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Positive Psychology: Finding Happiness and Well-Being

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Presentation on theme: "Positive Psychology: Finding Happiness and Well-Being"— Presentation transcript:

1 Positive Psychology: Finding Happiness and Well-Being

2 Forgiveness Identify the OBJECT of forgiveness? Ready (timing?)
Willing (motivation?) Able (stuck?) What’s the next action?

3 The Free Three…

4 Finding Meaning

5 We all have asked meaning-related questions
We all have asked meaning-related questions. We have answered three imporrtant questions – Who are you? What really matters? How do I live the good life. These are the foundation steps for meaningful living. However, sooner or later, you will have to ask the unpleasant question: Is life worth living?

6 The Meaningful Life Life is about something more than just you…
Meaningful life= Using your CHARACTER STRENGTHS in the service of others. Religion, spiritual reading/practices of course. But also philanthropy, volunteerism, helping a neighbor, helping others.

7 Viktor Frankl’s Answer

8 A Sense of AWE…


10 Some Additional Tools It works if you work it….

11 Increase Positive Emotion
The Gratitude Visit—Proven to raise SWB… Imagine someone who has been exceedingly helpful or supportive in your life. Your task is to write a letter of gratitude to this individual and deliver it in person. The letter should be concrete and about three hundred words.

12 Recognize and Challenge Unhelpful Thinking Styles
All or nothing thinking—Black & White thinking. Done right or not at all Mental Filter—Only paying attention to certain evidence. “noticing failures but not success”. Jumping to conclusions—Mind reading; Fortune Telling (predict future) Emotional Reasoning—we feel a certain way therefore what we think must be true; “I’m embarrassed so I must be an idiot”. Labeling—Assigning labels to ourselves or others. Over-generalizing—Single event become broad rule; claim a pattern Disqualifying the positive Catastrophizing—”worst case scenario” “Shoulds” and “musts” Personalization—”It’s specific to me”…

13 Delayed Gratification
Marshmallow Test---Mischell and Stanford University Can you put off what you want today for what you may get tomorrow… Techniques and tools/thoughts

14 Integrated Approach The Meaningful Life Spiritual Practice and Reading
Attitude and Outlook on Life: Clinically stabilization & Specialized support (FAVOR, 12-step, Celebrate Recovery, Mental Health, CBT, Psychoanalytic, Jungian, Gestalt) Positive Psychology Coaching: Learned Optimism, (Personal, Permanent, Pervasive) The Meaningful Life Spiritual Practice and Reading Meditation Prayer Altruism; volunteerism; giving back Engagement: Positive Psychology coaching: Character Strengths Positive Psychology coaching: FLOW state Personality assessment: Vocation and avocation Relationships; family; friends; co-workers; support system The Pleasurable Life: Coaching: Positive Emotions: Broaden and Build Coaching: Fun vs. exciting activities Coaching: Pleasant and engaging activities (FLOW) Absence of Pain-Physical and Mental Health

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