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Business Meeting Agenda Call to Order Roll Call-designees or proxy sign the clipboard Leader recognition Treasurer’s report Highlights of the year.

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3 Business Meeting Agenda
Call to Order Roll Call-designees or proxy sign the clipboard Leader recognition Treasurer’s report Highlights of the year Call the ASPHN Business Meeting to order Because this is the association’s business meeting, we do need to collect signatures from Designees present or their proxy. If you are the state’s Designee, please sign your name next to your state. If you are not the Designee or proxy, we are glad you are here, but you can just pass the clipboard to the next person – you do not need to sign in. We are proud of the fact that many people are active in ASPHN. If you are on the Board, on a committee, on the leadership team of a council, or a liaison, please stand and be recognized. Thank you for your service! I have a couple of slides on the finances of ASPHN to share with you all. This year, work of the councils and committees has been substantial. The highlights reviewed today are only the top 2 or 3 accomplishments of each council and committee over the past year.

4 Board of Directors 2015-2016 Kim DeDino Michelle Futrell Becky Adams
Heidi Scarpitti Donna McDuffie Amber Brown Patrice Isabella Leslie Lewis Michelle Futrell Kim LaCroix Jennifer Church Peggy Trouba Jamie Stang Amy Koren-Roth Diane Peck Takako Tagami This was the Board of Directors for August 2015 through to July 2016. Kim DeDino resigned in January after she accepted a position in another state agency Michelle Futrell resigned in May after she retired! ASPHN has an active Board, with every Board member having either officer responsibilities or committee chair responsibilities.

5 Consultants Executive Director-Karen Probert, MS, RD
Director of Operations-Cyndi Atterbury, MPA, RD, LDN Expert Public Health Nutrition Consultant-Sandy Perkins, MS, RD, LD Project Consultant-Amber Phipps, MS Membership Consultant – Allison McGuigan Communications Consultant-Janelle Clepper Leadership Development Consultant-Jean Weinberg The Consultants of ASPHN play a significant role in ensuring the stability and continuity of our virtual organization. They provide staffing and project support as individual consultants and small businesses. Cyndi, Sandy, Jean, and Karen are at the meeting this year – please stand.

6 Treasurer’s Report ASPHN fiscal year begins January 1st and ends December 31st Budget for FY 2016 is $1,128,959 Subcontract to other organizations = $338,000 Auditing for FY 2015 is in process and nearly complete. The ASPHN Treasurer is Donna McDuffie. On her behalf I share this Treasurer’s Report.

7 Funding Partners CDC, Division of Nutrition, Physical Activity and Obesity (DNPAO) HRSA, Maternal and Child Health Bureau (MCHB) Cooperative Agreement with CDC, Division of Nutrition, Physical Activity, and Obesity Just at the end of year 2 of our 4-year agreement Project Officer: Claire Heiser This cooperative agreement supports most of the association’s work including this annual meeting PLEASE be sure to thank the representatives of CDC who are here at our meeting ----- Contract with HRSA, Maternal and Child Health Bureau Currently in year 3 of our 5-year contract Project Officer: Denise Sofka This contract supports MCH Nutrition Council and other association projects 7

8 Fundraising Committee
Young committee – not even one year old Soliciting donations for only 4 years First donation in 2012 from the outgoing President $3,295 raised since 2012 We will continue this work

9 Mission Statement The Association of State Public Health Nutritionists develops leaders in public health nutrition who strengthen policy, programs and environments making it possible for everyone to make healthy food choices and achieve healthy, active lifestyles.  I want to take a minute to look at the mission of ASPHN. We are unique from other public health nutrition groups in that our focus is on developing us as leaders in our state, our organization, our community, and our field. To help achieve the mission we have had several accomplishments over the past year. I will highlight just a few of the many achievements. The highlights of the year are organized by the ASPHN Key Messages

10 I’ll highlight two activities having to do with promoting public health nutrition
If you haven’t already done so, be sure to see the 30+ success stories on the Story Bank tab of the ASPHN website that promotes the public health nutrition work of our members The Membership Communication and Outreach Committee has been working on a campaign to help us easily explain our role and value as public health nutritionists. The result is the See It, Say It, Share It! Campaign and you’ve already seen some of this work throughout the meeting. Look for more of this campaign over the next few months. The next few slides have pictures of the posters from this campaign.






16 A lot of good work under the heading of developing and empowering leaders this past year…..
We just finished a leadership program for 12 ASPHN members. Participants summarized their experience in the program by saying things like: empowering, insightful, and instrumental to growing professionally. Another leadership program for members will start in October, so look for that information if you are interested. ASPHN has held several mentoring activities this year. Those of us at this meeting were fortunate to have a short workshop this morning with our mentoring team. In August, the Board approved a student membership fee of $25 – we now have 9 new students who have joined ASPHN This year the Fruit and Vegetable Nutrition Council added representatives to their leadership team and they have successfully recruited 4 new Fruit and Vegetable Nutrition Coordinators just in the past month.

17 The Maternal and Child Health Nutrition Council formatted and re-released their most recent document to help state staff incorporate evidence-based nutrition strategies into the new National Performance Measures of the MCH Services Block Grant. The resource is entitled, “Incorporating Nutrition into the MCH Services Block Grant” Of course, the ASPHN annual meeting always provides excellent professional development. I know how much people value this meeting and miss it when they have missed a meeting or two. This year we have ## people attending from 30 states! Thank you for being here. The MCH paper and materials from this annual meeting are available on the ASPHN website. In the year ahead you can look for a new resource from the MCH Nutrition Council, and ASPHN is working with the Academy of Nutrition & Dietetics to develop and offer an online certificate of training in public health nutrition.

18 Networking and learning from our peers is one of the most valued benefits of being involved in ASPHN. ASPHN is the managing organization for the Pediatric Obesity Mini CoIIN (Collaborative Improvement and Innovation Network). This project started in early 2015 and will continue over the next several months. The project involves 7 state teams working on policies and practices to improve nutrition and physical activity in early care and education settings. Also over the past year, ASPHN increased its social media presence. We have a long way to go, but we now have an excellent start with 219 Facebook and 57 Twitter followers. Just last month ASPHN submitted an application to operate the Children’s Healthy Weight CoIIN. This is different from the Pediatric Obesity Mini CoIIN. The Children’s Healthy Weight CoIIN will advance strategies that promote healthy weight in children ages 0 to 21 years and support implementation of the state Title V Block Grant programs as they address the National Performance Measures on physical activity and breastfeeding. We have our fingers crossed that our application will be successful.

19 Let me mention a couple of things in the area of building partnerships
Over the past year, the Collaboration Committee recruited new liaisons – a National Sodium Reduction liaison and 2 new US Breastfeeding Committee liaisons In November 2015, ASPHN leaders met with Dr. Lu, MCHB Administrator and several other MCHB staff. The MCH Nutrition Council’s follow up work from this meeting has increased our visibility and opportunities to for nutrition in the national and state MCHB-funded programs. Recently, representatives from the F&V Nutrition Council participated in the BRFSS F&V Module Workgroup to develop new fruit & vegetable questions for 2017. I will move to the next slide to review the accomplishments of the ASPHN Policy Committee which have a strong collaboration theme.

20 Policy Committee Submitted 4 original comments on nutrition issues
FDA on Nutrition Facts Panel GSA/HHS Health and Sustainability Guidelines for Federal Concessions and Vending Operations Enhancing Retailer Standards in SNAP Signed on to letters… Endorsed 25 letters written by partners Sent 4 e-Alert to ASPHN membership encouraging them to take action Using Facebook and Twitter more for e-alerts, so get connected to ASPHN

21 Please get involved in ASPHN
Please get involved in ASPHN. There are many opportunities to build your leadership skills, and we welcome all our members to join meetings and committees or help with a future project.

22 New Online Application
Encourage others to join Access application from splash page We now have an online application which you can access from the front page of – maybe you should join or maybe you know of a colleague or two who should join.

23 Election Results President-elect: Takako Tagami
Treasurer: Donna McDuffie Directors at Large: Tiffani Grant Terrell Brock Jackie Binder Fruit & Vegetable Council Chair Elect: Ashley Davis MCH Nutrition Council Chair Elect: Leslie Lewis Governance Committee members: Martha Hagan, Kristin Hall, and Janet Moran Here is a list of several people who just recently volunteered to get more involved in ASPHN. These are the results of this year’s election.

24 2016-2017 Board Members President: Becky Adams
President-elect: Takako Tagami Past President: Heidi Scarpitti Treasurer: Donna McDuffie Secretary: Amber Brown Directors at Large: Jennifer Church Tiffani Grant Terrell Brock Vacant Fruit & Vegetable Council Chairs: Diane Peck Ashley Davis MCH Nutrition Council Chairs: Jamie Stang Leslie Lewis Obesity Prevention Nutrition Council Chair: Helen Brown This will be the ASTPHND Board of Directors starting August 1st

25 2017 Annual Meeting June 11-13, 2017 Takako Tagami, Chair of the 2017 Annual Meeting Planning Committee Help plan the 2017 Annual Meeting Ask Takako Tagami to stand and encourage members who want to be involved in planning the 2017 meeting to talk with Takako or with Cyndi Atterbury who you all probably know or met this week.

26 Award Presentations Now we will move into Award presentations where we honor our colleagues who have done exceptional work for the association and our field. Thank you!

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