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Study of Drell-Yan processes with COMPASS

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1 Study of Drell-Yan processes with COMPASS
Oleg Denisov, INFN sez. Torino Basic ideas, experimental apparatus, feasibility, expected DY event rates International Workshop on Structure and Spectroscopy, Freiburg, 19-21/03/2007 21/11/2018 Oleg Denisov

2 Contents DY at COMPASS Basic features of the experiment:
SPS M2 secondary hadron beams Compass polarised target Compass spectrometer Major limiting factors: External (CERN safety rules) Internal spectrometer limitations Two possible detector layouts Kinematical range to be covered Spectrometer layout in the DY Monte Carlo Very preliminary estimates of the DY event rates Short term plans Summary 21/11/2018 Oleg Denisov

3 DY at COMPASS October 2004, CERN SPSC meeting at Villars – study of DY processes with COMPASS was at first time proposed and discussed (proposal by R.Bertini, O.Denisov and S.Paul) – feasibility study (SPS hadron beams, Compass polarised target, CERN safety regulations (radioprotection), trigger system, spectrometer lay-out, possible ways of the background suppression, competition and complementarity, methods elaboration, two DY workshops were organized: Dubna in December 2006 and Torino in March 2007) Summer 2007 – DY COMPASS Beam Test December 2007 – possibly first draft of the proposal 21/11/2018 Oleg Denisov

4 Spectrometer to identify lepton pair
Drell-Yan Kinematics Spectrometer to identify lepton pair POL.Targ. Small cross sections – high beam intensity (high secondary particles flux) Valence quarks PDF - - or pbar 21/11/2018 Oleg Denisov

5 Hadron beam spin physics with COMPASS
Drell-Yan physics with transversally polarised target Transversity and its accompanying T-odd PDF: Sivers function Boer-Mulders function Get information on transversity Drell-Yan physics with longitudinally polarised target Pion light-cone distribution amplitude (O.Teryaev) “Conventional” spin physics with hadron beam and polarized target Spin asymmetries in multi-pion production (talk by Marco Radici) Possible extension to c and  polarization 21/11/2018 Oleg Denisov

6 Basic features of the experiment
Intense (2x107 p/s) hadron beams Exellent large acceptance polarised target (NH3, 6LiD) Multipurpose running spectrometer: Advanced and flexible triggering system with the possibility to trigger on muons, electrons and hadrons Good hadron/electron/muon separation in the final state Large muon/electron acceptance High capacity DAQ system Open structure of the spectrometer Compass is a running experiment 21/11/2018 Oleg Denisov

7 SPS M2 beam line reference person - Lau Gatignon (CERN) Compass
SPS 400 GeV primary beam Production target Secondary beams Magnetic lenses Compass 21/11/2018 Oleg Denisov

8 Particle production at 0 mrad
Apply Atherton formula for 0 mrad (approximative only for p  60 GeV/c). Obtain # particles per steradian per GeV/c and per 1012 interacting protons: 21/11/2018 Oleg Denisov

9 In present M2 line - beam ≈ 108/spill
At -100 GeV/c one may expect the following beam composition (in %): Particle type Fraction at T6 Fraction at COMPASS p 1.7 2.1 K- 5.8 1.6 p- 84.5 86.3 e- 8.0 10.0 In present M2 line - beam ≈ 108/spill In present M2 line pbar ≤ 2 106p/spill (due to 108 limit on total beam flux for RP) 21/11/2018 Oleg Denisov

First and very preliminary thoughts, guided by recent studies for P326 CKM studies by J.Doornbos/TRIUMF, e.g. E.g. a system with two cavities: RF1 RF2 DUMP DUMP L Momentum selection Choose e.g. DFpp DF = 2p (L f / c) (b1-1 – b2-1) with b1-1 – b2-1 = (m12-m22)/2p2 21/11/2018 Oleg Denisov

H.W.Atherton formula tells us : 0.42 p / int.proton / GeV Then for 1013 ppp on target one obtains: particles per spill ≈ ppp for a total intensity probably not exceeding 1013 ppp, knowing that e- and p- are well filtered, but K- only partly. Due to 108 limit on total flux, max antiproton flux remains limited by purity (probably about 50%). Hence ≈ ppp 21/11/2018 Oleg Denisov

12 Compass PT for DY physics
Contact persons: W.Meyer, N.Doshita three cells target with opposite polarization NH3 Polarization 90% Dilution factor 0.18 Polarization 50% Dilutionfactor 0.48 6LiD 180 mrad acceptance For transversity: 1 - + + - 2 21/11/2018 Oleg Denisov

13 Hadron beam intensity vs beam spot
size for NH3 21/11/2018 Oleg Denisov

14 Acceptable heating of the cells
21/11/2018 Oleg Denisov

15 Compass spectrometer features
Multipurpose running spectrometer: Advanced and flexible triggering system with the possibility to trigger on muons, electrons and hadrons Good hadron/electron/muon separation in the final state Large muon/electron acceptance High capacity DAQ system Open structure of the spectrometer It is running spectrometer 21/11/2018 Oleg Denisov

16 COMPASS Universal spectrometer Polarized target
(longitudinal or transversely) Have the possibility to operate with muon or hadron beams. 21/11/2018 Oleg Denisov

17 Compass layout for DY measurements
MW1 EC HC PT Beam 21/11/2018 Oleg Denisov

18 Compass comparison to old fashion DY experiments
Spectrometer, DY -detection Target Beam dump ≈108 p/s COMPASS Spectrometer, DY  and e detection, “traditional” hadron beam spin physics Pol.T Beam Dump Magnet ≈107 p/s 21/11/2018 Oleg Denisov

19 CERN safety regulations
Reference person - Heinz Vincke (CERN) Two major limitations: Hadron beam intensity less then 2x107 p/s Integrated material budget less then 20% of one interaction length 21/11/2018 Oleg Denisov

20 CERN safety regulations
There were some chances to extend these limits by: Extremely IMPORTANT (last week news) : We have very good chances to be approved for running with 50% of interaction length polarized target and 2x107 /s NOT OFFICIAL Improving the Compass area shielding Taking into account all Compass detector “heavy” components like magnets, polarised target, calorimeters, hadron absorbers etc Doing additional measurements of charged particle fluxes in the experimantal hall 21/11/2018 Oleg Denisov

21 Internal Compass limiting factors
High charged particles flux +- DY channel - high background from pion decays (soft hadrons absorber?) e+e- DY channel - thick target,-conversion and Dalitz-pair production Very selective trigger because of the small cross section 21/11/2018 Oleg Denisov

22 COMPASS DY layout I PT Advantages:
Possibility to measure both (+ - ) and (e+ e-) channel Higher statistics + better systematics control ? (Semi)Exclusive DY processes Possibility to use in the DY trigger Hadron Calorimetry Traditional hadron beam spin physics ( asym., c etc.) Disadvantages: High secondary particles flux though set-up Higher background for + - from   decays MW1 EC HC PT Beam 21/11/2018 Oleg Denisov

23 SOFT Hadron absorber (DUMP)
COMPASS DY layout II MW1 Advantages: Lower irradiation degree of the spectrometer Background suppression for + - channel by factor of 102 Disadvantages: One only channel of DY and nothing else apart of DY  - channel No use of the hadron calorimetry in trigger SOFT Hadron absorber (DUMP) EC HC PT Beam 21/11/2018 Oleg Denisov

24 Compass DY program beam test
The only reliable way to study the DY feasibility is to run Compass DY beam test in the real Compass environment with high intensity hadron beam and Compass polarized target 21/11/2018 Oleg Denisov

25 VERY IMPORTANT!!! Compass DY beam test in 2007 Conditions:
Hadron beam intencity (-) – 107 p/sec Compass polarised target NH3 polarized transversaly Muon program spectrometer layout VERY IMPORTANT!!! Goals: Compass polarized target test with intense hadron beam Compass spectrometer test with intense beam and thick polarized target Test for the radioactive conditions in the experimental hall with intense hadron beam and Compass polarized target 21/11/2018 Oleg Denisov

26 Spectrometer layout in the DY MC
MW1 PT Beam 21/11/2018 Oleg Denisov

27 Torino DY Workshop recomendations
21/11/2018 Oleg Denisov

28 DY Monte Carlo with COMPASS
Michela Chiosso External DY generator (A.Bianconi) -> COMGeant -> CORAL ->PHAST - beam on transversely polarized NH3 target Various energies of the incoming beam (s= GeV2) Different intervals of M 0.1 GeV/c < PT < 10.0 GeV/c -1 < Xf < +1 FOR DETAILS, Please, follow the reference on the COMPASS WEB page (analysis). The best compromise of the beam energy is ≈ 160 GeV (s=300 GeV2): better statistics in high dilepton mass region in the interesting Muu mass region the dominant contribution is coming from valence quarks annihilation (x1, x2 ) > 0.1

29 Compass DY MW1 and MW2 acceptance
MW1 and MW2 acceptance 160 GeV pion beam Total acceptance = m+m- in MW1 + m+m- in MW2 + m+(-) in MW1 and m-(+) in MW2 generated m+m- in MW m+m- in MW m+(-) in MW1, m-(+) in MW2 Q2 Pt Xf 67.5% % %

30 Compass DY acceptance s = 200 GeV - beam GeV < Mm+m- < 9 GeV

31 Compass DY acceptance s = 300 GeV - beam GeV < Mm+m- < 9 GeV

32 Compass DY acceptance s = 375 GeV2 - beam GeV < Mm+m- < 9.0 GeV 21/11/2018 Oleg Denisov

33 Compass DY acceptance s = 300 GeV2 - beam GeV < Mm+m- < 3.5 GeV 21/11/2018 Oleg Denisov

34 Compass DY vs E615 acceptance
106 GeV - beam <= Mm+m- <= 9.0 E615

35 DY background simulation (just started)
L.Colantoni, S.Petrochenkov, .. Reconstruction MC 21/11/2018 Oleg Denisov

36 DY background.vs.signal (not normalized to cross sections)
DY 3. GeV < M < 9. GeV, s = 300 GeV Minimum bias 107 bkg events at least 2 charged outcoming pions 500 events caused “DY” trigger 500 bkg events caused DY trigger Q2 trig. big Big Sig. 21/11/2018 Oleg Denisov

37 DY background.vs.signal (not normalized to cross sections)
DY 3. GeV < M < 9. GeV, s = 300 GeV Bkg, 2 out coming pions Bkg Signal 21/11/2018 Oleg Denisov

38 DY background.vs.signal (not normalized to cross sections)
DY 1. GeV < M < 2.5 GeV, s = 300 GeV Bkg minimum bias Signal 21/11/2018 Oleg Denisov

39 Very preliminary DY event rates estimate
Target: two cells 30 cm each : NH3 cm Target material: NH3 Density of NH3: NH3 = 0.85 g/cm3 Mass of the NH3 mole: ANH3 = 17 - beam intensity: Ibeam = 2107 p/s Luminosity: L = LNH3 × Ncell × NH3 × NA × 1/ANH3 × Ibeam ≈ 4.×1031 cm-2 s-1 21/11/2018 Oleg Denisov

40 Very preliminary DY event rates estimate
Compass DY pairs reconstruction efficiency (acceptance included) : A ≈ 0.5 DY cross section on NH3: NH3 = Ncorr × p , where Ncorr=17 and p taken from table given below (by A.Bianconi) Dspill = 5 s (duration of spill), Nspill =4000 (number of spills per day), Esps= 80% (efficiency of the machine) Duration of the Run 100 days: DRUN=100 R = L × Ncorr × p × A × Dspill × Nspill × ESPS × DRUN 21/11/2018 Oleg Denisov

41 DY cross sections and statistics estimate (very preliminary, 100 days of running)
M (+-), GeV 2.5-4. 4.-9. S, GeV2 100 0.35 nb 0.03 nb 200 0.65 nb 0.10 nb 300 0.78 nb 0.15 nb M (+-), GeV 2.5-4. 4.-9. S, GeV2 100 140000 12000 200 320000 35000 300 370000 58000 VERY PRELIMINARY Cross section values were taken from AB_5 A.Bianconi generator crosschecked with PYTHIA data (A.Nagaytsev, Dubna), without J/ contribution 21/11/2018 Oleg Denisov

42 Competition and complementarity I
SPIN Physics at GSI: Two LoI submitted: ASSIA (Collider mode) PAX polarized antiproton beam and proton polarized internal target L = 2.71031 cm-2 s-1 S = 30 GeV2 e+e-, alternative +- Not yet approved L = cm-2 s-1 S = 30 GeV2 + - , alternative e+e- YEAR 201? 21/11/2018 Oleg Denisov

43 Competition and complementarity II
J-PARK, The DY measurement is under discussion, no detailed information is available yet L ≈ 1031 cm-2s-1 (polarized pp) s = 200 GeV small x, pp collision 21/11/2018 Oleg Denisov

44 MISSED HARDWARE Muon Trigger in LAS I 21/11/2018 Oleg Denisov

45 Muon Trigger in LAS II 21/11/2018 Oleg Denisov

46 Short term DY plans DY physics with Compass spectrometer – Expression of Interest: possibly June 2007 Compass DY Beam test: July-August 2007 DY physics with Compass spectrometer – possibly first draft of the technical proposal: December 2007 Proposal merging with the proposal on GPDs measurements with Compass: beginning of 2008 21/11/2018 Oleg Denisov

47 Summary I Compass spectrometer + SPS M2 secondary hadron beams represents a valid facility for DY physics study: Right kinematicat range Compass polarised target Very universal and flexible spectrometer Two spectrometer schemes has to be examined (2007 beam test is decisive): Pure DY (+-) set-up with hadron absorber in the first spectrometer Universal spectrometer scheme, DY (+-), (e+e-), pions, charmed hyperons in the final state 21/11/2018 Oleg Denisov

48 Summary II Right now we have no any show stopper buu still a lot of work has to be done to prove the feasibility of the project According to optimistic and very preliminary estimates in a one year of data taking we can expect statistics comparable with classical E615 and NA10 experiments 21/11/2018 Oleg Denisov

49 spares 21/11/2018 Oleg Denisov

50 h1 in Drell-Yan process 21/11/2018 Oleg Denisov

51 Lam-Tung sum rule violation E615
1 -  - 2 = 0 J.S.Conway et al., Phys.Rev. D, 1989, Vol.39, p.92 21/11/2018 Oleg Denisov

52 E615 The approach to angular distribution analysis was taken from
J.S. Conway et al ., Phys. Rev. D39 (1989) 92 NA10 Collab., Z. Phys. C31 (1986) 513 NA10 Collab.,Z. Phys. C37 (1988) 545. The DY events from PYTHIA are weighted with parameterizations on n versus x1 and qT from J.S. Conway et al ., Phys. Rev. D39 (1989) 92. The parameters l and m were taken equal to 1 and 0 respectively 21/11/2018 Oleg Denisov

53 Charged pions asymmetry
21/11/2018 Oleg Denisov

54 J/ region angular distributions
G.E.Hogan et al., Phys.Rev.Lett. 1979, V42, p.948 21/11/2018 Oleg Denisov

55 DY Cross sections taken from PYTHIA
21/11/2018 Oleg Denisov

56 +- Invariant mass 450 GeV
21/11/2018 Oleg Denisov

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