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Written by Gary Martin Illustrated by Phillip Martin

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Presentation on theme: "Written by Gary Martin Illustrated by Phillip Martin"— Presentation transcript:

1 Written by Gary Martin Illustrated by Phillip Martin

2 The simple subject is what the sentence is about.
It does not include articles or modifying words.

3 The simple predicate tells us what the subject is doing or what or who it is.
It can be an action or being verb. An action verb tells what the subject is doing. A being verb tells us who or what the subject is.

4 The cat meowed at the tarantula.
Cat is the subject and meowed is the predicate. The tarantula chased the cat. Tarantula is the subject and chased is the predicate.

5 Can you find the simple subject and simple predicate in the following sentences?

6 Granny giggled as the gangly gorilla growled
Granny giggled as the gangly gorilla growled. Then, she glared until he was gone.

7 Granny giggled as the gangly gorilla growled
Granny giggled as the gangly gorilla growled. Then, she glared until he was gone. Grandma is the subject and giggled is the predicate. In the next sentence, the pronoun she is the subject and the verb glared is the predicate.

8 The harmless hummingbird happily hovered over the hippo’s head.

9 The harmless hummingbird happily hovered over the hippo’s head.
Hummingbird is the subject and hovered is the predicate.

10 Unhappily, Hank hit his hand with the hammer.
He hollered something horrible.

11 Unhappily, Hank hit his hand with the hammer.
He hollered something horrible. The subject is Hank and hollered is the predicate. In the next sentence, the subject is he and the predicate is hollered.

12 No lyin’! The lion lingered lazily on the lawn.
Nobody loitered! The lion laughed at us.

13 No lyin’! The lion lingered lazily on the lawn.
Nobody loitered! The lion laughed at us. Lion is the subject and lingered is the predicate. Afterwards, nobody and lion are both subjects. The next predicates are loitered and laughed.

14 Some students squeezed into the back of the bus. Others squirmed.
A few squeaked!

15 Some students squeezed into the back of the bus. Others squirmed.
A few squeaked! Students, others and few are subjects. If it begins with “squ”, it is a predicate.

16 Some students squeezed into the back of the bus. Others squirmed.
A few squeaked! The End

17 For more Presentations check out these links on phillipmartin
For more Presentations check out these links on and To find art for your own Presentations, check out Phillip Martin Clip Art.

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