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The end of the Cold War.

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1 The end of the Cold War

2 1961 1970 1950 1991 Korean War North vs South North invades South UN/US send troops to help China sends troops Stalemate, armistice signed

3 1961 1970 1950 1991 1961 Cuba Bay of Pigs: failed US invasion US Blockade Cuban Missile Crisis: USSR puts missiles in Cuba USSR/US Negotiate, missiles removed

4 1961 1970 1950 1991 Vietnam War N. Vietnam reunify under Communism US helps South Violent fighting, no progress US citizens stop supporting US withdraws from war

5 1961 1970 1950 1991 Mikhail Gorbachev Takes over Soviet Union (1985) Introduce Glasnot, (openness) to West Soviet Bloc begins to break off, Gorbachev does not stop them

6 1961 1970 1950 1991 End of Soviet Union Berlin Wall torn down Gorbachev Union Treaty: freedom for country but stay together Gorbachev loses powers 1991: Final independence movements complete, USSR dissolves

7 Did the US win the Cold War?
Reasons why America won USSR dissolves Presidents Reagan/Bush military spending hurt USSR economically Reasons why no one won No real fighting US spent trillions of dollars for defense Thousands of Americans died

8 Questions Which of the events was the most important to the outcome of the Cold War? Why? Did the US win the Cold War? Why do you think that?

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