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EYFS Curriculum Workshop Monday, 16th October 2017

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Presentation on theme: "EYFS Curriculum Workshop Monday, 16th October 2017"— Presentation transcript:

1 EYFS Curriculum Workshop Monday, 16th October 2017
Vanessa Temple Head of Pre-School and Reception King’s College Doha

2 Welcome Housekeeping Brief introductions King’s UK Our EYFS programme here at King’s College Doha Questions

3 King’s College UK EYFS curriculum Floppy’s Phonics / Letters and Sounds Oxford Reading Tree Abacus Mathematics GL Assessment Baseline UK qualified and experienced teachers

4 King’s College Doha EYFS curriculum Floppy’s Phonics / Letters and Sounds Abacus Mathematics Oxford Reading Tree GL Assessment Baseline UK qualified and experienced teachers

5 EYFS Curriculum Central principals Playing and Learning: Engagement
Active Learning: Motivation Creating and Thinking Critically: Thinking The seven areas of learning PRIME Communication and Language Physical Development Personal, Social and Emotional Development SPECIFIC Literacy Mathematics Understanding the World Expressive Arts and Design

6 What does this look like in a typical day?
Do the children have ‘lessons’? What if my child is not doing the same as the other children? Does it make a difference if my child doesn’t speak English? How can I support my child at home?  

7 Three types of Teaching and Learning every day: 
Large Group Peer Individual Time to REFLECT and CONNECT

8 Phonics and reading Floppy’s Phonics / Letters and Sounds Schemes designed to develop children’s aural and oral awareness at an appropriate pace using the Oxford Reading Tree characters as a base for engagement, and also real-life experiences. Both work together and support each other. What are the expectations? Pre-School – Phase One confident, Phase Two all letter sounds and some blending and segmenting Reception – Phase Two and Phase Three confident, introduction of Phase Four for review

9 Reading Oxford Reading Tree
This is a scheme designed to develop children’s reading, comprehension, discussion and de-coding skills in a fun and meaningful context. The characters are lively and the stories and funny. Children enjoy reading these books. Please note: a child will not be given a book that they cannot read. CONFIDENCE IS EVERYTHING. Tricky words will be sent home for children to read and remember (develop their sight vocabulary) every week at the appropriate level. Once they know most of the words they will be given the book with those words in. Library books will be sent home each week for families to enjoy.

10 Mathematics: Abacus This is a scheme designed to support the sequential mathematical learning of young children taking into account their level of cognitive development and understanding. We also have an online support for this:

11 Assessment Baseline in Autumn and Summer Term 2Simple - digital learning profile Ongoing assessments throughout the year which are derived from the schemes that we use. Reports 2Simple profile each term and written End of Year Report

12 Questions?

13 Thank you for coming! Staff are always around to answer any questions you may have regarding curriculum or the EYFS programme at King’s College Doha.

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