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Programming a painting line via transponders

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1 Programming a painting line via transponders
RFID - EN Programming a production line by means of transponders Programming a painting line via transponders J.-D. Chatelain

2 A B Interface device Interface device Control console A
RFID - EN Programming a production line by means of transponders Interface device Interface device Control console A Control console B A B Installation RWM01 RWM02 In each production center, an interface device is connected to the fieldbus In each production center, a control console manages a fieldbus A read/write module is connected to each interface device An object (car) to be transformed A painting installation which is connected to the fieldbus Two production centers A production line A production hall Production line

3 RFID - EN Programming a production line by means of transponders It is transmitted to the transponder via an interface device and RWM01 The command recorded in the transponder is read by RWM02, sent to the control console which, in turn, programmes the installation The installation, programmed by the control console, does its work in accordance with the instructions stored in the transponder A command is introduced into the control console Pink Pink Interface device Interface device Control console A Control console B A B The objects that pass along the production line are equipped with a transponder RWM01 RWM02 Production line

4 A B Green Gold Blue Red Green Gold Blue Red Production line RFID - EN
Programming a production line by means of transponders Green Gold Blue Red Green Gold Blue Red A B Production line

5 Programming a painting line via transponders End of this chapter
RFID - EN Programming a production line by means of transponders Programming a painting line via transponders End of this chapter J.-D. Chatelain

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