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Eviction prevention protocol

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Presentation on theme: "Eviction prevention protocol"— Presentation transcript:

1 Eviction prevention protocol

2 The Protocol The protocol is applied to all vulnerable households who are at risk of eviction through rent arrears. The protocol outlines that the definition of a vulnerable household includes, but is not limited to any family with dependent children.

3 Multi-agency case conference
• A ‘Preventing Eviction Case Meeting’ takes place to review all cases of vulnerable households who are still at risk of eviction despite interventions from NCH . The meeting includes representatives from all relevant agencies including NCH, Housing Aid, Housing Benefit, Children’s Services.

4 Multi-agency case conference
The aim of the meeting is to ensure all possible actions have been taken to prevent homelessness; to discuss the support plan in place and seek to resolve the long term housing need of the tenant.

5 Multi-agency case conference
At the case conference a plan is agreed between all involved agencies to ensure the future housing options of the vulnerable household are in place to avoid homelessness. Any safeguarding issues are also be considered.

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