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Abolition and Slavery.

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Presentation on theme: "Abolition and Slavery."— Presentation transcript:

1 Abolition and Slavery

2 Connecting revivalism and religion to
Abolition -Glue ½ sheet to L Side -Answer questions 1-5 as we watch the clip. (2:50-8:30)

3 Not all abolitionists are the same…
William Lloyd Garrison White, radical, religious reformer Editor of The Liberator Wanted immediate emancipation of slaves, without compensation to owners

4 David Walker Free black in the North
Told slaves to FIGHT for their freedom (stop waiting around)‏ Controversial, friend of Garrison

5 Frederick Douglass Born into slavery (MD) in 1817
Taught to read and write (rare)‏ Escaped to New York from Baltimore Became public speaker Editor, The North Star Argued for gradual emancipation with payment

6 Quotation Interpretation:
“This Fourth of July is yours, not mine. You may rejoice, I mourn…above your national, tumultuous joy, I hear the mournful wail of millions!” Who/what type of person do you think wrote this? Why? What is this person saying?

7 Experiences of African-Americans
Varied widely depending on where they lived Increase in cohesiveness of slaves (common language and plantation-living) by 1820s RURAL slaves Lived in groups of 10 or more Plantations, worked dawn → dusk little freedom, poverty *Where would be the worst place to live (if you were a slave)?*

8 Plantation Burial, 1860 by John Antrobus (an English Immigrant)


10 Experiences of African-Americans
URBAN Skilled laborers Less supervised Better living conditions and overall treatment (ex. Frederick Douglass prior to escape)‏ FREE BLACKS faced job discrimination in the North held the worst-paying and least-skilled jobs

11 The Free Black Population
11% of the African-American population was free. More than half of that group lived in the North (many were refugees from the South). Even in the North, most whites regarded all African Americans as social inferiors. Only a small number owned land. -Forbidden to vote, attend public schools. sit next to whites in church, or testify against whites in court in most northern states. -Federal law prohibited free African Americans from working for the Postal Service or holding U.S. Passports. -Many successful free African Americans were part of AME Congregations (headed by Richard Allen).


13 On L, respond to the following questions:
How do parents react when their teenagers rebel? What are their choices?/How do they usually react? Why?

14 Forms of Slave Resistance
-limited the power of white masters -slowed the pace of work by feigning illness, losing or breaking tools -attacking masters and overseers -escape: North → Canada, from deep South → Florida -demanding a greater share of their labor → underground economy

15 Slave Rebellions Denmark Vessy
Charleston (free black population of 1500), active in AME Church 1822- Authorities accuse freed black, Denmark Vesey of organizing rebellion to free city slaves May or may not have been true SC officials hanged Vesey and 34 alleged conspirators Tore down AME Church

16 Nat Turner’s Rebellion
1831- Nat Turner: Enslaved Preacher Led More than 80 slaves in bloody rebellion in Southampton, Virginia Whites were outraged Led to increase in control of African Americans (slave and free)

17 What white readers saw in the paper…

18 New Restrictions No public speaking w/o white supervision
No reading/writing No working independently “slave codes”

19 Arguments in support of slavery
Blacks benefited Blacks were happier as slaves in the South than in the factories of the Industrialized North Stereotype: happy, thoughtless slave


21 What did Congress do? Not a whole lot…
Abolitionists flooded Congress with petitions to end slavery Congress Created Gag rule (limited debate on issues, i.e. slavery)‏

22 Words to know: antebellum- emancipation-

23 Abolition Review: ____L
__1.Abolition A. Slave preacher __2.Antebellum B. The Liberator __3.D. Walker C. Before the Civil War __4.Emancipation D. Nation in Africa __5.F. Douglass E. mvmt. to end slavery __6.Gag rule F. Limited debate __7.Liberia G. Freeing of slaves __8.N. Turner H. told slaves to fight __9.W.L.Garrison I. escaped slave→ abol.

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