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The World of Islam (600-1500A.D.) Sufism – Whirling Dervishes Whirling Dervishes of Istanbul.

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Presentation on theme: "The World of Islam (600-1500A.D.) Sufism – Whirling Dervishes Whirling Dervishes of Istanbul."— Presentation transcript:

1 The World of Islam (600-1500A.D.)
Sufism – Whirling Dervishes Whirling Dervishes of Istanbul

2 Allah is the same God worshipped by Christians and Jews.
Key Terms: 1. Allah The Arabic word for God, the one and only God. Allah is the same God worshipped by Christians and Jews. In order to understand Islam, it is necessary to know some key terms and names.

3 2. Islam The word for the Muslim religion.
The literal meaning of the word is “submission to God”.

4 The prophet or apostle of God.
3. Muhammad The prophet or apostle of God. His role in conveying the word of God was similar to that of Moses or Jesus.

5 Town where Muhammad was born and raised.
4. Mecca Town where Muhammad was born and raised. A holy city to Muslims.


7 5. Muslim A believer in Islam. Literally translates to
“one who submits to God”.

8 6. Quran Holy scripture (word) of Islam; revealed by God to Muhammad.
Also written as Koran or Qur’an.

9 7. Hajj Pilgrimage; especially the pilgrimage to Mecca.
A pilgrimage is a long journey or search of great moral significance.

10 A Muslim place of worship.
8. Mosque A Muslim place of worship. Paris, Turkey, New York

11 Sometimes translated as “holy war”
9. Jihad A struggle or fight. Sometimes translated as “holy war” Used in reference to wars fought by Muslims against those thought to be enemies of Islam.

12 10. Ramadan Takes place in the 9th month of the Islamic year.
Muslims are required to fast from dawn until sunset during the month of Ramadan, the month that the Quran was revealed. Fasting during this month is thought to figuratively burn away sins.

13 Islamic Groups Sunni Muslim Shi’ite (Shiah) Muslims
Orthodox or mainstream body of Muslims Majority of Muslims are Sunni Shi’ite (Shiah) Muslims Minority division (about 10-15%) Sometimes thought to be more radical than Sunni Muslims

14 Main Beliefs of Islam 5 Pillars of Islam 22

15 The Five Pillars of Islam
All Muslims are required to perform the five pillars if they are able (mentally and physically).

16 Belief in one God and that Muhammad is His prophet.
Faith: Belief in one God and that Muhammad is His prophet. 23

17 5 times a day – facing Mecca
Prayer: 5 times a day – facing Mecca 24

18 Giving part of one’s wealth to the poor. REQUIRED, not optional.
Charity (or Alms) Giving part of one’s wealth to the poor. REQUIRED, not optional. 25

19 Fasting During the month of Ramadan, Muslims cannot eat or drink anything during the daylight hours. 26

20 Pilgrimage Once in their lives, IF they can afford it, Muslims make a pilgrimage to Mecca 27

21 In Mecca during the pilgrimage

22 Conclusions: Islam is an important religion, which shares many beliefs and practices with Christianity and Judaism. Muslims live in many different countries. Islam is especially widespread in Africa, Asia, and southeastern Europe (the Balkans). Islam has had a great impact on world art and culture. 50

23 The Rise and Fall of the Islamic World (632 – 1500AD)

24 1. The Death of Muhammad When Muhammad died in 632AD, his close friend and father-in-law, Abu Bakr, was chosen as the leader of the Muslims He took the title of caliph, or successor Under Abu Bakr, the Arabs started military campaigns against neighboring states After Muhammad died, the Arabs continued to spread Islam by military conquest As the Muslim Empire expanded, the Arabs also developed a great civilization


26 2. The Muslim Empire By 750AD, the Muslim Empire had reached its greatest extent It included all of the Middle East, Asia to the borders of India and China, and all of North Africa In these lands, people of many different cultures lived under the rule of the caliphs

27 Most of the conquered peoples were not forced to convert to Islam
Some voluntarily accepted Islam because they believed in the Muslim moral code Conquered peoples who did not convert to Islam were allowed to practice their own religions

28 3. Muslim Civilization Within the borders of their great empire, the Muslims produced a complex, creative civilization Leading scholars and philosophers studied ideas from many other civilizations, such as the ancient Greeks, Hindus, and Persians

29 The information in these works inspired Muslim thinkers to develop new ideas
For several centuries, Muslim achievements in the arts and sciences were superior to those of Europeans

30 Long periods of peace in the empire made it possible for the Arabs to accomplish much in many fields, such as Mathematics Medicine Literature and philosophy

31 4. Division in the Empire Each caliph considered himself to have a special tie to the Prophet Muhammad In time, however, rebellions erupted and the Muslim world became divided between 3 rival empires: the Umayyad the Abbassid, and the Fatimad

32 5. The Seljuk Turks Take Control
In the 11th century, most of the Muslim world came under control of the Seljuk Turks Saladin led the capture of Jerusalem from its Christian defenders in 1187

33 6. The Mongols Push Back the Muslim World
Early in the 13th century, warrior tribes of Mongolia united under the leadership of a chief named Temujin Temujin became Genghis Kahn, which means Very Mighty King Genghis Kahn and his descendents pushed the Muslim world back as the Mongol Empire grew

34 7. The Ottoman Empire Eventually, Ottoman Turks overcame the Seljuk Turks and expanded the Muslim world once again The Ottoman Empire reached its peak under Suleiman the Magnificent, who ruled from The name “Magnificent” was given to Suleiman by Europeans because he surrounded himself with beautiful furnishings and art


36 8. Decline of the Ottoman Empire
Poor leadership caused the Ottoman Empire to gradually lose its power in Europe and North Africa It did, however, continue to control much of the Middle East until the early 20th century In the 1920s, what was left of the Ottoman Empire became the nation of Turkey Islam review

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