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Fall Chinook Management Measures

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Presentation on theme: "Fall Chinook Management Measures"— Presentation transcript:

1 Fall Chinook Management Measures
Flow Temperature Control Transportation Spill Project Modifications

2 Summer Flow Management
Goal is to refill all storage project to full pool by June 30. Draft reservoirs within draft limits to increase river flow during the summer months.

3 Summer Flow Management Volumes
Storage Reservoir Draft Limit from Full (feet) Draft Volume (kaf) Libby 20 (10) 891 (455) Hungry Horse 467 (246) Grand Coulee 10 789 Banks Lake 5 130 Dworshak 80 1,200 Upper Snake 487 Canadian water 1,000 Total 4,964 (4,307)

4 Snake River Fall Chinook Salmon Research Summary 1992-2005



7 Conclusions (Connor et al. )
—Survival is influenced simultaneously by flow and temperature — Summer flow augmentation increases flow and decreases temperature —Summer flow augmentation increases survival

8 Most fish have been transported
Transport evaluation with spill program is a high priority Less in recent years


10 Project Modifications
Initial results of surface bypass studies indicate surface passage is an effective passage route for subyearling migrants.

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