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The Junior Cert has changed…..

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Presentation on theme: "The Junior Cert has changed….."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Junior Cert has changed…..

2 Meet Orla….

3 What does this mean for us?

4 From when you started in 1st year…..
In class assessments (CBAs) State Exams (June of 3rd Year) Other Areas of Learning (OAL) … to when you finish in third year

5 So Far….. 2018’s... Junior Cycle Subjects Assessments 1st Year English
Science Business Irish Modern Foreign Languages Art CBAs AT Final Assessments 2nd Year 3rd Year

6 Classroom- Based Assessment – Subjects and Short Courses
Exam Results Classroom- Based Assessment – Subjects and Short Courses Other Areas of Learning 



9 Well Read Committee Coding Club Team Member e.g. Gaelic, Basketball, Hockey, Hurling etc. Scifest Fundraising e.g. Colours day, Shoe Box Appeal Class Captain Art Exhibition contribution Yellow Flag Debating Team Young Scientist

10 KEY SKILL ACTIVITY Communication
I can present my point of view and I am able to explain and support it. Being Literate I developed my understanding and enjoyment of words and language by participating in World Book Week activities. Being Numerate XX took part in fundraising events (XXX) for Charity and contributed to making the world a better place Being Creative xxxxx has expressed her creativity and talents as part of the Emmanuel choir and has become more confident. Managing Myself xxxxxx took part in supervised study which allowed her manage her learning, reflect on and review her own progress. Staying Well XX developed his self confidence by helping at Open Night. Managing Information and Thinking I have an awareness of social issues/developed an appreciation of social issues. Working with Others XX was Class Captain developing his leadership skills, his ability to problem solve and work with others. XX was a member of the Football, GAA, Basketball sports teams in Skerries Community College developing his team work and tactical skills.

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