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Mindful Awareness Practices:

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1 Mindful Awareness Practices:
Fostering The Attentional Skills, Emotional Intelligence & Resilience Of Students & Teachers ******************** Experiences From The Westfield & Fitchburg Public Schools Mindful Awareness Practices: Fostering The Attentional Skills, Emotional Intelligence & Resilience Of Students & Teachers Safe & Support Learning Environments Conference, March 23, 2018

2 [100%,-35 of 35 respondents – said ‘yes’]
Sampling of ‘Inner Explorer’ Teacher Feedback, Feb. 2018, Westfield, MA Q: Given your experience with I.E. thus far, would you recommend the District make it available again next year? Why? [100%,-35 of 35 respondents – said ‘yes’] “Yes. The impacts with the students has been obvious. Students are calmer, and more focused. Students have told me that they can study better when they are calm. I have two other students tell me that it helps the headaches they used to get all the time. I am able to complete the lesson after mindfulness with ease having almost no classroom disruptions.”

3 Westfield, MA ‘Inner Explorer’ Feedback:
“Yes.  I certainly hope so! Emotional stability is crucial for cognitive learning to occur.” “Yes.  What a wonderful way of assisting the teachers and students with getting in the right frame of mind to learn and deal with the daily stressors!!!!” “Yes.  Absolutely. The benefits to children include better instruction from teachers who had the advantage of a few minutes of personal mindfulness in the midst of a chaotic day.”

4 Defining Mindfulness “The awareness that emerges through paying attention on purpose, in the present moment, and nonjudgmentally to the unfolding of experience moment to moment.” -Jon Kabat-Zinn

5 Strengthening Attention Fosters Learning
“The faculty of voluntarily bringing back a wandering attention, over and over again, is the very root of judgment, character, and will. No one is compos sui [master of himself] if he have it not. An education which should improve this faculty would be the education par excellence. But it is easier to define this ideal than to give practical directions for bringing it about.” William James, Principles of Psychology, 1890

6 Inner Explorer Research Results
Improved Behavior “We started with just 2 classrooms and within 3 weeks, every teacher wanted it because they saw a huge change in student behavior on the playground” – Elementary Principal, Oswego, IL *IE - Inner Explorer Behavior problems reduced by 60% Including Student Aggression & Bullying

7 Inner Explorer Research Results
“Prior to Inner Explorer, 56.5% of my students were below grade level. After Inner Explorer, only 4.3% of students were below!” – Elementary School Teacher in Wooster City, OH Improved Grade Point Average (GPA) Pilot 1 8 wks-controlled 239 students 7% increase Pilot 2 10 wks-RCT* 337 students 10.4% increase Pilot 3 27 wks-RCT * students 15.4% increase *RCT- Randomized Controlled Trial Statistically significant effects in 5 Subjects Reading, Math, Science, Writing, & Social Studies

8 43% RESEARCH RESULTS Teachers benefit along with the students
Percent decrease in teachers stress 43% “I used to hate picking up my kids from recess and lunch; they were always the hardest times of the day. Now they are my favorite. After recess we do Inner Explorer and after lunch we practice a mindful minute. This program is so good for my students and for me.” 2nd grade teacher, Oakland, CA Less Stress = More Effective Teachers!

9 A Last Thought Skillful Mindful Awareness Practices Used Daily Are Not Just Another SEL Strategy… They Are a Gift To Teacher & Student Alike Nurturing Resilience, - The 4th R in Education

10 Fitchburg Kindergarten Experiences:
Use mindfulness to help students with self-regulation. Teach students about the mind body connection using the book Moody Cow and a glitter jar.  What can we do to help our upset or busy minds so that we can make good, clear choices? Teach and model deep breathing, using pinwheels, streamers and visuals.  This helps students breath productively during guided exercises and independent mindfulness.       Set up “chill-out” spot in the classroom where students can go during the day when they experience strong feelings or a busy mind.  Students can use the glitter jar, pinwheel and movement cards to use mindful skills that they have learned. Use guided exercises on Go Noodle.  We begin our day with a guided mindful exercise in the morning and after recess and lunch in the afternoon.   Use teacher led mindful activities during transitions.

11 Fitchburg: How K-Students Feel About Mindfulness
“It makes me feel peaceful”. “I feel happy after”. “I can be a better friend”. “I feel calm”.

12 K -Teacher Observations of Mindfulness – Fitchburg, MA
Whole group mindful activities quickly change the energy in the classroom.   Students are better able to recognize their feelings and verbalize how they are feeling. Increase in student focus. Mindfulness in the classroom, benefits the teacher as well as the students.  As a teacher, I feel better able to teach and respond to students with clarity when practicing mindfulness.  

13 4th Gr. Fitchburg Students On Mindful Awareness Practices
Fall 2017 Replies: How do you feel during mindfulness? Calm and relaxed (14 students) I like the quiet (2 students) It does not help me. (4 students)

14 4th Gr. - Fall ’17- Do You Use It At Other Times In the Day? When?
15 students do not use it at other times I use it when I have to go to the doctors. I use the five finger meditation to help me sleep. I use it when I am frustrated with my parents. I use it when I do my homework. I use it when my brothers and sisters are fighting.

15 4th Gr. - How do you feel during mindfulness
4th Gr. - How do you feel during mindfulness? (Each response is from 1 student unless otherwise noted) Winter, ‘17-’18: Calm, happy (7 students) I feel relaxed, like I am floating. It helps me focus on my work. I feel calm, relaxed and able to do my work during the day. (2 students) What I feel is relaxation, I close my eyes and think about my breathing. [cont.]

16 4th Gr. - Winter ‘17-’18 [cont.]
When I am having a bad day, it makes me calm down, and think about things. I feel very calm.  Like all of the wiggles just left my body every time I take a deep breath. My body isn’t tense. I feel awesome during mindfulness. If I am stressed, it calms me down. (3 students) I feel bored during mindfulness, it doesn’t help me.

17 4th Gr.: Do you use it at other times during the day? When?
8 students do not use it at other times I do not use it at other times because I am able to keep it in my head and remind myself and think of it when I need to. I use it before bed to help me sleep. (2 students) If I am stressed, I take a few deep breaths or do some color breathing. [cont.]

18 4th Gr.: Winter ‘17-’18 [cont.]
When I need to take a break, I use it. (3 students) I use it when I get home. I use it when my brother annoys me.  It helps me calm down. I use it when I am having a bad day.  It helps because it makes me calm and relaxed.  I use it whenever I am stuck on a problem on a test or my work.

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