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Flood Monitoring Tools 2011 OFMA Annual Conference

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Presentation on theme: "Flood Monitoring Tools 2011 OFMA Annual Conference"— Presentation transcript:

1 Flood Monitoring Tools 2011 OFMA Annual Conference
Sam Rendon, Hydrologist USGS Oklahoma Water Science Center

2 Outline Stream Gage Network USGS Website
Statistical Streamflow Publications StreamStats Cooperative Program

3 Stream Gaging Uses Flood Warning and Forecasting
On average, floods kill about 140 people each year and cause $6 billion in property damage in the US. Designing highway bridges, roads & culverts Defining and managing flood plains Allocating water for municipal, industrial, domestic and irrigation uses Used to develop loading estimates in watershed models (i.e. nutrients, metals, other?)

4 Oklahoma Streamgaging network

5 Red River Valley Conference
Streamgages Streamgages measure stream stage (height). Continuous flow is computed by periodic measurements of stage versus flow (a rating curve). USGS operates ~180 stream gages in Oklahoma. ~20 gages continuously measure selected water- quality constituents. Water-quality samples are collected at 40 gages. Red River Valley Conference

6 Streamgage

7 Stage-Discharge Relationships

8 Who Uses Our Data?


10 Water Watch

11 USGS 07229200 Canadian River at Purcell

12 Flood Watch Webpage

13 Statistical Steamflow Publications

14 Determine for Each Gaging Station and Period of Record
Maximum, minimum, and median flow Annual low-flow frequency statistics Flow duration statistics Magnitude and probability of annual instantaneous Peak Flow

15 Trends in Base and Total Flows
Use recent streamflow data to analyze trends throughout Oklahoma Total Flow Base Flow Base Flow Index Zero Flow Days and less than 1 cfs Peak Flow

16 StreamStats Web Application
GIS based web-mapping tool Automatically delineate drainage basins from user-selected points on ungaged streams in Oklahoma. Compute basin characteristics and estimate streamflow statistics for user-selected points on ungaged streams View basin characteristics and streamflow statistics for data-collection stations (gages)

17 Uses of Streamflow Statistics
Floodplain mapping for zoning and insurance rate setting Design of structures such as roads, bridges, culverts, dams, locks, and levees Water resources planning and management Design and permitting of facilities such as wastewater-treatment plants, hydropower plants, and water-supply reservoirs


19 USGS Cooperative Water Program
Working with local, state and tribal governments to address water issues of local and national concern since 1895 on a cost share basis Data collection and focused hydrologic investigations that meet local and regional water information needs Integrate local information to provide regional and national resource assessments

20 Dam Breach Inundation Study
LiDAR 100+ Sq Miles HEC-RAS (Unsteady) Fully Dynamic Flow Routing Bathymetry Data OWRB

21 Dam Breach Inundation Study

22 Summary Stream Gage Network USGS Website
Statistical Streamflow Publications StreamStats Cooperative Program

23 Sam Rendon (405-810-4400)
Thank You Sam Rendon ( )

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