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College Application Process

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1 College Application Process
O’Dea Counseling Department 9/18/2018

2 Naviance Student A link to Naviance Student is found on the top of the O’Dea website page The student’s User name is their O’Dea and they use their O’Dea password Naviance is a college search tool where students can research colleges, look at admissions data, find scholarships, and build their college list. In order for any supporting documents to be sent to a college, the college must be added to the student’s college list in Naviance. Parents have access to their own Naviance account as well. your student’s counselor if you are interested in opening your parent account.

3 College Visits The list of colleges visiting O’Dea can be found on Naviance Student- Colleges Tab The list is also in Daily Announcements, on the Monitors, on the O’Dea website’s College Counseling page, and in the Family Bulletin Sign up for college visits in Naviance Student by the end of the day before the visit Teacher Permission form (found in Room 401, Mr. G’s room and Mr. O’s room), must be signed by the end of the day before the visit and is brought by the student to the college visit. Students are encouraged to attend. The college representative who comes here is often the person who reads their application when they apply.

4 College List Student’s must fill out an Application Plan and bring it to their college counseling meeting. The Colleges I’m Applying To list on Naviance is created by giving the Application Plan to your counselor. If a student wants their transcripts or other supporting documents sent to any colleges, they must be added to their Naviance list. Teacher and Counselor letters won’t be started until there is a list of colleges. Privacy Statement: Students must check “I waive my rights to access letters of recommendation” and check “I authorize secondary schools to release requested records”. You must waive your rights for us to release transcripts and letters.

5 Common Application Set up an account on the Common Application website: As students complete the Common Application, they will see the FERPA waiver section. Once they complete this and waive their rights, students can log into their Colleges I’m Applying to section on Naviance and enter their O’Dea in order to match their accounts. If you are applying using the Common Application, you must enter those colleges in both your Common Application and on Naviance. Students must let their counselor know if they add any schools to their Colleges I’m Applying to List, otherwise we won’t know to send the transcripts and supporting documents.

6 Coalition Application
The Coalition Application was created by several highly selective colleges and universities to increase student access to higher education Some schools are also members of the Common Application or have their own separate applications Students may ONLY use the Coalition Application for colleges that have that as their only application The UW and UW Bothell only use the Coalition Application

7 SAT/ACT Scores SAT: October 6th, November 3rd, December 1st
SAT/ACT Scores SAT: October 6th, November 3rd, December 1st ACT: October 27th & December 8th Most colleges require official score reports from College Board or ACT Students sign into their College Board or ACT account Students must send scores directly to each college Counselors cannot send scores to colleges Test scores are not listed on a student’s O’Dea transcript

8 Road to College Admissions Part II
Please read it and share it with other parents  Academics Tab College Counseling It covers all application procedures at O’Dea

9 Teacher & COUNSELOR Recommendations
Students should have already completed a Teacher Recommendation Request Form listing one teacher (only highly selective schools require more than one teacher letter) Students must complete a Teacher Questionnaire in Naviance for the teacher Student must complete the College Questionnaire on Naviance before the counselor recommendation can be written

10 Please contact the counseling department
Questions???? Please contact the counseling department

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