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Please write the prompt and respond in complete sentences.

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1 Please write the prompt and respond in complete sentences.
Warm-Up Explain how warfare can be used as a unification tool in regards to nation building. Please write the prompt and respond in complete sentences.

2 19th Century Nationalism
Case Study: Italy & Germany

3 Unification of Italy Congress of Vienna made Italy into a hodgepodge - a foreigner divided the city states up, not the people This inspired the idea that Italy should be one nation rather than a geographically grouped collection of nation states Sardina-Piedmont was a kingdom (AKA autocracy), but many people were willing to have a monarch since Victor Emmanuel II granted some civil liberties and allowed for a parliament to have power Cavour wanted to use diplomacy (with France) and warfare (against Austria) to unify the Northern Italian territories - Louis Napoleon was wishy-washy b/c of the religious issues, but Cavour wanted to be on France’s good side Garibaldi felt like Cavour was not doing enough in unifying Italy

4 Unification of Italy Cavour was fearful of what would happen in Garibaldi invaded the Papal States, so he sent Sardinian troops in to stop it from happening Cavour & Garibaldi worked together to create a united Italy under the rule of King Victor Emmanuel II Very few individuals had the right to vote, there was a great social and cultural gap, and a great separation btwn industrialized north and agrarian south

5 Otto von Bismarck & German Unification
Bismarck - hero or villain? Wanted to secure power for a united Germany, but under Prussian power Took powers away from the people (AKA parliament) for what he believed was the greater good - MAchiavellian? Used wars with Denmark, Austria, & France to gain territory & support from other German states to unite the people under the idea of the German nation, or empire The Franco-Prussian war showed the European world that the German army was the strongest at the time - remember when we get to WWI 1860s - newly united Germany that now was a major European powerhouse

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