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Numbers 15-19.

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Presentation on theme: "Numbers 15-19."— Presentation transcript:

1 Numbers 15-19

2 “You can help one another stay strong and make good decisions
“You can help one another stay strong and make good decisions. Getting together as friends can be a great setting. Some youth feel comfortable talking and socializing with members of the opposite sex. But others feel very nervous and awkward. This is not unusual. Those who are less comfortable can learn from those who are more comfortable.” (Brad Wilcox, New Era, Aug. 2001)

3 Speed Questions

4 Speed Questions You will get to know 7 people a bit better today; as you meet, work through the scripture passage together, and then talk about the random question that appears.

5 Chose a number – #1 or #2 Read through and complete its activity; after, spend some time talking about the random question

6 Chose a number – #1 or #2 Read through and complete its activity; after, spend some time talking about the random question Decide if your number is a willful sin or an ignorant (unintentional) sin and why- A young man who is a recent convert to the Church is driving his car. He becomes upset at another driver and swears. Although he does not take the name of the Lord in vain, he feels an immediate withdrawal of the Spirit. Just before a young woman begins her application for missionary service, she decides to spend time with friends who are not making good choices. When they offer her an alcoholic drink, she willfully drinks it, believing she can always repent later if she wants to so she can still serve a mission. What is the harm to knowingly sin and then plan to repent latter?

7 Chose a number – #1 or #2 Read through and complete its activity; after, spend some time talking about the random question Decide if your number is a willful sin or an ignorant (unintentional) sin and why- A young man who is a recent convert to the Church is driving his car. He becomes upset at another driver and swears. Although he does not take the name of the Lord in vain, he feels an immediate withdrawal of the Spirit. Just before a young woman begins her application for missionary service, she decides to spend time with friends who are not making good choices. When they offer her an alcoholic drink, she willfully drinks it, believing she can always repent later if she wants to so she can still serve a mission. What is the harm to knowingly sin and then plan to repent latter? What was your favorite family vacation? What is one word that describes your family? What is your least favorite family activity?

8 Rotate

9 Get to know your partner for :30 seconds

10 Chose a word: “Bread” or “Meat”

11 Chose a word: “Bread” or “Meat”
BREAD: Read Numbers 15:19- Discuss how eating bread can be connected with offering up an offering to the Lord (Hint – you may do this 3 times a day). How can this help you draw closer to the Lord? MEAT: Read Numbers 15:3 and discuss the things necessary to make an offering. What is the principle in this verse? If I … then the Lord… What are sacrifices you have made for the Lord and how can these things help you as you make these sacrifices?

12 Chose a word: “Bread” or “Meat”
BREAD: Read Numbers 15:19- Discuss how eating bread can be connected with offering up an offering to the Lord (Hint – you may do this 3 times a day). How can this help you draw closer to the Lord? MEAT: Read Numbers 15:3 and discuss the things necessary to make an offering. What is the principle in this verse? If I … then the Lord… What are sacrifices you have made for the Lord and how can these things help you as you make these sacrifices? What is one thing you love about your parents? Who has it easier, boys or girls? What do you love about our current Prophet?

13 Rotate

14 Get to know your partner for :30 seconds

15 Read through and complete the activity; after, spend some time talking about the random questions below. Sins of Ignorance: Read Numbers 15:27-28 What does the priest do for someone who sinned ignorantly (unintentionally)? How might the actions of the Priest be symbolic of what the Savior does for us when we do wrong unintentionally? What do these verses teach us about the Atonement of Jesus Christ? If we ___________ we can be _____________, through the ________________

16 Read through and complete the activity; after, spend some time talking about the random questions below. Sins of Ignorance: Read Numbers 15:27-28 What does the priest do for someone who sinned ignorantly (unintentionally)? How might the actions of the Priest be symbolic of what the Savior does for us when we do wrong unintentionally? What do these verses teach us about the Atonement of Jesus Christ? If we ___________ we can be _____________, through the ________________ What is something you love about your bishop? What could B.I.S.H.O.P. stand for? How many of your former bishops names can you name? Which has been a favorite?

17 Rotate

18 Get to know your partner for :30 seconds

19 Read through and complete the activity; after, spend some time talking about the random questions below. Read Numbers 15:30-31, discuss what happened to those who knowingly sinned and planed on repenting latter. (Presumptously implies willfully and knowingly breaking God’s commandments) What do you think it means that the person “despised the word of the Lord?” What did the Lord say would happen to those who willfully broke His commandments? What may the phrase “his iniquity shall be upon him (person who sinned) mean? Complete the following sentence. If we willfully ________________ and do not ______________, then we must stand _______________ before God.

20 Read through and complete the activity; after, spend some time talking about the random questions below. Read Numbers 15:30-31, discuss what happened to those who knowingly sinned and planed on repenting latter. (Presumptously implies willfully and knowingly breaking God’s commandments) What do you think it means that the person “despised the word of the Lord?” What did the Lord say would happen to those who willfully broke His commandments? What may the phrase “his iniquity shall be upon him (person who sinned) mean? Complete the following sentence. If we willfully ________________ and do not ______________, then we must stand _______________ before God. Would you rather spend the day with Cupid, the Easter Bunny or the Tooth Fairy? If you were to cook a dream dinner for your family, what would you serve? Which family chore do you hate – but don’t mind doing?

21 Rotate

22 Get to know your partner for :30 seconds

23 Music or Media

24 Music or Media Write a list of popular movies/TV shows or songs.
Discuss how Satan could use these to influence you? Discuss what you can do to separate yourselves from these influences.

25 Music or Media Write a list of popular movies/TV shows or songs.
Discuss how Satan could use these to influence you? Discuss what you can do to separate yourselves from these influences. Share your favorite song or movie with your partner. If you could pick, would you rather be a famous singer or actor? What is your favorite primary song or church movie?

26 Rotate

27 Get to know your partner for :30 seconds

28 “Sink” or “Bloom”

29 “Sink” or “Bloom” SINK: Read Numbers 16:28-32.
What happened to those who rebelled against Moses? What has helped you know Thomas S. Monson is a living prophet? BLOOM: In order to further show the children of Israel who was called to lead His people, the Lord told Moses to gather a rod (staff or stick) from each of the 12 tribes. Moses then placed each rod in the tabernacle overnight. Read Numbers 17:5-10 to see what the Lord said would happen to the rod of the person God had chosen. How have you personally experienced a confirming witness that the Lord’s chosen leaders are called by Him?

30 “Sink” or “Bloom” Who is/was your favorite Prophet?
SINK: Read Numbers 16:28-32. What happened to those who rebelled against Moses? What has helped you know Thomas S. Monson is a living prophet? BLOOM: In order to further show the children of Israel who was called to lead His people, the Lord told Moses to gather a rod (staff or stick) from each of the 12 tribes. Moses then placed each rod in the tabernacle overnight. Read Numbers 17:5-10 to see what the Lord said would happen to the rod of the person God had chosen. How have you personally experienced a confirming witness that the Lord’s chosen leaders are called by Him? Who is/was your favorite Prophet? Who is/was your favorite Apostle and why? Why is it important to know our leaders are called by God?

31 Rotate

32 Get to know your partner for :30 seconds

33 SCRIPTURE MASTERY Moses 7:18 Genesis 2:24 Genesis 39:9 Joshua 24:15
Chose a Scripture Mastery from the list below. Take turns saying one word at a time and see how fast you can recite the verse together: Moses 1:39 Moses 7:18 Genesis 2:24 Genesis 39:9 Joshua 24:15 1 Samuel 16:7

34 SCRIPTURE MASTERY Moses 7:18 Genesis 2:24 Genesis 39:9 Joshua 24:15
Chose a Scripture Mastery from the list below. Take turns saying one word at a time and see how fast you can recite the verse together: Moses 1:39 Moses 7:18 Genesis 2:24 Genesis 39:9 Joshua 24:15 1 Samuel 16:7 Would you want your family to have its own reality show? Why or why not? What is your favorite amusement park ride? What movie could you watch over and over?

35 You are finished. Please return ‘home’.

36 Numbers 15-19

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