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Comfort in Sufferings 2 Corinthians 1:1-9 Cornel Rasor, Pastor.

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1 Comfort in Sufferings 2 Corinthians 1:1-9 Cornel Rasor, Pastor

2 Act 18:1-5 After these things he left Athens and went to Corinth
Act 18:1-5  After these things he left Athens and went to Corinth.  (2)  And he found a Jew named Aquila, a native of Pontus, having recently come from Italy with his wife Priscilla, because Claudius had commanded all the Jews to leave Rome. He came to them,  (3)  and because he was of the same trade, he stayed with them and they were working, for by trade they were tent- makers.  (4)  And he was reasoning in the synagogue every Sabbath and trying to persuade Jews and Greeks.  (5)  But when Silas and Timothy came down from Macedonia, Paul began devoting himself completely to the word, solemnly testifying to the Jews that Jesus was the Christ. © Kootenai Community Church | Adult Sunday School: 2 Corinthians | Series taught by Cornel Rasor, Pastor | Any unauthorized alteration of this material is prohibited.

3 Paul/Saul Act 13:13  Now Paul and his companions put out to sea from Paphos and came to Perga in Pamphylia; but John left them and returned to Jerusalem. Act 13:2  While they were ministering to the Lord and fasting, the Holy Spirit said, "Set apart for Me Barnabas and Saul for the work to which I have called them." Act 13:9  But Saul, who was also known as Paul, filled with the Holy Spirit, fixed his gaze on him, © Kootenai Community Church | Adult Sunday School: 2 Corinthians | Series taught by Cornel Rasor, Pastor | Any unauthorized alteration of this material is prohibited.

4 “Students of Paul’s epistles have suggested various explanations of why the apostle preferred to use his name Paul rather than his name Saul. Some say he did so to mark the spiritual conquest of Sergius Paulus (Acts 13:9). Others claim he did so to show himself the least of the apostles since “Paul” means “little” (cf. Eph. 3:8; 1 Tim. 1:15). Another suggestion is that he was small in physical stature. Perhaps he did so because the Greek form of the Hebrew name “Saul” was objectionable since it was identical with an adjective that meant “effeminate.” He may have done so simply because it was customary for Roman citizens to bear a Roman name as well as one that reflected their own nationality.” © Kootenai Community Church | Adult Sunday School: 2 Corinthians | Series taught by Cornel Rasor, Pastor | Any unauthorized alteration of this material is prohibited.

5 abundance ερισσεύω perisseuō 1) to exceed a fixed number of measure, to be left over and above a certain number or measure 1a) to be over, to remain 1b) to exist or be at hand in abundance 1b1) to be great (abundant) 1b2) a thing which comes in abundance, or overflows unto one, something falls to the lot of one in large measure 1b3) to redound unto, turn out abundantly for, a thing 1c) to abound, overflow 1c1) to be abundantly furnished with, to have in abundance, abound in (a thing), to be in affluence 1c2) to be pre-eminent, to excel 1c3) to excel more than, exceed 2) to make to abound 2a) to furnish one richly so that he has abundance 2b) to make abundant or excellent perisseuó: to be over and above, to abound Original Word: περισσεύω Part of Speech: Verb Transliteration: perisseuó Phonetic Spelling: (per-is-syoo'-o) Short Definition: I exceed, am left over Definition: (a) intrans: I exceed the ordinary (the necessary), abound, overflow; am left over, (b) trans: I cause to abound. 4052 perisseúō (from 4012 /perí, "all-around" which indicates abundance or surplus) – properly, exceed, go beyond the expected measure, i.e. above and beyond ("more than . . . "); "what goes further (more), surpasses" (J. Thayer). © Kootenai Community Church | Adult Sunday School: 2 Corinthians | Series taught by Cornel Rasor, Pastor | Any unauthorized alteration of this material is prohibited.

6 1Pe 4:12-16  Beloved, do not be surprised at the fiery ordeal among you, which comes upon you for your testing, as though some strange thing were happening to you;  (13)  but to the degree that you share the sufferings of Christ, keep on rejoicing, so that also at the revelation of His glory you may rejoice with exultation.  (14)  If you are reviled for the name of Christ, you are blessed, because the Spirit of glory and of God rests on you.  (15)  Make sure that none of you suffers as a murderer, or thief, or evildoer, or a troublesome meddler;  (16)  but if anyone suffers as a Christian, he is not to be ashamed, but is to glorify God in this name. © Kootenai Community Church | Adult Sunday School: 2 Corinthians | Series taught by Cornel Rasor, Pastor | Any unauthorized alteration of this material is prohibited.

7 “There is a very human tendency to make the most of anything that we have to go through. Often a person who has undergone a quite simple operation will make it a subject of conversation for a long time to come. H. L. Gee tells of two men who met to transact some business in days of war. The one was full of how the train in which he had travelled had been attacked from the air. He would not stop talking about the excitement, the danger, the narrow escape. The other in the end said quietly, "Well, let's get on with our business now. I'd like to get away fairly early because my house was demolished by a bomb last night.” © Kootenai Community Church | Adult Sunday School: 2 Corinthians | Series taught by Cornel Rasor, Pastor | Any unauthorized alteration of this material is prohibited.

8 sunupourgeó: to help together
joining in helping συνυπουργέω sunupourgeō 1) to help together sunupourgeó: to help together Original Word: συνυπουργέω Part of Speech: Verb Transliteration: sunupourgeó Phonetic Spelling: (soon-oop-oorg-eh'-o) Short Definition: I help together Definition: I help together, join in serving. 4943 synypourgéō (from 4862 /sýn, "closely identified with" and hypourgos, "cooperation") – closely cooperate (a rare term, even in classical Greek, used only in 2 Cor 1:11). © Kootenai Community Church | Adult Sunday School: 2 Corinthians | Series taught by Cornel Rasor, Pastor | Any unauthorized alteration of this material is prohibited.

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