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The History of Concert Band

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1 The History of Concert Band
Grade 5 Band Class Ms. Platano

2 What is a Concert Band? What instruments are played in a concert band?
When did the concert band start? What kind of music does concert band play? 11/21/2018

3 The Piccolo! The Smallest instrument in the Concert band is the piccolo. The piccolo is just like a flute but smaller and voiced higher. This instrument is called a small flute. This instrument has been around for two hundred years. The piccolo can be made from either metal or wood. In the Concert band, the piccolos are usually in the front of the band and played by a flute player because flutes and piccolos have the same fingering but piccolos have a higher sound. 11/21/2018

4 The Flute! The sister of the piccolo instrument is the Flute.
The flute family is one of the oldest instrument family in the woodwind section (Inventors 1). The flute was developed by the Jean Hotteterre family who was employed by the French Royal Court as performers and instrument makers (History of the (Flute) World Part II 1). 11/21/2018

5 The Clarinet! In the Concert band, the clarinets are put behind the flutes so the sound will be balanced between a high sound and a medium high sound. The Clarinet is the one of the woodwind instruments that have a wooden reed on the mouth place. “Chalumeau” is what the clarinet used to be called by the inventor Johann Christopher Denner and his son (The Clarinet Family 1). The Clarinet was invented in the 1600’s (The Clarinet Family 1). The Clarinet pitch is medium high. 11/21/2018

6 The Saxophone! The King of Jazz is known as the Saxophone.
The Saxophone is another woodwind instrument that uses a wooden reed on the mouth piece. The Saxophone was invented in 1838 by a Belgian-born instrument maker named Adolphe Sax (History of Instrument 1). The Saxophone is used in Concert band because of its low voice pitch. In order for the Saxophone to have a good blend in the Concert band, the player must have good breath support, good condition of the instrument, and good sound concept (History of Instrument 1). In the Concert band, the Saxophone is played near the Clarinets so it would blend well with a medium high pitch sound. 11/21/2018

7 The Trumpet! The trumpet is known as the soprano brass instrument in the brass family (History of the trumpet 1). The trumpet is the only high sounding brass instrument. The trumpet has three valves (History of the trumpet 1). The two most common type of trumpets are the B flat trumpet and the C trumpet (History of the trumpet 1). Another type of trumpet is called a Cornet. A Cornet is a Soprano brass instrument with a sound that is very similar to the regular trumpet but the only difference is the cornet has a more conical bore (History of the Trumpet 2). The Trumpets are put behind the woodwinds in Concert band. 11/21/2018

8 The Trombone! The Trombone became world wide in the 18th century where it was first called a “Sackbut” (Wikipedia 2). The Trombones, like all of the brass family, has a mouth piece that the player must buzz their lips in order to make a sound. The Trombone uses three valves, just like the trumpet (Wikipedia 1). The Trombone is behind the trumpets in the concert band because of its low voiced sound. 11/21/2018

9 The Tuba!!! The tuba is the biggest and lowest instrument in the brass family. The first tuba was made in Germany by a man named Richard Wagner (History of Instrument 1). The tuba was first played in the Prussian Army band because of it’s big and bold sound. (History of Instrument 1). After hearing the tuba in the Prussian Army, many other band directors wanted tuba’s in their band (History of Instrument 1). Tuba’s are behind all of the instruments in the Concert band. 11/21/2018

10 The Percussion Family The Percussion section consists of a snare drum, kettle drum (Timpani), bass drum, side drum, tubular bells, xylophone, cymbals, glockenspiel, gong, tambourine, Chinese gong, triangle, castanets, celesta, vibraphone, tam-tam, woodblock, and bells (Thinkquest 1). The Percussion section is at the back of the concert band (Thinkquest 1). 11/21/2018

11 How did Concert band start?
The first concert band started in the 18th century when military ensembles were doing double duty work as entertainment at the royal courts (Wikipedia 1). These kind of bands were called Harmonie bands (Wikipedia 1). The Harmonie bands consisted of two Clarinets, two Oboes, two Horns, and two Bassoons. 11/21/2018

12 How did Concert band start?
Other Military bands were consisted of large ensembles of winds and percussion (Wikipedia 1). British band masters and college band directors believed that a wind band should be in a Concert orchestra (Wikipedia 1). This idea lead to the College Band Directors’ National Association (Wikipedia 1). 11/21/2018

13 The formation of the Concert band
Concert bands are now through out the world used in high schools, junior high schools, and elementary schools (Wikipedia 5). High school concert bands mostly resembles a community band because of its musical ability and musical pieces (Wikipedia 5). 11/21/2018

14 Concert Band Music The type of music that a elementary concert band plays is the music that is not difficult to learn, mostly D class music. Also music that can keep an easy beat. Not something too difficult. Music that a junior high concert band plays is music that is harder than elementary music but nothing more difficult than high school music. The music should be between class D to class C. Music that a high school band plays can be as hard as college music but not as hard as junior high music. The music ranges from class C to class AA. 11/21/2018

15 Concert band competition
The Concert band has competition that is headed by OMEA (Ohio Music Educators Association) where the students are judged on how they play their music. Music that is allowed to be played at OMEA ranges from class D to class AA. The judges scores go from 4 being the lowest and 1 being the highest. 11/21/2018

16 The End! 11/21/2018

17 References The Clarinet family by Erin Bray. Inventors. History of the Trumpet (According to the new world Dictionary of music). Percussion, history of instrument. Tuba, history of instrument. Saxophone, history of instrument. History of the (Flute) World, Part II. Trombone. Concert Band. Pictures: 11/21/2018

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