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ICT and Environment (Green Agenda)

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Presentation on theme: "ICT and Environment (Green Agenda)"— Presentation transcript:

1 ICT and Environment (Green Agenda)
Document No: GSC17-PLEN-52 Source: ETSI Contact: Jonas Sundborg Sources: Beniamino Gorini, Chairman TC EE, Dominique Roche, Chairman TC ATTM Keith Dickerson, ETSI Board member GSC Session: PLEN Agenda Item: 6.6 ICT and Environment (Green Agenda) Jonas Sundborg ETSI Board Chairman

2 Highlight of Current Activities
ETSI is currently focusing on the following standardization activities on “green” ICTs: Determination of energy efficiency Monitoring and controlling the energy efficiency Determination of energy management of ICT areas Monitoring the energy management of ICT areas Assessment of environmental impact Best practices to reduce power consumption General engineering of efficient ICT areas Promotion of electronic working tools

3 Highlight of Current Activities
Determination of energy efficiency ETSI TC ”Environmental Engineering” (TC-EE) is working on a set of publications on measurement methods of energy efficiency Publications have already been done for: Wireline broadband access equipment Wireless broadband access equipment Customer Premises Equipment (CPE) Core Network equipment Transport Equipment Switching and router equipment Ongoing work is on Radio Access Networks

4 Highlight of Current Activities
Monitoring and controlling energy efficiency ETSI TC-EE has developed a number of standards to monitor and control power consumption of ICT network and infrastructure equipment Work is ongoing on an architectural interface that will give a flexible access to the power management capabilities of future energy aware telecommunications fixed network nodes

5 Highlight of Current Activities
Determination of energy management of ICT areas (Sites & Networks) ETSI TC ATTM and TC EE have managed publications on KPIs for Operational infrastructures: General Requirements Energy efficiency KPIs for data centers Energy efficiency KPIs for mobile access networks

6 Highlight of Current Activities
Monitoring of the energy management ETSI ISG OEU (ICT Users) have managed the publication on Defining global KPIs that will lead to reduction in energy consumption through improved energy management by means of a scale of “green” levels. Providing referential specifications on “Green” ICT areas

7 Highlight of Current Activities
Assessment of environmental impact ETSI TC-EE has published “Life Cycle Assessment” methodology of: ICT equipment ICT network Services This methodology was evaluated during the European Commission pilot tests Ongoing work with ITU-T SG5 to publish a common ETSI / ITU-T methodology

8 Highlight of Current Activities
Best practices to reduce power consumption Guidelines have been published on: Reduction of energy consumption in ICT equipment and infrastructures Use of alternative energy sources in telecommunications installations Alternative energy solutions (e.g. batteries) Standards have been developed for: Low Voltage DC power supply network for customer ICT devices with renewable energy and energy storage options Power architecture with improved energy efficiency

9 Highlight of Current Activities
General engineering of efficient ICT areas ETSI TC ”Access Terminals Transmission Multiplexing” (TC-ATTM) is working on a Series of publications on general engineering of efficient ICT areas Publications have already been done and will be updated on: Sites: data centre and operator site (transmission node) Fixe access networks Customer Premises networks Ongoing work is on: Mobile access networks Core Networks

10 Strategic Direction Technical standardization activity
Complete the set of deliverables for “green” ICTs to support: “green” deployment of ICTs EC mandates ( e.g. M/462 Energy efficiency of ICT, M/478 Green House Gas emissions, M/479 Energy audit, …) Usage of ICT in other sectors in order to reduce the energy consumption (e.g. Smart Metering, Smart Grids, …)

11 Strategic Direction Electronic Working Tools
Promotion of such tools in place of physical meetings Continuous evaluation of electronic working tools with recommendations for their more effective use Updating ETSI Special Report Extend ETSI’s coverage of ‘Mitigating Technologies’ e.g. ITS, eHealth, Cloud, M2M, AFI, NFV

12 Challenges To develop common worldwide methodologies in co-operation with other SDOs, e.g.: ETSI & ITU-T methodology for Life Cycle Assessment of ICTs ETSI, ITU-T, 3GPP energy efficiency of wireless access networks ISO/IEC/CEN/CENELEC/ETSI/ITU-T recommendations for Green Data Centers

13 Challenges Extend the cooperation/collaboration with Research groups in the standardization of eco-environmental requirements In progress co-operations: EARTH(*) for the energy efficiency of radio base stations and networks (*) Energy Aware Radio and neTwork tecHnologies ECONET (+) for the power management capabilities of future energy aware telecommunication fixed network nodes (+) low Energy COnsumption NETworks

14 Next Steps / Actions Extend collaboration with other SDOs to develop common methodologies for “green” ICTs Organize workshops on “green” ICTs to: Share information on standardization initiatives and research projects Receive feedback on application of published deliverables Identify gaps ETSI Workshop on Environmental Impact Assessment and Energy Efficiency; 7-8 October 2013, Athens – Greece

15 Supplementary Slides

16 Energy Efficiency deliverables for TLC products
ES V1.3.1, published 10/2011 It replaces TS It defines measurement methods of energy efficiency of network access equipment Power consumption limits are defined in informative annex Wireline Broadband Access equipment TS V1.2.1, published 10/2011 It defines measurement and calculation methods of energy efficiency of radio base stations It takes into account traffic conditions TR V1.1.1, published 10/2012 It a practical application of the TS The TS is under revision to clarify the improvements identified with the TR (RTS/EE-EEPS00022) Wireless Broadband Access equipment 16

17 Energy Efficiency deliverables for TLC products
EN V1.1.1, published 5/2012 It defines methods and tests conditions to measure power consumption of end-user broadband equipment in the scope of EU regulation 1275/2008 in: Off mode Standby mode It defines also measurement method for on-mode power consumption Customer Premises equipment ES V1.1.1, published 04/2012 It defines measurement methods for: IP Multimedia Subsystem (IMS) core functions (HSS, CSCF, etc) Fixed core functions (softswitch) Mobile core functions (HLR, MSC, GGSN, SGSN, EPC, etc) Radio access control nodes (RNC, BSC) Core network equipment are defined in TS Core Network equipment 17

18 Energy Efficiency deliverables for TLC products
ES V1.1.1, published 03/2013 Measurement method and transport equipment configuration It considers work done by ATIS-NIPP TEE but more details on the tests conditions and equipment configuration are added The gain of amplifier is part of the metric Transport Equipment DES/EE in approval Publication expected in 1Q/2013 Measurement method and switching/router equipment configuration It considers the work in ITU-T SG5 and ATIS-NIPP TEE but more details on the tests conditions and equipment configuration are added Switching and Router equipment 18

19 Energy Efficiency deliverables for radio access networks
TR “Principles for Mobile Network level energy efficiency” V1.1.1, published 11/2012 DES/EE-EEPS005, ongoing New Work Item on “Assessment of mobile network energy efficiency” Network complexity is taken into account in respect to energy efficiency Verify complexities of network measurement in live network Verify complexities of network measurement in lab Models and simulations for network level energy efficiency is also studied The covered technology is GSM, UMTS, LTE This WI is in cooperation with ITU-T SG5 19

20 Energy Efficiency deliverables for radio access networks
ETSI TS Lower Priority Single Node lab Measures Network lab Measures Extension to GLOBAL Networks TR (EE measurement of partial RAN) PARTIAL Networks Extrapolation 20

21 Environmental impact assessment deliverable
Methods for assessing the environmental impact of ICTs TS V1.1.1 “Life Cycle Assessment of ICT equipment, ICT network and service: General definition and common requirement” Published (11/2011) The purpose of this TS is to: harmonize the LCA of ICT: Equipment Networks Services It includes specific requirements for LCA of ICTs in respect to: ISO Environmental management, Life cycle assessment, Principles and framework ISO Environmental management, Life cycle assessment, Requirements and guidelines International Reference Life Cycle Data System (ILCD) Handbook - General guide for Life Cycle Assessment 21

22 Environmental impact assessment deliverable
RES/EE-EEPS006 New Work Item on the revision of TS Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) TS was evaluated during the European Commission pilot test During the pilot test, some questions have been raised that allowed to identify the strengths and weaknesses of the ETSI LCA document The identified weaknesses will be addressed in this revision of TS Improvements will be: Provide more guidance for recycling allocation rules Clarification on how to assess the LCA uncertainty More guidance/clarifications on Network and Service LCAs Clarify applicability of annexes when only GHG emissions are assessed This Work Items will be managed in cooperation with ITU-T SG5 22

23 Environmental impact assessment deliverable

24 Energy Efficiency monitoring
ES x: “Infrastructure equipment control and monitoring system interface” series 11 subparts for each specific interface/application “1” General interface (V1.2.1, 07/2011) “2” DC power systems (V1.1.1, 03/2009) “3” AC-UPS power systems (V1.1.1, 10/2009) “4” AC distribution power system (V1.1.1, 03/2013) “5” AC-diesel backup generators (V1.1.1, 04/2010) “6” Air conditioning systems (V1.1.1, 09/2012) “7” Other utilities (V1.1.1, 12/2009) “8” Remote power feeding (V1.1.1, 09/2009) “9” Alternative power systems (V1.1.1, 09/2012) “10” AC inverter power system control (V1.1.1, 09/2011) “11” Battery systems (in preparation) Control processes defined in these publications reduce the energy consumption by optimizing equipment settings (e.g. cooling systems) Furthermore, the remote monitoring and setting reduce the CO2 emissions (less on-site interventions) 24

25 Energy Efficiency monitoring
DES/EE New Work Item on “Monitoring and Control Interface for Telecom/ICT equipment Power, Energy and Environmental parameters” It will define the control/monitoring interface of telecommunication/ICT equipment to keep under control the power consumption and environmental values Parameters to be monitored are: power consumption environmental parameters (e.g. temperature) Traffic/data parameters (throughput, number of connected lines, radio setting, etc) 25

26 Energy Efficiency monitoring
DES/EE New Work Item of “Green Abstraction Layer (GAL), power management capabilities of the future energy telecommunication fixed network nodes” This WI is in cooperation with EU project ECONET The Green Abstraction Layer (GAL) is an architectural interface that will give a flexible access to the power management capabilities of future energy aware telecommunication fixed network nodes It will allows the adapting of energy consumption of the network nodes with respect to the load variations. The WI will cover the definition of: the Green Abstraction Layer general architecture the interoperable interface between the Network Control Protocols and the power management capabilities of the fixed network devices the Energy States describing the different configurations and corresponding performances with respect to energy consumptions 26

27 Energy Efficiency power architecture
Power supply interface requirements for products to be connected to: direct current source up to 400 V: EN , V2.1.1 ( ) alternating current source up to 400 V: EN (to start) rectified current source up to 400 V: EN (to start) Energy efficiency of this power architecture up to 400 V is greater than the classical 48V-DC solution It is a power distribution, with backup, suitable to supply all type of equipment in a data center without using UPS or AC/DC converters at 48 V The EN series define the requirements for the power supply interface of the equipment to be connected to such power architecture (nominal voltage, abnormal service voltage, inrush current, etc.) EN V1.1.1 “Earthing and bonding of 400 VDC data and telecom (ICT) equipment” In approval process, closing date: 11 May 2013 27

TR V (07/2011): “The reduction of energy consumption in telecommunications equipment and related infrastructure” TR V (11/2012): “The use of alternative energy sources in telecommunication installations” It includes an overview of the alternative energy sources and guidelines for its use (both for powering and cooling) Disposal of waste materials LCA analysis related to alternative energy solutions (e.g. batteries) DTR/EE (in progress): “Safety Extra Low Voltage DC power supply network for customer ICT devices with renewable energy and energy storage options” Improved efficiency with less conversion stages Reduction of CO2 emissions using renewable energy options 28

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