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Housing Authority of the City of Alameda Budget Presentation For FY

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1 Housing Authority of the City of Alameda Budget Presentation For FY 2018-19
June 20, 2018

2 FY 2018-19 Budget Highlights (Attachment A)
Change Budget $ % Operating Income 15,603,775 16,051,618 447,843 3% Operating Expenses 14,114,952 14,549,037 434,085 Net Operating Income 1,488,823 1,502,581 13,758 1% HAP income 27,402,565 30,130,914 2,728,349 10% HAP Expenses Net HAP - Less: Depreciation 1,552,833 0% Operating Income After Depreciation (64,010) (50,252) -21% Cash Adjustments 426,238 1,347,282 921,044 216% Operating Cash before CIP 362,228 1,297,030 934,802 258% Reserve Funds Withdrawal 3,868,000 1,715,000 (2,153,000) -56% Operating Funds (IP Reserve) 1,300,000 Capital Improvement Projects (3,868,000) (4,015,000) (147,000) 4% (1,000,000) OPERATING INCOME CASH 297,030 (65,198) -18%

3 Budget Structure AAHC 4 properties transferred May 1
Presented here in operating budget but will be approved in separate meeting Overall Includes: Section 8 Housing Assistance Payments (HAP pass-through) Operating income and Expenses Properties, Sec8 admin fee, CDBG, HOME, Successor Agency, Rent Program (12 months) etc. Capital Improvement Projects (CIP) Does not include: Island City Development (ICD)

4 Methodology FY 2018-19 Budget
A complete update of personnel costs as these form 53% of the expense budget Revised rental income to reflect an average 5% increase in contract rent for 2019 (3% over the year) Generally a 3% increase in expenses unless actual is higher Does not include North Housing (approx. $15MM in land)

5 HAP Budget Highlights (Attachment B)

6 Section 8 Housing Assistance Payments (HAP pass-through)
Total HAP for FY $30,130,914 HAP is received by AHA and paid to landlords housing Section 8 tenants Federal funds must be kept separate from all other Housing Authority funds Assumes leasing of 17,820 units (1,485 per month), compared with 17,916 units month (or 1,493 per month) for prior year.

7 Operating Budget Highlights (Attachment C)

8 Operating Income FY Total Operating Income is $16,051,618 or 3% higher Due to developer fee from Littlejohn Commons. Rents increase but so do vacancy due to capital improvement projects. Income sources: Rental income from tenants in AHA-owned properties. Rental subsidy (HAP) received for Section 8 recipients in AHA-owned properties.   Tax increment Funding (TIF) for Independence Plaza  Grant Income for the Family Self Sufficiency (FSS) program Administrative Fee Income: Only to cover the cost of administration for the Section 8 programs. Included at a proration of 77% Increase of $46K due to stable proration and increase in per unit fee Other income – interest, CDBG, HOME etc.

9 Operating Expenses FY Total operating expenses is $14,549,037 or 3% higher Due mainly to staffing costs More detailed line-by-line breakdown in Attachment C Increases include Salary and Benefits Legal Recruiting costs

10 Salary & Benefits Schedule of Authorized Positions (Attachment E):
FY (FTE) FY (FTE) A number of positions eliminated in Housing Programs and Maintenance COLA 3% A proposed COLA not to exceed 3% for all employees, except Y-rated staff Staff will come back to BOC in Aug/Sept. with COLA data Benefits: 5% increase in maximum AHA contribution assumed Assumes employee plus 2 dependents for all regular employees Staff will come back to BOC in Aug/Sept. with updated benefit costs

11 Capital Improvement Projects (CIPs) (Attachment D)

12 Capital Improvement Projects
Four projects valued at $4 million Sources to pay for these include: Third party or grant funding (where available) Property specific reserves held by lenders/bond holders, subject to their approval or held by AHA Cash flow from the specific property or other properties

13 Operating Budget by Program

14 AHA Properties Assumes 4% vacancy except Independent Plaza and Rosefield Village due to capital projects Assumes 0.75% write off 5% increase in contract rent for all sites spread over the calendar year Excess cash will be used for capital projects

15 Housing Programs Department
Administrative Fee Revenues from Administrative Fees $ 1,634,828 Expenses ,888, Net Loss ($1,253,175) Cost issues – fourth year of losses Reduced leasing due to market conditions and shortfall Streamlining initiatives with HUD upcoming (e.g. triennual recerts) Eliminating one FTE unfilled position Staffing may need to be reallocated/reduced in future years to balance the Section 8 budget Proposed Board Action Approve fund transfer of up to $1,253,175 in next year, from Owned Property operating reserves to the Housing Choice Voucher program.

16 Successor Housing Agency
No revenues as utilizes Successor Housing agency funds received from the City in August of Cash and investment balance of $700K available for this purpose. The budget expenditures are: Successor Agency Budget: Salaries & Administration $ 205,612 Pre-development expenses $ Total Successor Agency Budget $ ,612

17 Items that will impact cash in FY 2018-19
2100 Clement: purchase of four units at approximately $840,000 from reserves. Two have been purchased. Any additional GASB 68 or OPEB payments approved by the Board in the next fiscal year

18 Cash Flow Operating surplus FY 2018-19 $1,502,581
After CIP, cash flow additions for In-lieu and successor agency receipts and after principal and reserves payments FY $297,030 Assumes use of surplus cash from operations for CIP Continuation of AHA’s plan to invest in Owned Properties Cash and investments at March 31, 2018 was in excess of $23 MM

19 Staff recommendation

20 Adoption of the Housing Authority’s Budget for Fiscal Years 2018-19 including approval of:
Housing Assistance Payment (HAP) Budget (Attachment B) Operating Income and Expenses (Attachment C) Capital Improvement Project (CIP) Budget and related use of property and agency reserves and surplus operating cash from Fiscal Years to cover these expenses (Attachment D) Revised Schedule of Authorized Positions to be effective July 1, (Attachment E) Transfer by the Executive Director of up to $1,253,175 in the budget year, as needed, from AHA property reserves to cover losses in the Section 8/Housing Programs operating budget. (Attachment C)

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