO ONE is running FATR/FATP, CODE, or awarding students. Once the student in questions are taken care of place the new fees back on LAWD immediately. 11/21/2018
New Bugs FISAP report erroring all students as LTFT FRCC - Not updating credit totals immediately FA~Link FLNK Host Server modification release FA~Link rewrite of authorization process DAV - confusing message when student has no awards (The field SA.AWARD in the file SA.ACYR is not setup error) "Record Security Violation" Encountered for Reports and Batch Processes (ISIM import error – update SVM privacy code) UFIF column header in wrong place FA-FASI error typo when student has no ISIR FAR027/AWDR – Numeric award codes not working (Invalid Sort) SBC in UI has misaligned labels Duplicate Checking and ISIM (value not saved on DUPC) FA: zero amt inital disb date based awards Drops as repeats issue 11/21/2018
Release Highlights 2012/2013 COD Processing (March 14, 2012)
FAEX – FA Exports UCOD – Unsent COD.XML files CNVP – FA.COD.WORK.NVP files CXBD – COD.XML BUILD.DIR files FEAF – FA Export Archive files FCVR – FA Reg and TIV Credits Variance Report 11/21/2018
2012/2013 Additional COD Processing
Release Highlights 2012/2013 Additional COD Processing (May 23, 2012) PLAP- View PLUS Applications PLAD-PLUS Applications Detail Edit 177 and 178 for LEU FAAP-FA Awarding Parameters 11/21/2018
Release Highlights 2012 FA Enhancements (Aug 15, 2012)
ROFW – ROF Worksheet OVAW – Over Award Detail Report AERL – Award Eligibility Rules DCTL – Disbursement Date Code Tool FAPS – FA Attendance Pattern Setup PELL LEU Computed Columns (FA, CS, SA, TA) NSLDS Monitoring (FAUP) 11/21/2018
2013/2014 FAFSA and INAS/PROFILE Processing (Oct 10, 2012)
Release Highlights 2013/2014 FAFSA and INAS/PROFILE Processing (Oct 10, 2012) FAFSA Forms DLBR – Direct Loans Broken Link Report FACB – Batch Update FA Counselor FADB – FA Decision Batch Update 11/21/2018
2012 Financial Aid Enhancements Release Highlights
(Oct 18, 2012) ROFW – Return of Funds Worksheet OVAW – Over Award Detail Report FAPS – FA Attn Ptrn Setup DCTL – Disbursement Code Date Tool AERL – Award Eligibility Rules FAS984 – Unprocessed NSLDS Monitoring Files 11/21/2018
Release Highlights New / Modified Subroutines*
S.FA.PROCESS.NSLDS.FILES. This subroutine imports transfer monitoring files through the DOEI process. S.FA.GET.DISB.CODE. This subroutine returns a disbursement code when provided a year, student ID, and award code. This subroutine is called by the TC.DISB.CODE file and is used by the DCTL form. S.GET.UNMET.NEED. This subroutine now calls the shared subroutine to calculate Unmet Need. S.FA.APPLY.UNMET.NEED.FORMULA. This subroutine isolates the unmet need calculation and replaced the use of an insert. S.FA.GET.COST.EFC.NEED.AMTS. This subroutine consolidates logic being used in several places into a single subroutine. S.FA.GET.COD.ACTIVE.PARAMS. This subroutine reads the FA.UPDATE.PARAMETERS file and return parameters needed for the DOEI importing process. S.FA.PKG.AMT.FFELP. Allows packing of additional Unsub for denied Parent Plus *Not a complete list 11/21/2018
Pell Lifetime Eligibility Used
New Computed Columns FIN.AID – FA.PELL.LEU CS.ACYR – CS.PELL.LEU SA.ACYR – SA.PELL.LEU TA.ACYR – TA.PELL.LEU NSPI Populated - We will continue to send Pell Grant LEU data from the COD System to the NSLDS for all Pell Grant recipients. - The weekly Pell Grant LEU reports will continue. The weekly Pell Grant LEU s to students will end on July 1, 2012. - For additional information about the Pell Grant LEU Report, refer to Volume VI, Section 8 of the COD Technical Reference. We will process the one-time load of Pell Grant LEU data received from the COD System. 11/21/2018
Pell Lifetime Eligibility Used
Pell Lifetime Eligibility Used
Pell Lifetime Eligibility Used
Pell Lifetime Eligibility Used
Pell Lifetime Eligibility Used
REMEMBER the ‘99999’ trick! 11/21/2018
PELL LEU Transmittal Rule
PELL LEU Packaging Rule
Pell Lifetime Eligibility Used
LEU Steps Pull report from to identify students Create CMC codes for ‘nearing max’ and ‘max pell’ Create rules for packager (CS.ACYR) and transmittal (TA.ACYR) Add packager rule to PKDF, global rule Add transmittal rule to AEC for FPELL Review ‘nearing max’ students, make adjustments to PLCD, to adjust Pell award 11/21/2018
Upcoming Bug Fixes SAP: Include credits dropped after census date in credits attempted ROFC incorrectly relies on TIV Credits for Pell calculation FA: AIDE allows exceeding award budget on VFBL FA: DLAN is blank, award has transmitted/exported S.FA.ACTIVATE.PACK not on student record cannot delete message FFSP does not finish out when run in UPDATE mode DLAN allows the deleting of disbursements that have been transmitted FA: APCR does not produce a report unless Min and Max Credit Values Entered FA-FASI error typo when student has no ISIR FA: Download date stamp missing for files in UFIF/FA.RECEIVE.DIR UFIF column header in wrong place 11/21/2018
COD Processing Changes
COD Processing Changes
Exit Interview Changes
Exit Interview Changes
NSLDS Monitoring Changes
NSLDS Monitoring Changes
NSLDS Monitoring Changes
DSRR Changes Requires update of SAS options on COD Website 11/21/2018
STCM Changes Carries forward from ROFC and any award period with a calc will appear here. 11/21/2018
IART Changes Stu IRS Req Stu IRS AGI Stu IRS FIT Par IRS Req
Par IRS AGI Par IRS FIT Ver Grp (Verification Group) 11/21/2018
FASI Changes 11/21/2018
IVER Changes 11/21/2018
ISVN/IPVN Changes 11/21/2018
SPTD Changes 11/21/2018
SPTD Changes Ungraded Course Statuses to Include
Enter statuses of ungraded courses to include as attempted credits in the SAP Calculation (SAPC) process. The SAPC process includes ungraded courses that were dropped after the census date but before the drop grade required date. You must specify in this list which statuses the SAPC process will consider. Most institutions will choose the D–Dropped and W–Withdrawn statuses. Ellucian recommends you choose those and any statuses that are equivalent to those. However, you can choose any status listed in this drop-down box. The SAPC process finds ungraded courses with one of the statuses listed here. If the associated status date is after the course census date and before the drop grade required date, then the SAPC process will consider these credits as Attempted. For example: Student drops a MATH course after the census date but before the grade required date. A grade is never assigned to this course, but the SAPC process will consider those credits as Attempted. 11/21/2018
SPTD Changes In order for the SAPC process to include ungraded courses in Attempted Credits, you must: Define census dates on one of the SRGD, TLOC, ACTM forms Define a drop grade required date on one of the SRGD, TLOC, or ACTM forms. Define a census number on the FRCP form. Define Ungraded Course Statuses To Include on this form. 11/21/2018
Essentially… SPTD Changes
You must enter statuses in the Ungraded Course Statuses to Include list on the SAP Type Definition (SPTD) form for any SAP Types that should consider dropped or other ungraded courses as attempted. 11/21/2018
Shopping Sheet Answer Net #60494.81 and 60814.63 Section 484 of HEOA
Encouraged to be using 13/14 Required by schools agreeing to Executive Order 13607 Programming specifications delivered Sept 30 NCCCS Beta for ellucian Dr. Joe Wescott Executive Director NCSAA 11/21/2018
Open Enhancement Requests
FA: Add unofficial withdrawal flag on ROFC which will use 50% for % TIV earned FA: RFBL should have consistent Error Messages FA: Default the additional criteria on the SBRV form to No FA: Add values for IRS Request flags for student and parent to IPVN/ISVN FA: Mark items based on verification group codes on the verification forms FA: Assign FA.COUNSELOR in FIN.AID with batch process FA: ISIM report showing CORE updates (CIMO) FA: Only include Reg Credits that are within the student's program(s) FA: Use the Last Date of Attendance in determining Withdrawal Date on ROFC FA: Add Net Price to FA Dashboards 11/21/2018
Existing Bugs UI4.2./4.3 > UNIX permissions issues with the FA module CM: PCB BATCHLISTS records can remain locked after process finishes FA: FASI allows entry of FA Decisions without an associated Decision Date Direct Deposit for Financial Aid FA: DSRR > Would like the ability to print the raw data from the SAS file UI 4.2 > FFSP does not finish out when run in UPDATE mode FA:DOEI can not import files >FATAL error accessing ini-file FA: SA.ACTION not being updated if loan changed to only 1 term FA: Detail to LEEI from FASI FA: SAPM still not working after loading FA WA: No report was produced message when running WBSTS AR: FATR not limiting to savedlist of TA records FATR and Unitialized Variable Errors with S.FA.XMIT.CALC.DISB.AMTS FA: Only include Reg Credits that are within the student's program(s) Odd behavior on FA by year if no aid for year (WA) FA: Change My Loan Amount Error in WebAdvisor based on Unmet Need FA: BAWD not creating SL record if creating award for award period 11/21/2018
Questions? 11/21/2018
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