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How to write a complete sentence.

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Presentation on theme: "How to write a complete sentence."— Presentation transcript:

1 How to write a complete sentence.

2 What do I have to have in a sentence?
It has to be a complete thought. You need a subject and a predicate. That’s three things: a complete thought a subject a predicate.

3 What is a predicate? It’s what the subject is doing.
And it’s a verb.  Remember verbs don’t just show action but they do always give your subject something to do.

4 Wait, what’s a subject? It’s the noun the sentence is about.
Wiz lost his phone in the toilet. A proper noun can be a simple subject.

5 So where is the predicate?
Remember it’s what your subject, Wiz, is doing. Wiz lost his phone in the toilet.

6 Beware the linking verb
Is Are Was Can Will Look at page 582 for a complete list. They are verbs and they are predicates! Wiz and Iggy are pretty smooth.

7 The weird girl in the hallway
If a sentence doesn’t have: a subject a predicate and a complete thought it’s a fragment. The weird girl isn’t doing anything so she has no predicate and that sentence is a fragment.

8 Subject? Predicate? Complete Thought?
My mother called me yesterday. Your mother. Mothers are the reason you are here. My mom can. Who’s your mamma? When I was young me and my mama had beef.

9 That was easy! That was review! End week 1

10 WEDNESDAY Bring in 1 refrain from your favorite song

11 I look into the window of my mind Reflections of the fears I know I've left behind I step out of the ordinary I can feel my soul ascending I am on my way Can't stop me now And you can do the same What have you done today to make you feel proud? It's never too late to try What have you done today to make you feel proud? You could be so many people If you make that break for freedom What have you done today to make you feel proud? Still so many answers I don't know Realise that to question is how we grow So I step out of the ordinary I can feel my soul ascending I am on my way Can't stop me now And you can do the same We need a change Do it today I can feel my spirit rising We need a change So do it today 'Cause I can see a clear horizon What have you done today to make you feel proud? So what have you done today to make you feel proud? 'Cause you could be so many people If you make that break for freedom So what have you done today to make you feel proud? What have you done today to make you feel proud? What have you done today You could be so many people? Just make that break for freedom So what have you done today to make you feel proud? I look into the window of my mind Reflections of the fears I know I've left behind I step out of the ordinary I can feel my soul ascending I am on my way Can't stop me now And you can do the same

12 Complete subjects Ask- whom or what is the sentence about?
Includes all the words used to identify the subject. Simple subject is Iggy Azaela complete is a young Izzy Azaela A young Iggy Azaela looked differently than she does now.

13 Try it Ask- whom or what is the sentence about? Complete subject!
The future rapper used to look just like you. The future rapper Complete subject!

14 Here’s another Ask- whom or what is the sentence about?
The 2014 Emmy award for innovation went to Daft Punk. The 2014 Emmy award for innovation

15 Complete predicate Find the subject-ask- What is the subject doing?
Includes all the words that tell what the subject is doing OR tell something about the subject. Find the subject-ask- What is being said about the subject?

16 Try it Find the subject-ask- What is the subject doing?
A young Iggy Azaela looked differently than she does now. Find the subject-ask- What is being said about the subject?

17 Find the subject-ask- What is the subject doing?
The 2014 Emmy award for innovation went to Daft Punk. Find the subject-ask- What is being said about the subject?

18 One last reminder Complete sentences are punctuated and capitalized properly. i saw Miley and Wiz running towards the exit

19 Simple sentences Have simple subjects and simple predicates

20 Complex sentences Give more detail about your subject and/or predicate.

21 Strong writers Use simple and complex sentences

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