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Reason for using/trading drugs

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1 Reason for using/trading drugs
People wake up feeling depressed, defeated, in need of some substance to make them feel good As transportation improved, drugs were on the move Passion for money, associated with drug trading Reason for using/trading drugs We see devastating results to drug use every day, whether it be in real life, in the newspapers, or on the evening news. However, people continue to use drugs instead of running as far as they can from the devastating effects. The reasons people use drugs are: • People often wake up in the morning, feeling depressed, defeated, lacking confidence and motivation, and in need of something of substance in their lives to make them feel good. Drug usage goes as far back as history. There is no culture exemption in searching and finding substances that are effective in altering their mood, feelings, or thought, alleviating their pain and anxiety, producing feelings of relaxation, increasing their strength or work tolerance, thus providing a relief from boredom and giving a temporary distortion of reality. • As transportation improved, people started taking their drugs to other cultures and/or countries. Every drug that has ever been discovered in the history of the world, is still available. Drugs were on the move. Wars have been fought over drugs, as it inspires passion due to the large amount of money associated with their use and trade. Youth Alive Training

2 Impact of drugs Alcohol and other drugs (AOD) are major contributors to: Rising medical costs Transmission of AIDS virus Violence in school and home Child abuse Automobile fatalities Sexually transmitted infections Unemployment Reduced work productivity Antisocial behavior Impact of drugs Alcohol and other drugs (AOD) are major contributors to: Rising medical costs Transmission of AIDS virus Violence in school and home Child abuse Automobile fatalities Sexually transmitted infections Unemployment Reduced work productivity Antisocial behavior, etc. Youth Alive Training

3 Focus of drug prevention
Law enforcement to get drugs off the streets is not successful Efforts to stop drug distribution should be terminated Focus of drug prevention should be on the underlying cause of drug use Focus of drug prevention Law enforcement works hard to get drugs off of the streets and out of the hands of those who manufacture, distribute, and use them. If history is an accurate teacher, stopping drug distribution is not going to be successful. Therefore, efforts to stop drug distribution should be terminated. The focus of the drug prevention program should be on the underlying cause of drug use. Youth Alive Training

4 Promising information in preventing dangerous behaviors
The global society and educators implementing programs to inform the danger of drug usage is not effective! Recent drug research revealed that prevention programs need the values component Students who had a religious affiliation and who embraced spiritual values were much less likely to use drugs Promising information in preventing dangerous behaviors among youth: The global society and educators have responded to these concerns of drug usage, by designing and implementing programs to prevent entry into these potentially dangerous behaviors. Classes are being taught, informing students regarding the danger of drug usage. Nevertheless, students continue to use drugs and engage in sexual intercourse before marriage. These attempts to eliminate the issues apparently are not effective. Recent drug research revealed that drug treatment and prevention programs need the values component. It was shown that students who had a religious affiliation and who embraced spiritual values were much less likely to use drugs. These Christian values are essential in promoting a drug free society. Youth Alive Training

5 Underlying causes of drug use
Hopelessness Depression Worthlessness Feeling of separation Underlying Causes of Drug Use Therefore, we need to treat the underlying cause of drug use such as hopelessness, depression, worthlessness, feelings of separation, etc. Youth Alive Training

6 Coming into the arms of the Lord and promoting Christian values are great places to start!
Youth Alive Training

7 Resiliency Definition:
Resiliency is the capacity to maintain competent functioning in spite of adversity or life stressors Resiliency Behavioral research typically explores what puts young people at risk for their involvement in at-risk behaviors. Recently, the concept of resiliency, a new and powerful paradigm, has inspired hope among researchers including educators. Definition: Resiliency is the capacity to maintain competent functioning in spite of adversity or life stressors Youth Alive Training

8 Behavioral research findings on resiliency
It is developed over time with environmental support Despite hardships, resilient individuals develop coping skills that enable them to succeed in life They have strong commitment to self and/or their God, willing to deal with problems Behavioral research findings on resiliency It appears to develop over time in the context of environmental support. Resilient individuals are those who, despite severe hardships and the presence of at-risk factors, develop characteristics of coping skills that enable them to succeed in life. Researchers explained resilience in terms of hardiness, and suggested that resilient individuals have a strong commitment to self and/or their God, willing to take action and deal with problems. Youth Alive Training

9 It’s about hope. They have a sense that adversity can be overcome
They have a positive attitude, strong sense of purpose & internal focus of control—seeing obstacles as challenges that can be overcome They have strong ability using religious faith to maintain a positive vision of life It’s about hope. They have a sense that adversity can be overcome These individuals focus on factors that account for success Resilient individuals have positive attitudes toward their environment, hold a strong sense of purpose, and develop a strong internal locus of control that enables them to see life’s obstacles as challenges that can be overcome. Resilient youth appear to have strong ability to use their religious faith to maintain a positive vision of a meaningful life. Resiliency seems to be all about hope; it is the sense that adversity can be overcome, that there is life beyond the obstacles of today. Rather than focus on the shortcomings of students such as academic failure, drug use, or other at-risk behaviors, the resilient construct attempts to identify factors that account for success. Youth Alive Training

10 I Individual Attributes
Easygoing temperament or disposition Intellectual capabilities Realistic appraisal of the environment Self-efficacy I Individual Attributes It is known that children who are sexually or physically abused, and raised in homes where the parents are alcoholics, face severe hardship during their developmental years and are at great risk for poor social and/or academic outcomes. However, not all of these young people emerge scathed. Some do well. Resiliency research identifies some factors associated with resilient kids which include the following: Easygoing temperament or disposition Intellectual capabilities, especially verbal and communication skills Realistic appraisal of the environment Self-efficacy (confidence that one’s internal and external worlds are predictable, controllable, and hopeful) Youth Alive Training

11 Sense of direction or mission
Social skills Sense of direction or mission Capacity to understand and respond to other’s feelings Humor Adaptive distancing Social skills Sense of direction or mission, such as evidence of a special talent, passion, faith, or strong interest Capacity to understand and respond to other’s feelings Humor Adaptive distancing, such as the ability to think and act separately from troubled caretakers Youth Alive Training

12 II Family protective factors
Consistent, warm, positive relationship with caring adult Positive family environment and bonding High but realistic parental expectations II Family protective factors Consistent, warm, positive relationship with caring adult Positive family environment and bonding High but realistic parental expectations Youth Alive Training

13 Family responsibilities and household tasks
Positive parental modeling of resilience and coping skills Extended support networks, including family and friends Family responsibilities and household tasks Positive parental modeling of resilience and coping skills Extended support networks, including family and friends Youth Alive Training

14 III School Protective Factors:
Opportunities for involvement in school decision making High but realistic expectations for students’ performance Caring, supportive school atmosphere III School Protective Factors: Opportunities for involvement in school decision making High but realistic expectations for students’ performance Caring, supportive school atmosphere Youth Alive Training

15 IV Community protective factors:
Positive community norms Opportunity for involvement in community resources for children and families IV Community protective factors: Positive community norms (such as sense of caring, commitment, mutual protection, non-drug use), and opportunity for involvement in Community resources for children and families (such as child care, nutrition, health programs, and drug-free recreational resources) Youth Alive Training

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