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Commuter Transportation and The Rapid

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1 Commuter Transportation and The Rapid
Kevin Wisselink February 8, 2010 The Rapid-Travel Training program


3 Did you know? *The estimated annual cost of driving a single
occupant vehicle is $9,369 / year when driving 15,000 miles, compared to $480 / year for monthly bus passes. *Public transportation is 91 times safer than car travel. Sources: AAA Foundation for traffic safety and the Beverly Foundation.



6 Hybrid-Electric Buses
The Rapid has 5 hybrid-electric buses in its fleet.

7 Rapid Central Station Rapid Central Station was Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED) certified in May 2006. It is the first LEED certified transit facility in the nation.

8 Rideshare Programs Overview
Greenride Carpool Matching An online carpool matching program Users enter in their commute information, and the program matches them with other potential carpoolers The process is in the hands of the users; they are responsible for following up with potential matches The Rapid-Travel Training program





13 Benefits of Ride Matching Program
Represents relatively low cost method to provide carpool options to the public Very easy to implement – the key is getting people to sign up so that matches occur Can partner with local employers to provide commuter benefits to their employees

14 Rideshare Programs Overview
RapidVan Program The Rapid is operating 17 vanpools throughout the region The vehicles are owned by The Rapid, and operated by the vanpool members. Vanpool members pay The Rapid a monthly fee, and The Rapid then covers all vanpool expenses. The Rapid-Travel Training program

15 Rideshare Programs Overview
Business Transportation Services The Rapid provides tools to businesses to help with their employees commutes These tools include employer-based Greenride systems employee ZIP code analysis maps employee bus pass programs The Rapid-Travel Training program

16 Business Partnerships
The Rapid is looking to expand its business partnerships around commuter transportation What would you want to see from The Rapid to help with your employees’ commutes? For more information, visit The Rapid-Travel Training program

17 Thank You! Contact Info: / Phone:

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