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Henry Lester June 2009 Engineering Ion Channels for Selective Neuronal Activation and Silencing.

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1 Henry Lester June 2009 Engineering Ion Channels for Selective Neuronal Activation and Silencing

2 Neuronal Engineering with Cys-loop Receptor Channels
Goal: develop a general technique to selectively and reversibly silence or activate specific sets of neurons in vivo. Ideal approach would: Have on- and off- kinetics on a time scale of minutes Have simple activation (ie, via drug injected or in animal’s diet) Avoid nonspecific effects in animal Maintain target neurons healthy in an “off-state” for a few days without morphological/other changes Silence or activate “diffuse” molecularly defined sets of neurons, not just spatially defined groups The chosen channel Cys-loop receptor (like nicotinic receptors) Heteropentamer: α2β3 or α3β2 subunits. This feature allows one to intersect two promoters, to enhance cellular specificity

3 = The “channelohm” is 2% of the human genome,
and many other organisms expand the repertoire Binding region Membrane Cytosolic (incomplete) Colored by subunit (chain) Voltage (actually, ΔE ~107 V/m) External transmitter Internal transmitter Light Temperature Force/ stretch/ movement Blockers Switches Resistor Battery = 1/r = 0.1 – 100 pS Nernst potential for Na+, K+, Cl-, Ca2+, H+ Invertebrate glutamate-gated Cl- channel . At this resolution, resembles nicotinic acetylcholine receptor

4 The drugs: “avermectins”
IVM: Lactone originally isolated from Streptomyces avermitilis AVMs are used as antiparasitics in animals and humans (“River blindness” / Heartgard™) IVM is probably an allosteric activator of GluCl channels Also modulates GABA, 5HT3, P2X, and nicotinic channels, at much higher doses (IVM)

5 IVM-induced silencing in GluCl-expressing cultured rat hippocampal neurons
500 nm IVM 50 nm IVM 5 nm IVM

6 Optimized constructs optGluCla,b = “AVMR-Cl”
Binding site: subunit unmutated; b Tyr182Phe (cation-π site) suppresses endogenous glutamate sensitivity M3-M4 intracellular loop: a YFP; b CFP allows visualization Coding region: codons adapted for mammalian expression ~ 10-fold greater expression A B C D

7 AAV-2 constructs injected into mouse striatum; slice experiments
Single neurons: correlation between IVM-induced conductance & AP silencing Lerchner et al, 2007 (collaboration with D. J. Anderson at Caltech)

8 M3-M4 loop Plans to extend the AVMR system
Transfer AVM sensitivity to mammalian glycine receptor  no immune response Tighter AVM binding  increased AVM sensitivity M2 mutations  increased AVM sensitivity Na+-permeable selective neuronal activation Ca2+-permeable manipulate signal transduction Increased single-channel current  increased AVM sensitivity Optimize ER exit and trafficking → increased surface expression M3-M4 loop

9 Very slow (several hr) AVM reversibility is puzzling
GluCl- heteromer GluCl- homomer No potentiation GluCl- homomer Glutamate sensitive? IVM sensitive? Potentiation of a glutamate response by IVMPO4? GluCl- Yes GluCl- Yes (---) No GluCl- Yes () (Etter et al., JBC 1996)

10 Location of the AVM binding site is unknown
Likely distinct from the glutamate binding site Within the cavity of the TMD? At the ECD-TMD interface? Covalent binding interaction? (where other anesthetics are bind) Cys-loop 89 loop 1mM Glu 1mM IVM McCammon Lab, UCSD Yoav Paas, BIU Radioligand binding experiments with [3H]-IVM on C. elegans membrane preps IVM binding sites exhibit high affinity binding (KD = 0.11 nM) IVM does dissociate from its receptor, with a rate constant of /min (Cully & Paress, 1991)

11 The first AVMR-Na Still too small Still too large (200 nM IVM) ND98
GluCl  WT +  WT Muscle nAChR (10 nM IVM) Still too small Subunits Reversal potential α β ND98 0.5 ND98 Muscle nAChR -6.2 ± 0.2 -24.6 ± 0.3 WT -16.2 ± 0.4 -2.8 ± 0.5 aA13’V -21.7 ± 1.0 -5.3 ± 1.6 A13’V T290V -20.3 ± 0.4 -2.7 ± 0.8 P(-2’)D/A(-1’)E -6.3 ± 1.0 -15.8 ± 1.7 G(-1’)E --5.5 ± 1.1 * -20.5 ± 1.8* -16.6 ± 1.1 -3.3 ± 2.4 GluCl  P(-2’)/A(-1’)E +  WT Still too large (200 nM IVM)

12 Many AVMRs remain in intracellular compartments, but are chaperoned by IVM
(GluClαYFP)GluClβ 24 h incubation (control solution) The intensity ratio, peripheral/whole cell, is 0.86 ± 0.07 in control and 1.51 ± 0.10 in IVM-treated cells (SEM (1 μM IVM) Confocal TIRF

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