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Preparing the Underprepared: College Readiness Through Support

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1 Preparing the Underprepared: College Readiness Through Support
Linda Kappauf & Makena Stewart

2 In This Workshop Student Support Transition Model Overview
Share Successful Institutional Initiatives Highlight Pilot Learning Community Program Student Outcomes Strategies for Replication

3 Why Focus on Transition?
Less than 7% of adults with a GED Certificate participate in formal post- secondary activity nationwide.1 2009 Unemployment rates2 14.6% Less than a secondary credential 9.7% GED/HS graduates 8.6% Some College 6.8% Associate Degree 1Source: NCES (2008) January Issue Brief 2Source: Bureau of Labor Statistics. Chart 27: Household Data Annual Averages

4 SPCC Transition Background
Breaking Through Participation A multiyear demonstration project designed to help low-skilled, low-income adults succeed in college Partnership with Jobs For the Future Technical assistance, resources, and support Ready For College Initiative Office of Vocational and Adult Education (OVAE) Two year grant targeted at reducing the number of drop-out and stop-outs ages 18-24

5 About the College: South Piedmont
Newest NC community college Established in 1999 Multi-campus college 3 campuses Serves both Union & Anson counties Student Population ( ) Curriculum: 3,200 Con Ed: ,800 Basic Skills: 2,400 Number of students Counties served Number of Basic skills served on average Newest community college 1999

6 A Changing Institution: Silo Reduction
Development of a Ready for College Team ( ) Collaborative interdepartmental committee Basic Skills Director and Staff Human Resource Development Director Student Success Counselor *New* Transition Team ( ) Expanded to Encourage College Wide Participation Early College Liaison Allied Health Faculty Developmental Education Faculty Continuing Education Staff

7 SPCC Career Transition Model
Career Pathways Associate Diploma Certificate Continuing Education Priority Registration FAFSA Assistance GED Fast Track Integrated Career Exploration Instruction Job Readiness Skills Pathways to College Course Career Readiness Certification College Readiness Workshops Transition Counseling Student Success Human Resource Development Basic Skills

8 Completed Support Initiatives
Mentoring Program 25 First Semester Basic Skills Graduates 5 Staff Members Provided Resources and Assistance Supplemental Basic Skills Career Resources NC Choice Curriculum Reinforces career preparation and exploration Lending Library Provided instructional resources to at-risk students Partnered with minority male mentoring program

9 Ongoing Student Support Initiatives:
Ready for College workshops College Overview and Admission requirements FAFSA assistance Career Assessment Inventory Priority Registration Returning student status to Basic Skills grads Advised and Registered by BT counselor Pathways to College Class HRD program for under- and unemployed Provides CPT , career, and academic prep Two week course; offered each semester

10 Basic Skill Graduates: Transition Outcomes
Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Number of Basic Skills Graduates 318 429 478 Curriculum Enrollment 105 (33%) 139 (32%) 220 (46%) Continuing Education 69 (22%) 74 (17%) 108 (23%) Human Resource Development 86 (27%) 97 87 (18%) Source: SPCC Department of Institutional Effectiveness

11 Basic Skills Transition Outcomes: 18-24 Year Old Learners
“Ready for College” program targeted population Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Total Number of Graduates 166 252 258 Curriculum Enrollment 59 (35%) 82 (33%) 121 (47%) Continuing Education 16 (10%) 23 (9%) 37 (14%) Human Resource Development (22%) 51 (20%) 40 (16%) Create totals for HRD Source: SPCC Department of Institutional Effectiveness

12 2010 Summer Learning Community: The Design Model
8 week Intensive Bridge Program Wrap Around Student Support Counseling & Tutoring Collaborative Learning Peer Support System Hybrid Learning Model Blended course instruction Credit Bearing Courses 6 curriculum credit hours Integrated Career Exploration

13 Ladder to Approval: Step By Step
Rung 1: Transition Team Served as advisory board Revision and fine tuning Rung 2: Student Learning Compromise and collaboration Rung 3: Senior Leadership VP and Presidential support

14 Getting Started: Initial Steps
Recruitment Mailings Basic Skills Faculty Referrals Classroom Presentations Eligibility CPT cut scores Application Selection Transition Counselor Interview Essay Orientation Student Contract Registration

15 Learning Community: The Population
Community 1: “Best of the Best” 17 GED/AHS graduates First Time College Students Community 2: IMPACT 10 participants Minority male mentoring program statewide initiative First-time students or identified as high risk

16 Community Profile: Barriers to Success
Characteristics Program Population (%) First Generational College Student 81% Parent (child under 5 yrs) 41% Unemployed 85% English as a Second Language 11% Lack of Transportation 33% Low Income 96%

17 Committing to Success: Daily Schedule
8:00 - 9:00 Counseling (Group and Individual) 9: :30 Curriculum Course 10:30-11:30 Core Skill Activity 11:30-12:30 Break 12:30 - 2:00 Lab Time 2:00 - 3:00 Tutoring Services

18 Accelerated Learning: The Courses
2-3 Credit Hour Courses Introduction to Computers Cultural Studies Web Enhanced Learning Moodle LMS Discussion Boards Instructional Methods Outdoor Learning Group Work Field Trips Scheduling Alternate Class Days No Fridays

19 Leveling the Playing Field: Core Skills Training
Technology Moodle Student Portal Career Pathways Exploration Career Readiness Certificate Career Development Workshops Academic Success Test Taking Skills Library Orientation Goal Setting Speaker Series Team Building Diversity Appreciation Leadership Training Reading Day Literary Novels Personal Interest

20 Collaborative & Interactive Learning
Hands On Learning 86% self-identified as kinesthetic learners Student Focused activities Identified multiple intelligences Emphasis placed on student strengths

21 Making The Connection: Relevance for the Adult Learner
Levine Museum of the New South Cultural visit Learning frame of reference Rewarded program persistence Final Mastery Project Applied learning Student selected topic Demonstrated integrated skill set

22 Rewarding Milestones: Campus & Community Support
Celebration Ceremony Certificate of Achievement Recognition on school website Local newspaper coverage

23 Student Self Rating: Readiness

24 Student Self Rating: Readiness

25 Basic Skills Graduates
Comparative Outcomes Learning Community Basic Skills Graduates SPCC Completion Rate 85% 59% 70.4% Applied for Financial Aid 100% 77.6% 54.2% Persistence After First Semester 78% 57.7%* 61%* Mean G. P. A. 2.23 2.36 2.67 SPCC Institutional Research Data *Spring 2010 to Fall 2010

26 Moving Forward: Next Steps
Breaking Through 2.0 Additional demonstration-to-scale up funding Expanded Career Pathway Models Allied Health Manufacturing Business Administration Learning Community 2011 Enhanced career exploration curriculum Career specific coursework Developmental education component 4-Week Computer Skills, Reading Comprehension, Math review

27 Getting Started At Your College: Tips and Strategies
Strength in Numbers Develop a transition team or advisory board Start at the Top Find an ally in your college president or senior leadership Collect Data Establish baseline data, document trends, identify student needs Take Your Grant Writer to Lunch Well connected, great resource for locating funding sources Don’t Re-Create the Wheel Identify and join current statewide and national initiatives Don’t Give Up Students are counting on you!

28 Resources and Links Linda Kappauf Dr. Kimberly Rogers Makena Stewart
South Piedmont Community College Director of Human Resource Development Dr. Kimberly Rogers Jobs For the Future Project Director Makena Stewart Breaking Through Counselor

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