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4.20.18 Unit 9: The Cold War.

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Presentation on theme: "4.20.18 Unit 9: The Cold War."— Presentation transcript:

1 Unit 9: The Cold War

2 Entry Task Finish yesterday’s JFK questions & turn them in when you finish please.

3 The Space Race

4 MAD: Soviets vs. U.S. During the Cold War, America and the Soviet Union came to rely on a theory called Mutually Assured Destruction (M.A.D.) If each country could destroy the other, neither would use their nuclear weapons b/c they would fear destruction Nuclear policy today still depends on this idea

5 Arms & Space The arms race also led to the space race
Both countries wanted: To ensure their safety To prove their superiority

6 Cold War CNN Sputnik 22:16-27:21

7 Sputnik Soviet Union launched Sputnik on October 4, 1957
1st artificial satellite to orbit earth

8 Significance Soviets have technological superiority
Winning the space race Soviets have nuclear delivery superiority Americans worried that the same rocket used to launch Sputnik, ICBM (Intercontinental Ballistic Missile), could carry a hydrogen bomb Psychological fear to Americans We need to catch up!

9 Effects Led to creation of NASA (National Aeronautics and Space Administration) Education: National Defense Education Act Gave $ to schools to improve math, science and foreign language education

10 US Accomplishments Alan Shepard First American in space – 5/5/61
Neil Armstrong & Buzz Aldrin First men to set foot on the moon – 7/20/69

11 Space Race Timeline You will examine a series of short articles about the space race and create your own Space Race Timeline Pick 5 events that you think are the most important- create a timeline in using these events. Make sure to include why this event is significant.

12 Moon Speech, May 25, 1961

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